外研版英语九上《module 8 photos》ppt课件

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1、MODULE 8 PhotosPujiang Shiyan Middle School Shao Xiangyang教学内容、目标与要求题材内容本模块的中心话题是照片,对话内容是关 于Tony为了参加比赛在学校舞会上赶拍照片的 经过;阅读课文以公布上一年摄影比赛的结果 为依托,介绍了各种不同题材的照片。课文从 听说读写都围绕着“谈论照片”而展开,很好地 融合了以which和who引导的定语从句的学习与 运用。学情分析1. 本模块的活动内容对学生来说是较为熟悉和生活 化的,许多学生家里有照相机而且自己动手拍过照 片;一些同学拍的照片还参加过学校举行的摄影比 赛,因此学生对此内容的学习将不会太陌生

2、。2. 由于上一模块已学习了that引导的定语从句,本 模块中要引入which和who引导的从句,只要注意 先行词的不同,即可有水到渠成之功。3. 利用丰富多彩的照片展示,给学生以美的享受, 从而使学生的多种感官交替使用,达到学习和训练 英语基础知识和基本技能的目的。教学目标一、语言知识目标二、语言技能目标三、学习策略四、文化意识五、情感态度六、任务一、语言知识目标1. 功能:能够用本模块的表达形式谈论人或物。2. 语法:能够熟练判断定语从句所用的引导词which 和who,能够运用此类定语从句。3. 词汇:能够正确使用下列单词和词组:on the left/right, trouble, e

3、xpect, pick up, kid, even though, size, beauty, category, movement, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, frightened能够理解下列单词: shot, historic, feature 4. 语音:在句子中掌握词的重读。二、语言技能目标听:能够听懂含有照片为话题的对话以及对照片 的描述。说:能谈论自己喜爱的照片 。读:能根据相关信息预测文章所描述的是怎样的 照片。写:能利用本模块介绍的定语从句造句和描写事 情或人物。演示与表达:发

4、表自己对照片以及照片内容的看 法和喜好。 三、学习策略1.自学策略:学会用英文与别人交流 对照片以及其它事物的看法。2.合作学习策略:积极参与讨论,倾 听他人看法,发表个人观点。四、文化意识结合照片内容向学生介绍各种各类 照片所承载的文化内涵,使学生了解 文化是渗透在生活中的。五、情感态度学会欣赏照片:欣赏美的照片以培 养审美情趣;也欣赏真而缺乏美的照 片因为它们反映生活的真实面貌。通 过这样的欣赏使学生走出“象牙塔” 去感悟生活。六、任务挑选自己最喜爱的照片,并附英 文说明,在小组中举行一次照片展览 。向组内成员描述所选的照片,叙述 喜欢它的原因。最后在班级中张贴。课时安排Period 1:

5、 Unit 1 Period 2; Unit 2Period 3: Unit 3 (Grammar, Listening no matter if; though 3. becausee.g. 1) Even though he felt very tired he did not lose his spirit.2) He will never be dishonest even though he is reduced to poverty.Vocabulary reviewFind words in the passage which mean the opposite of the w

6、ords in the box.Now correct the sentences. 1 The park is far away from Li Weis home. 2 The photos of the collection the “Many Faces of OUr City” is usual. 3 The winners of the “Most Unusual” category are from different classes. 4 Its unlucky that John William will present the prizes.close modern poo

7、r same unlucky usual close to unusual.the same school lucky1.Compared with other years, we received many more photos. 2.The person who won the prize for the “Most Beautiful Nature” photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.3.The photo which we liked best in the “Historic China” group was taken by Zhao

8、MIn.4.He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band, and the fun which their fans are having.5. A collection of photos called the “Many Faces of Our City” which features Beijing won the prize for the “Most Unusual” category.Do you know these sentences?DiscussionTalk abo

9、ut your favourite photograph in this unit. Include the following: What it shows. Where it was taken. The main colours of the photograph. Details about the people and things. Why you like it.5. Homework 1) Review the text;2) Write a short passage about your favourite photograph. (More than 80 words.)

10、3)Remember to bring your photo to school tomorrow.重、难点及突破:重点: 理解课文并掌握文中由which和 who引导的定语从句。我们用了整体阅读 的方式,“自上而下”,由简而难,达到重 点的把握。难点:课文中难句和长句的理解;文 后的写作练习。对难、长句我们进行着重 地分析;写作练习则按照课文示例先进行 口头介绍,分清步骤,消除学生对作文的 畏难心理。Unit 3 Language in use Period ThreeUnit 3 教学设计(综合训练,语法强化)Unit3的宗旨在于通过综合训练,掌握并 运用新语法,培养学生听、说、读、写的技

11、 能。在教学中,应充分利用本单元以及 Workbook中的练习,进行挑选并合理组合 成两堂复习巩固课,使学生在这两堂课中能 :1)巩固本模块的词汇;2)巩固本模块的 语法;3)提高各项技能。 这一课时以训练听说能力和总结巩固语法 为主,辅以少量阅读,最后在说的基础上发 展写的练习。1. 说:先以检查作业导入,让学生拿出自己最喜爱的 照片,然后完成Module task: Making a photo show中的Activities 11&12. 在Activity 11中学生谈 论的是自己的照片,而且说前有了准备,应该能 顺利完成;因此在Activity 12中应让学生讲述别人 的照片和其中

12、的故事,进一步训练学生即席表达 的能力。2. 听:做Workbook Ex.7.3. 语法总结和巩固练习。从简单到复杂, 这时候要处理教学内容编排。 1)Workbook, Ex4: Complete the passage with which or who. 2)Unit 3, Activity4: Join the sentences with who or which. 3)Unit 3, Activity3: Match the parts of the sentences.4. 阅读:Around the worldLook at the photo and read the pa

13、ssage. Then answer the following questions:1) Who took this photo? 2) What do you think of it?5.写的训练: 1)呈现照片,2)就所问问题 先作口头回答, 然后写在作业本 上。两人一组就照片像示 例一样提问,然后写 下答案. Which photo? Which girl? Which photo is better? Workbook Ex.4 Complete the passage with which or who. I have a friend (1)_wants to be a phot

14、ographer and always has his camera with him. The camera belonged to his father. He gave it to his sonn shenhe bought another vamera (2)_was even more expensive. My father takes pictures (3)_ Everyone thinks should be in magazines- they are so good. He has a photo of me and my family (4)_I really wan

15、t but he refuses to give it to me.Activity 4 Join the sentences with who or which. 1 My aunt bought a car. The car was destroyed by her husband. My aunt bought a car_. 2 Here is the girl. The girl wants to see you. Here is the girl_. 3 I am the only student. I can run faster than Peter. I am the only student _. 4 Yesterday we bought a book. The book is really hard to understand. Yesterday we bought a book_. 5 Is this the play? We will see the play next month. Is this the play_.Activity 3 Match the parts of the sentences . 1Beijing is the city2 The photographer


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