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1、Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语类别课程目标要求掌握的项目 话题Deep South and finding out about a heroic journey 词汇explorer, annual, state, extreme, trap, mass, balance, treaty, jewel, emergency, snap, fragile, obscure, commercial, promote, intense, severe, abnor

2、mal, absence, depressing, conventional, privilege, befriend, reliability, intimate, inhabit, inspiration adapt to, set foot on, in case of, cut.in/into, keep ones promise, keep up ones spirits, on earth, come into sight, break up, come up with 功能 Make introductions and suggestions 语法 1.Review of sub

3、jects 2.Review of verbsModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语1explore1)vt. 探索;调查调查 研究;勘探;考察;在探险险We must explore all the possibilities for the solution to the problem.我们们必须须探讨讨解决这这个问题问题 的所有可能性。Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow al

4、leys (小巷,胡同) of old Beijing.如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮轮脚踏车绝对车绝对 是值值得一坐的。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语2)vi. 探索;勘探;考察;探险险explore for oil 勘探石油The children have gone exploring in the woods.孩子们们去林中探险险了。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语知识拓展1)explorer n探索者;勘探者;探险者His father is an Arctic explorer.他的爸爸是个北极探险家。2)exploration n

5、. 探索;勘探Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语即学即用完成句子He tried his best _(在他对该国进行探索考察的过程中)答案:in the course of his explorations of the countryModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语2annual adj.每年的;年度的nC年鉴;年刊He helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.他帮助捕鲸队鲸队 捕捉季节节性迁徙途中的须鲸须鲸 。With ann

6、ual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert.南极洲的年降雨量接近于零,是一个不折不扣的沙漠。annual income 年收入Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语知识拓展 annually adv. 每年anniversary n. 周年纪念日;周年纪念Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语3state vt. 陈述;说明;n. 国家;(美国的)州;政府;状态;状况The witness stated that he had never seen the man before

7、.证证人说说他以前从未见过该见过该 男子。All the industry is owned by the state.全部工业业都归归国家所有。He is in a poor state of health.他的健康状况不好。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语知识拓展in a state of./in a . State处于状态staterun adj.国营的statesman n. 政治家statement n. 声明;陈述stateowned adj.国有的be in / get into a state兴奋;紧张Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英

8、 语词语辨析 country, nation, state, land country侧侧重指版图图、疆域,意为为“国家;国土”; nation侧侧重指人民、国民、民族,意为为“民族,国家”; state侧侧重指政权权、政体,意为为“国家;政府”;land意为为“ 国土;国家”,带带有感情色彩,多用于文学作品,如 motherland。 He had left his country at the age of ten. 他10岁岁就离开了自己的祖国。 The Indian nations in the western United States were the first habitant

9、s in America. 美国西部的印第安民族是美国最早的居民。 People were afraid of going to foreign lands in the past. 过过去人们们害怕去国外。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语直击高考(2006辽宁)School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous _.Astates BconditionsCsituations Dpositions解析:考察名词词义辨析。state强调抽象的精神状态;condition注重各种物质条件的综合;situati

10、on指“处境;局势;形势”。答案:CModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语4flower n. C花 vi. 开花One flower makes no garland.一朵鲜朵鲜 花做不成花环环。The flowers are out.花开了。come into flower 开始开花Most fruit trees flower in the spring.大多数果树树在春天开花。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语知识拓展in flower 开着花;盛行Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语即学即用It is much more b

11、eautiful when it is _.Aflower Bin flowersCin flower Dflowered答案:CModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语5adapt vt. 使适应;使适合;改编;vi. 适应1)使适应应adapt (oneself) to.(to是介词词)adapt sth. 使某事物适应应/适合Some animals learn to adapt themselves to the change of weather quickly.有些动动物学会了很快适应应气候的变变化。Ill adapt my teaching methods to

12、meet the need of the freshmen.我将改变变我的教学方法以满满足新生的需要。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语2)改编编;改写adapt A for B 将A改写/编编成Bbooks adapted for students 为为学生们们改写的书书The play is adapted from a short story.该剧该剧 是由一部短篇小说说改编编而来。3)改建;改造adapt A for B将A建设设/造成B4)adapt from 根据改编编adapt.as.把改写为为5)adaptable adj.适应应性强的adaptation

13、 n. 改编编Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语词语辨析adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match它们们都有“适合;适应应”的意思。1)adapt指修改或改变变,使某物或某人做些改变变以适应应新条件。2)adjust指借正当的判断或熟练练的技巧“调调整/调节调节 ”以使两者互相适应应。3)fit指大小适合,引申为为“吻合”。4)suit多指合乎要求、口味、性格或情况。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语5)match指大小、色调调、形状或性质质等相配或相称。You should adapt yourself to the new e

14、nvironment.你应该应该 适应应新环环境。You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.把望远镜调节远镜调节 到适合你的目光之后,你才能看得见见。The shoes fit you well.这这鞋你穿正好。No dish suits all tastes.众口难调难调 。A red jacket doesnt match green trousers.红红上衣与绿裤绿裤 子不相配。Module 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语直击高考(1)(2009浙江)The good thing

15、 about children is that they _ very easily to new environments.Aadapt BappealCattach Dapply解析:考查动词词义辨析。adapt“适应”;appeal“吸引,呼吁”;attach“吸附”;apply“申请”。句意:孩子有个好处就是他们能很容易适应新的环境。故选A。答案:AModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语(2)(2007山东东)It is not socially _ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.Aacces

16、sible BadorableCadaptable Dacceptable解析:形容词词义词词义 辨析。accessible“可接近的;可获获得的”;adorable“值值得崇拜的,值值得敬慕的”;adaptable“能适应应的;适应应性强的;可改编编的”;acceptable“可接受的”。答案:DModule 1 Deep South外 研 版 英 语6mass1)n.(1)团团、块块、堆、片、群、众多;大量;大宗(2)大部分;主要部分(3)大众;民众(the masses)(4)集团纵队团纵队 ;密集队队形(5)质质量(不可数名词词)I have masses of work to do.我有许


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