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1、1Unit Nine (单元计划 ) Teaching material (教学内容 ): Section I text A Section II text B and grammar Section III writing and exercises Time allotment (时间分配) : Twelve periods in all 1. Part One (第一部分): text A Christmas at Grandmas2. Part Two(第二部分) 1) text B New Year s Day in American 2)Grammar The Present pe

2、rfect Tense The past perfect Tense 3. Part three (第三部分) 1) Writing: Greetings on a card 2) exercises 2Part One of Unit Nine (教案一)Teaching material (教学内容)Section one of Text A Christmas at Grandma s The type of the classes : New material: (课型 : 新课 ) Teaching Procedure ( 教学步骤 ) Step1 W arm-up Discussi

3、on 1. Ask students in groups to talk about the following western and Chinese Festivals. Materials are given for preparation. When preparing, have these Qs in mind. a) What is the festival? b) When is it celebrated? c) How is it celebrated? d) What do you usually do on that day? 2. Learn four songs o

4、f Christmas Step 2. New W ords and Expressions 1. electricity n. 电e.g. Can you imagine our life without electricity? The demand for electricity has been increasing rapidly In recently years. electric adj. 电的,导电的,电动的(被修饰的物体本身可带电)e.g. electric fan electric generator 发电机electric shock 触电electrical adj

5、电的,有关点电的 (被修饰的物体本身不带电)e.g. electrical engineer 电力工程师2. intend vt. 想要,打算intend to do sth. 打算做某事plan to do sth.be intended for 打算给 3e.g. What do you intend to do today? 你打算今天做什么?I intend to go and nothing you do can prevent me! 我一心要去,你怎么都阻止不了我。These flowers are intended for you. 这些花是打算给你的。intention n.

6、 打算,意图,目的e.g. It is not my intention to hurt you. She no intention of marring yet. synonym: plan/mean/propose 3. remove v. 移动,去掉,移居eg. Please remove the books from my desk. He was removed from the company . removable adj. 可移动的,可去掉的e.g. The desks and chairs in the classroom are removable. 4.decoratio

7、n n. 装饰,装饰品e.g. The Christmas tree is covered decoration. decorate vt. 装饰,布置e.g. The street was decorated with flags. The hotel is beautifully decorated. decorative adj. 装饰的,装饰用的8.pack v. 把(某物)打包,把 装进包e.g. The students were busy packing for the home trip. I forgot to pack the towel. pack up 整理,打包;收工

8、e.g.Do you need me to help you pack up? 你需要我帮你整理行装吗 ? It was time to pack up. 收工的时间到了。plete vt. 完成, adj. 完整的,完全的E.g. The experiment is a complete success. 4Please use complete sentences to answer the question. The bridge is not completed yet. Please complete your task in time. completion n. 完成omplet

9、ely adv. 完全地10. bored adj. 无聊的,无趣的E.g. I am bored by the lecture. 讲座使我感到很无趣。The girl was hurt by the bored expression on my face. 我脸上厌烦的表情让那女孩受伤了。boring adj. 令人厌烦的e.g. The book is very boring. Boredom n. 无聊,厌烦e.g. Boredom was written on his face. We listened to the repeated story in boredom. 11. sur

10、ely adv. 必定地,无疑地e.g. If you start the quarrel, surely it is your fault. The girl surly didn t know what to say . Sure adj. 确信的,肯定的E.g I am sure of her success. We are sure to arrive on time. 12. otherwise adv. 否则,要不然e.g. It is a perfect day for a picnic You have done a perfect job. Perfectly adv. 很,

11、完全,完美地e.g. She speaks English perfectly. Your answer is perfectly right. 13. actually adv. 实际上,事实上e.g. Actually he didn t leave the city. Actually she didn t tell the whole truth. 5synonym: as a matter of fact/ in fact actual adj. 现实的,实际的e.g. The actual result is less satisfying than we hoped. The I

12、nternet enables people to live in a world different from the actual one. actuality n 实在,真实,现状14. final adj. 最后的,最终的e.g Z is the final letter in the alphabet. We are to have the fial exam next week. Finally adv. 最后,终于e.g. He finally found a job in a small factory. 15. flaming adj. 有火焰的,燃烧的;热烈的e.g fla

13、ming autumn leaves 火红的秋叶;flaming passions 炽热的感情flame n. 火焰,热情vt. 燃烧;热烈e.g. The house was in flames. Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment. 她尴尬万分,脸颊红16. out of town 城外,郊区e.g. She is out of town this week. I t is not convenient to live out of town, especially for those whose office is downtown. 17. alo

14、ng with 连同(某物或某人)一起e.g. May I go along with you? She took everything in the room along with her. 她拿走了房间所有的东西。18. walk up to 走上前去e.g. She built up courage and walked up to the manager. 6A boy walked up to Mary and asked her to dance. 19. on earth 究竟,到底e.g. What on earth are you doing? Y ou have staye

15、d in your room For two days. No force on earth can hold back the progress of society . 20. do with 处置e.g. What will you do with these books? Throw them away . The best way to do with rumor is turn a deaf ear to it. 21. Dear me 我的天哪! (用以表示惊奇 . 害怕及其他强烈感情的惊叹词)e.g. Dear me! She has a bad boy . Dear me !

16、 It is so late. 22. keep from . 阻止发生,不让 发生e.g. Children should be kept from playing in the street. The country should try to keep the program from growing too fast. Step3. Background Information Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Traditionally, it is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general. It is a holiday celebrated primarily in Canada and the United States. The most accepted origin is like this: In Sep.1620, some pilgri


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