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1、初三英语二轮专题复习单项选择单项选择题的特点:中考英语单项选择题考点多, 覆盖面广,在考查纯语法、词汇的 基础上,更增加了在特定的语境中 运用词法、句法、习惯用法的考查 ,突出了对同学们综合运用英语语 言能力的考查和日常交际用语的考 查。一、热身练习单项选择常考知识点: 名词、冠词 代词、数词 介词、连词 形容词、副词 动词用法及固定搭配、情态动词 时态和语态 情景交际 宾语从句二、方法总结 :要做好单项选择题,首先必须熟练掌握语法、句型、固定搭 配、习惯用法等方面的基础知识。还应该了解一些解题技巧,提 高解题的综合能力。解题技巧:(一)、直接判断法根据有关语法知识和语感直接选定正确答案。(二

2、)、分析比较法根据所掌握的语法知以及语境进行分析比较,最后选定 正确答案。( 三)、前后照应法多用于由两个或两个以上句子或对话形式命制的题目。(四)、逐个筛选法当对四个选项均感到似是而非,不知从何下手时,排除所有干 扰选项后,把剩下的作为正确答案。(五)、 逻辑推理法有些选项从语法上看答案可能不止一个,但有的句意不 符合逻辑,通过逻辑推理便能把它排除。(六)、 常识法有些题涉及到政治、历史、地理、天文、理化、生活 风俗等方面的常识,做这类题应根据所掌握的常识选出三、经典例题探究例1. My grandpa used to play violin after dinner,but now he

3、is used to playing chess with me.(2009南通)A.不填,a B.the, 不填 C.the,the D.the,a 例2 .What useful book!And book is popular with students.(2009达州)A. a,a B.an,a C.the,the D.a,the例3 .Sorry,what did you say just now?I asked .(2009德州)A.when did he leave B.where you have beenC.whom will you go with D.how I coul

4、d get to the station例4. Our teacher told us the sun in the east.(2009常州)A.rose B.rises C.rising D.rise例5. Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow?Sure, I am busy.(2009绍兴 ) A.since B.unless C.when D.until例6. _ room is big and bright. They like it very much. (2009沈阳)A. Tom and Sam B. Toms an

5、d Sam C. Tom and Sams D. Toms and Sams例7Linda tried to become an excellent teacher, at last she succeeded.(2009苏州) A.so B.or C.but D.and 例8She doesnt like English, does she? .She often reads some books about it.(2009广东)A.Yes,she does B.Yes,she doesnt C.No,she doesnt D.No,she does例9.Excuse me,may I t

6、ake a seat here? .The man on the seat has left.(2009黄冈) A.Youd better not B.No,thanks C.Yes,please D.Im afraid not 例10. Whos the man over there? Is it Mr Black?It be him.Hes much taller.(2009盐城)A.cant B.mustnt C.should D.may例11When were you born?I was born the morning of May 7th. A.in B.on C.at D.to

7、例12.we have to our school sports meeting because of the bad weather. A.hold B.put off C.take off D.attend例13.Would you please this old man?Sure.Take my seat,please.A.prepare a room forB.make room forC.give a room to D.take up room for例14. Is this radio _? No. It belongs to _.A. yours; me B. yours; h

8、is C. her; him D. yours; her例15.How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? _.A.In five days time B. In five days time C. In five days time D. For five days三、错题再现,合作探究1.The price of the coat is very ,I cant buy it. A.high B.low C.expensive D.cheap2. Before he went abroad,he spent as much time as he co

9、uld_ English. A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. learn3. Facing great stress,the young man was made the truth to the poice. A.to tell B.telling C.tell D.to telling4. good time they are having! A.What a B. What C. How a D. How5. How long have you been here? _ the end of last month, A. In B. By C.

10、At D. Since6. You havent been to Beijing, have you? _. And how I wish to go there again! A. Yes,I have B. Yes,I havent C. No, I have D. No,I havent7. Her mother goes to the park every Sunday morning. A. on B. in C.不填 D. at8. What did they talk about just now?Some photos in the park. A.were taken B.

11、taken C. have taken D. took 9.What did he about it at the meeting? A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk10. Simon is stronger than boy in Helens class. A.any other B. any C. another D. the other 11. little birds can not have much. A. Such,so B. So,such C. So,too D. Such,very 12. His father Beijing three t

12、imes last year. A.has been to B.has gone to C.has been in D. went to 13. The new mobile phone is making photos and watching movies. A. used to B. used in C. used for D. used as 14. How the kids song Two Tigers sounds!Most of the adults also like it.A. softly B. beautifully C.lively D.sweetly15.We ke

13、ep in touch _ writing often. A. with B. of C. on D. by16. His brother dislikes playing computer games, ? A.dont he B.doesnt he C. does he D. do he 17. _ of the two girls is from Beijing. A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither 18.I didnt notice that you werea new dress today.A.putting B.wearing C.dressing D. put on四、热点试题演练Homework理解巩固今天所学内容, 完成所发试卷。


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