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1、A woman was accidentally killed during the shootout.Did he break it accidentally? No, on purpose. I found her letter by accident as I was looking through my files.Miss the bus Miss my parents badly Miss hitting the target The chief narrowly missed being caught by the policeman.勉强错过被抓险些/差点被抓Sth/sb is

2、/goes missing The book had two pages missing. two missing pages.Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing . Theres a button missing from your shirt.narrowly missing “险些/差一点就砸到 了/勉强错过” On that street corner, Janes car narrowly missed a cycl

3、ist. He was narrowly defeated in the election. He narrowly escaped being killed.差点被打死a narrow street a narrow escape差点撞上了险胜,差点被打败死里逃生,九死一 生,险些丧命Knock at the door She was knocked down by a bus. Youve knocked over my drink! 你把我的饮料打翻了!Knock /run/bump/smash into撞上(某人) Smash sth (up)/(open) v.打碎/粉碎/猛撞/扣球

4、 n. 粉 碎 The lock was rusty, so we had to smash the door open. The car smashed into a wall. smash the furniture to pieces The plate hit the floor with a smash. 盘子摔在地板上啪的一声碎了. He gave the tough guy a smash on the jaw. question sb on/about ath We cant go out in this weather; its out of the question. (i

5、mpossible) It is out of question that I will write to you. His honesty is out of question. (no problem)be guilty of a crime犯罪 The manager was guilty of bribery. They were found guilty of murder. 内疚的(+about) I felt guilty after breaking my promise. a guilty /clear/an easy conscience “问心有/无愧”/心安理得She

6、cheerfully cheats and lies; shes got no conscience at all.behaviour n. behave oneself安分守己 behave well / badly /as if. A well/badly-behaved boy Being a quiet sort of person, I didnt want to get involved. Being generous, he paid for everyones dinner. Because I was a quiet sort of Because he was genero

7、us,do good/harm/wrong to sb =do sb good/harm/wrong Exercise does us good. Exercise is good for health. 工作经验越多,在找工作时就越对你有好处。 越是经常锻炼,就越是对你的健康有好处。 The more work experience you have, the more good it will do you in finding a job. The more often (The oftner)you take exercise , the more good it will do to

8、 your health.try to do/ try doing regret to do很遗憾要告诉regret doing后悔曾经 stop to do停下来再做某事stop doing停止做某事 mean to domean doing cant help (to) docant help doing Remember/forget doing Remember /forget to docheck out 结帐离去,办妥手续离 去Mrs Hyde has checked out this morning. check in (在旅馆,机场等)登记,报 到Passengers shou

9、ld check in one hour before their flight time at the latest.Purchase vt.购买 n.购买,购买的物品 purchase a car on credit (make a)the purchase of a piano. He filled the car with his purchases. the purchaser of the house Grumble vi 发牢骚/抱怨 n. 怨言/牢骚 He has everything he needs, but he is still full of grumbles.他需要

10、的一切都得到了,却还牢骚满腹 。 They will grumble about having to do the work.grumble at/about/over sth他们将为不得不干那项工作而抱怨。 But there is no use in grumbling. On discovering the error, I went back and tried to to tell her. 一发 现这个错误,我马上就回去找她,想要 告诉她。On seeing the headmaster come in, the students immediately stopped chatt

11、ing. 一看到校长进门, 学生们立刻停止了聊天。take turns at answering /to answer the question We drove the car by turns轮流, 交替地 do sth in turns轮流做某事 Clean the classroom in turns. Its my turn to do Its your fault were late. He is always finding fault with me. 是你的过错 百般挑剔 (On one hand )she is clever, but on the other hand s

12、he isnt careful enough.fail to reply to a question He replied with a nod. 他点了点头 作为回答. She made no reply. Courage n.-courageous adj. Parents should discourage their children from smoking. 做父母的应该劝子女不要吸烟. encourage us to study hardin no case 在任何情形下决不 In any case you must arrive there on time.无论如何,不管怎样

13、in that case 既然那样/假若是那样的 话: You dont like your job? In that case why dont you leave? Write the telephone number down in case you forget. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.You must apologize to your sister for being so rude.offer/ make/ accept an apology 道歉致歉/接受道歉 He made a public apology for the

14、teams performance.a letter of apologyShe persuaded me into buying it. 她说服我买下了它。 The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. 说服我们买他的产品。 cant help being persuaded to buy Persuasive adj.有说服力的,令人信服的 try to persuade sb to do Advise sb to do1.把你一个人留在家里,我很内疚。( guilty) 2.在回家路上,Jay心不在焉,差点撞到一 辆自行车。(narrowly

15、 miss ) 3.这个编辑收到了许多要求给予建议的读者 的来信。(advice) 4.他对他之前不努力学习而感到后悔并决定 要好好学习。(regret) 5.我想告诉她真相,但另一方面,我又不想 伤害她的感情。(on the other hand ) 6. 在公园游玩的时候,我看到很多孩子在 放风筝,于是就停下来加入他们一起。 (while doing)7.大学一毕业,他就按计划离开家乡去了大城市 自主创业。(On) 8.过了很久Tom才意识到玩网游对他没有好处。 (before, good n.) 9. 别再发牢骚了。你难道没看到你父母每天忙着 工作养活一大家子人吗?(stop, busy) 10. 那三个恶棍本来成心要戏弄下那个小孩子, 但是被警察带往警署接受了审问。(mean) 11. 了解到没人因为他的错误而受到伤害,他问 心无愧地离开了聚会。(Learning) 12. 我们正尽力把一切准备就绪突然他冲进来告 诉我们晚会推迟了。(when) 3年前我和我的一个密友失去了联系。( contact) Linda因为没有说实话而向邻居道歉。( apologize) 在意外情况下犹豫不决表明缺乏勇气。( hesitate) 微软想法设法要说服雅虎和自己合作,但 是没有成功。(persuade)



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