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1、 必修 4 Unit 4 Body language Part A模仿朗读请听课文录音,并跟读课文,注意语音、语调和停顿Part B角色扮演角色:John and Jack情景:John和Jack在谈论身体语言。任务:请你扮演John,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮 演Jack,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1.如果不能说话,我们怎样与人交流?_2不同文化背景的人问候的方式相同吗?_3.你能举例说明吗?_4.日本人见面时怎样表示问候?_5为什么有必要了解不同国家的风俗?_答案:1Q:How can we communicate with others if we cant speak?A:We

2、 can use body language.2Q:Do people from different cultures greet each other the same way?A:No. Not all cultures greet each other the same way.3.Q:Can you give me an example?A:Yes,of course. Yesterday I introduced Tony Garcia from Columbia to Julia Smith from Britain. Then Tony Garcia walked close t

3、o Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her onthe cheek. Julia immediately stepped back in surprise and put up her hands as if in defence . English people dont touch strangers when they meet,but Tony doesnt know it. So he made Julia surprised and frightened.4Q:How do the Japanese greet each other wh

4、en they meet?A:They prefer to bow.5.Q:Why is it necessary to know about the different customs of different countries?A:Because studying international customs can help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads.Part C故事复述请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。提示词:body language,communicate,greet,customs,a

5、void答案:We can communicate with others using body language if we cant speak. But different cultures have different body languages. For example,not all cultures greet each other the same way. People from Columbia may kiss each other on the cheek when they meet,but Japanese prefer to bow. So it is nece

6、ssary to know about the different customs of different countries to avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads.写出下列必考单词1宿舍n._2饭堂 n_3飞行,航班n._4接近,接近;方法,途径v.& n_5面颊n._6主要的,较多的adj._7成人,成人的n. & adj._8主观的 adj._9.十字路口 n_10拳头n._11打哈欠v._12等级,军衔 n_13拥抱 v_14飞行,航班 n_答案:1dormitory 2.canteen 3.flig

7、ht4approach 5.cheek 6.major 7.adult8subjective 9.crossroad 10.fist11yawn 12.rank 13.hug 14.flight.写出下列单词的变化形式1代表,象征 vt._;代表,代理,表现 n _;代表,典型的n.&adj._2好奇的adj._;好奇心n._;好奇地 adv._3保护,保卫 vt._;保护,保卫 n_;防 御用的,防御性的adj._4口语的 adj._;非口语的 adj._;说话, 讲话 vi._;发言者,演讲者 n_5作用,功能/有作用,运转 n& vi. _;有作用的, 有功能的adj._;多功能的adj

8、._6真实地,真正地adv._;真实的,真正的adj._ ;真理,真相,真实 n_7误会v._;误会,误解n._8陈述,说明v._;陈述,说明n._答案:1represent;representation;representative2curious;curiosity;curiously3defend;defence ;defensive4.spoken;unspoken;speak;speaker5function;functional;multifunctional 6truly;true;truth 7misunderstand;misunderstanding8state;state

9、ment 活学活用1It was _ that he should have given in to _ and opened the letter addressed to his sister. (curious)2To tell you the _,Im _ grateful for your helping me make my dream come _.(true)3The _ has _ for half an hour,attracting everyone with his excellent _ English. (spoken)4In time of war,lots of

10、 money will be spent on _and many _ measures will be taken to _ a country from being attacked. (defend)5It _ in his _ that they would not give in to the pressure from the US. (state)答案:1curious;curiosity2truth;truly;true3speaker;spoken;spoken4defence;defensive;defend5was stated;statement.翻译下列必背短语1向介

11、绍_2接近_3与某人握手 _4对某人点头_5误解_6相反地 _7正视某人 _8伸手 _9使某人平静/安逸 _10丢脸_11握紧拳头 _12总的来说 _13很可能,有希望 _14背对,背弃 _ 答案:1introduce.to 2.close to 3.shake hands with sb. 4.nod at sb. 5.be wrong about sb./ sth. 6.on the contrary7look sb. in the eye 8.reach out ones hand 9.put sb. at ease10.lose face 11.make a fist 12.gener

12、ally speaking 13.be likely to 14.turn ones back to 活学活用根据括号中的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子1I shall like _(make sb. known formally to sb. else by giving the persons name) you the gentleman whom I spoke of the other day.2Some of his comments about her appearance were a bit _(near in space or time) the bone.3She pas

13、sed by,_me as a greeting. (move the head up and down as a greeting)4He felt _(freedom from work) and confident about the future.5It doesnt seem ugly to me,_I think its rather beautiful. (the opposite is true)6He _ his family when he became famous. (avoid or reject sb./ sth.)答案:1to introduce to 2.close to 3.nod


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