必修2 module6

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《必修2 module6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修2 module6(46页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分 基础础考点聚焦 必修21_ n喜剧剧2_ n. 角色;人物3_ adv. 有时时;偶尔4_ n. 频频道5_ n. 情节节6_ n. 部分;节节7_ n. 女演员员actor n. 男演员员comedycharacter occasionallychannel plotsectionactress8_ adj. 女的;女性的male adj. 男的;男性的9_ vt. 使感兴兴趣interesting adj. 令人感兴兴趣的interested adj. 感兴兴趣的10_ adj. 勇敢的bravery n. 勇敢femaleinterestbrave11_ adj. 感人的mov

2、e v. 移动动moved adj. 感动动的12_ vi. 争论论argument n. 争吵,争论论13_ adj. 有趣的;令人愉快的entertain v. 使欢乐欢乐 ,使娱乐娱乐entertainment n. 娱乐娱乐 ,消遣movingargueentertaining1_ 出现现,出版2_ 爱爱上;喜欢欢(表动动作)3_ 爱爱上;喜欢欢(表状态态)4_ 扮演角色5_ 令某人吃惊的是6_ 吃惊地7_ 关心;顾虑顾虑 ;在乎8_ 有时时;偶尔9_ 在岁时岁时come outfall in love withbe in love withplay a partto ones sur

3、prisein surprisecare aboutevery now and thenat the age of1Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most.我们们最关注秀莲这莲这 个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚坚强。解读读 形容词词短语语(作伴随状语语),主句仿写 他在风风雪中度过过了7天,真是又冷又饿饿。He spent 7 days in the wind and snow,_.cold and hungry2But it is generally agreed,that he,more than any

4、one else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”但是绝绝大多数人认为认为 :他比电电影史上任何一个人更懂得“娱乐娱乐 ”一词词的意义义。解读读 It is agreed that.是一个习惯习惯 句式,意为为“普遍认认为为”。It是形式主语语,that.是真正的主语语从句。仿写 据报报道,2014年这这个城市的许许多人都失业业了。_ a lot of people lost their jobs in the city in2014.It is reported that频频

5、度和地点副词词;副词词及副词词短语语1(2014济济南外国语语学校模拟拟)I cant say Im the best.I haveonly_made more efforts than others.Adefinitely BrelativelyCobviously Dcertainly解析:考查查副词词辨析。句意:我不能说说我是最好的,相对对来说说,我只是比别别人尽了更多的努力。relatively 相对对地;definitely 肯定地;obviously 明显显地;certainly 当然地。B2(2014福州模拟拟)Drunk driving used to occur_,but n

6、ow it is under control.Afrequently BgenerallyCpractically Dgradually解析:考查查副词词辨析。句意:酒驾过驾过 去经经常发发生,但现现在已得到了控制。frequently 经经常地;频频繁地;generally 一般地;practically 事实实上;gradually 逐渐渐地。A3(2014湖北省黄冈冈中学模拟拟)In a sense,no country,big or small,should object to the trend of peace and development,_creating trouble t

7、o others.Aconstantly BeventuallyCfinally Dimmediately解析:考查查副词词辨析。句意:从某种程度上来说说,没有国家,无论论大小,可以反对对其他国家的和平发发展,而不断地找麻烦烦。constantly 不断地;eventually 最终终;finally 最后;immediately 立刻。A4(2014华华中师师大一附中模拟拟)_the boss is in favor ofthe scheme,but he thinks improvements need to be made in many aspects.AOn the whole BI

8、n a wayCAs a result DFor the moment解析:考查查副词词短语语辨析。句意:总总的来说说,老板同意这这个项项目,但他认为认为 在某些方面应该应该 做些改进进。on the whole 总总的来说说;in a way 从某个方面来说说;as a result结结果是;for the moment 暂时暂时 。A5. Im not sure exactly how much money youll receive,but itwill_cover your major expenses.Afirmly BroughlyCrelatively Durgently解析:考

9、查查副词词义词词义 辨析。句意:我不能准确的知道你能得到多少钱钱,但其大约约能够够你主要的开支。此处处roughly意为为“大约约”。B1.character n品质质,性格;人物,角色;文字 (教材P53)Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most. 秀莲莲是我们们最关心的角色,她勇敢、善良、坚坚强。(1)a man of character有个性的人,有骨气的人 a leading character 主角 in/out of character 合乎/不合乎某人的性格 (2)characteristi

10、c n. 特性;特征adj. 特有的;典型的 (2013高考福建卷阅读阅读 理解)But today Austen would certainly have had a very different life,as would her characters.但奥斯汀今天肯定会有一个非常不同的生活,她笔下的人物也会如此。The character is practising writing Chinese characters to build his character.这这个人正在通过练习过练习 写汉汉字来培养自己的品格。I cant believe she lied to meit see

11、ms so_.我想不到她会对对我撒谎谎,这这不符合她的个性。温馨提示 character作可数名词词,表示“人物,文字”;作不可数名词词,表示“品质质,性格”。out of character2.interest vt.使感兴兴趣 n兴兴趣;利益;利息(教材P53)Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most. 不同寻寻常地,正是女性角色最使我们们感兴兴趣。(1)show(have) an interest in sth.对对有兴兴趣lose interest in sth. 失去对对的兴兴趣develop an int

12、erest in 对对产产生兴兴趣with interest 有兴兴趣地(2)interested adj. 感兴兴趣的interesting adj. 令人感兴兴趣的;有趣的be/get interested in 对对感兴兴趣 (2013高考湖北卷完成句子)Not having persuaded my parents,I failed to go to a drama school,where my interest lay.由于没有说说服我父母,我没能上戏剧戏剧 学校,而那才是我的兴兴趣所在。American football doesnt interest me at all.美式足

13、球一点也提不起我的兴兴趣。I used to _ jazz but now I have_ it.我过过去对对爵士乐乐感兴兴趣,但是现现在对对它失去了兴兴趣。have an interest inlost interest in3.argue v争论论,辩论辩论 ,说说服(教材P55)Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾经经就看哪个电视节电视节 目和你家人辩论过吗辩论过吗 ?(1)argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人争论论某事argue for/against

14、为赞为赞 成/反对对而力争argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说说服某人做某事/不做某事(2)argument n. 争论论,辩论辩论 ;论论据,论论点 (朗文辞典) Im not going to argue with you,but I think youre wrong.我不想与你争辩辩,但是我认为认为 你错错了。We _ the waiter _ the price ofthe meal.我们们跟服务员务员 争执执那顿饭顿饭 的价钱钱。We tried to argue him into joining us.我们试图说们试图说 服他加入我们们。温馨提示 表示 “说说服某人做某事”的其他表达形式。persuade sb.to do sth.;persuade/talk sb.into doing sth.;convince sb.to do sth.等。argue withabout4.entertaining adj.使人愉快的;有趣的;具有娱乐娱乐 性的(教材P55)Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are en


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