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1、Lecture 2 The ParagraphOutline 1. 1. 关于段落关于段落 2. 2. 段落的三成分段落的三成分 3. 3. 段落的三要素段落的三要素 4.4.段落的拓展方法段落的拓展方法 5. 5. 练习练习关于段落 段落就是用一系列在逻辑和结构上有联 系的句子来表述一个中心思想。段落的实 质性问题就是必须把中心思想表述清楚, 段落的长短取决于它在文章中的地位。一 般说来,段落由三个部分组成(过渡性段落 除外),即:主题句、扩展句和结论句主题句、扩展句和结论句。提出中心思想 topic sentence解释说明中心思想 support sentence总结重申中心思想 con

2、clusion段落的三成分 主题句 主题句是表示一个段落的中心思想的完 整句子,这种句子是一种高度概括性的陈 述,而不涉及具体细节。根据具体写作的 需要,主题句可放在段首、段中、段尾, 或段首段尾两次出现,或不明确写出,而 是暗示出来。写作的主要意图就是要让读 者明白我们要表达的主要意思,这就是主 题句的作用。因此,在撰写主题句时,最 好开门见山,直接点名主题。The room is located on the fifth floor of thehogh building. One third of its total floor space is taken up by a double

3、 bed. Facing it, in the corner behind the door, stands a cupboard loaded with pots, bowls, dishes, bottles, and bags of rice and flour. A desk completely fills the gap between the bed and the wall with the window. Behind the desk is a chair, the only one in the room; and it almost touches the bosex

4、and trunks piled against the wall on the opposite side.主题句的形态主题句的形态主题(a topic)作者的观点(an opinion or statement)The benefits of participating in sports are numerous. My favorite program is “Friend”. I enjoy the programs about real people and real experience.判断下面三个句子中哪一个句子作为主题句 开头最能体现写作的目的。My room is on

5、the second floor of our house. My room is the messiest room on the second floor of our house.主题句的作用主题句的作用 提示读者这一段的主要写作目的是什么 让读者产生预感,知道其后大致要涉及什么 内容。People view money differently.Some people consider money the root of all evil.主题句的特点主题句的特点 1. 主题句应具有概括性,而扩展句需要具体 。 Each program will focus on a particula

6、r friend who can be either a celebrity or an everyday person. Friend is a very popular talk show. The cost of making fake products is usually lower than real ones. We have to wonder why fake products are so prevalent. 2.主题句应是一种观点而不是一个具体的事 实。如: Many college students do part-time job. Many college stu

7、dents do part-time jobs for various reasons. Many people buy pirated products because the price is much lower than legal ones. The reason why people buy pirated products is various. General Statement (一般陈述句) Specific Statement (具体陈述句) The person ate a big meal. Sandy ate a dozen eggs, a pound of bac

8、on, six pieces of toast and drank a glass of orange juice before she went to class this morning. Supply a topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs: Different colors usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exc

9、iting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is also used for signs of danger, such as stop signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color

10、 of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing color. Road is important in the development of history. It is the road which determines the sites of many cities and the growth and n

11、ourishment of all. It is the road which controls the development of strategies and fixes the sites of battles. It is the road that gives its frame-work to all economic development. It is the road which is the channel of all trade, and, what is more important, of all ideas. In its most humble functio

12、n it is a necessary guide without which progress from place to place would be a ceaseless experiment; it is a sustenance without which organized society would be impossible, thus the road moves and controls all history. A cat is not as devoted as a dog.A dog will follow his master anywhere, but a ca

13、t keeps to the house it is used to; and even when the house changes hands, the cat will remain there, so long as it is kindly treated by the new owners. A cat does not seem to be capable of the personal devotion often shown by a dog. It thinks most of its own comfort, and its love is only cupboard l

14、ove主题句写作提示Good topic sentencesWhy 1. Introduce the topic immediatelySo your reader knows what you will write about. So you know what you will write about.段落的三成分 支持句 主题句的后面必须要跟上几个支持句用 来进一步阐述、解释、说明主题句。可以 用具体的事例、证据或进一步论证的手法 来达到支持主题句的目的。 一个段落的支持句有主要支持句(major supporting sentences)和次要支持句 (minor supporting

15、 sentences)之分。 主要支持句的特点是围绕段落主题句展开 ,每一个支持句本身都不要求作进一步的 说明或证明,句与句之间的关系是相互独 立又是互相连接的。 次要支持句是指对主要支持句作进一步的 事实分析和举例说明。它从属于某一个或 某几个支持句。 There are several factors affecting climate. One factor is the amount of sunlight received. Altitude ,or the height above the sea level, also determines climate. The oceans

16、 have an effect on the climate of adjacent(邻近的) land. In addition, climate is influenced by the general circulation(循环) of the atmosphere.But the pirated products really do much But the pirated products really do much harm.harm. First, they infringe intellectual First, they infringe intellectual property rights. Second, they offend against p


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