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1、 芜湖世纪联华杂货处培训资料(二)GRECERY主讲:孙海根处长课长工作责职JOB DESCRIPTIONAsset 资产Store, storage clean and full保持卖场、仓库整洁、商品充足Good implantation respecting the price range根据不同价格档位、良好展示商品Check the cleanness of the uniform of the staff检查员工是否着装整齐Storage well arranged 保持仓库井井有条To have the best price situation compare with comp

2、etitors与竞争对手相比有最好的价格Listen to customer and react positively 倾听顾客意见,作出积极反应Display with volume 保持充足的商品展示及销售Respect and make respecting the safety of fire fighting and hygiene regulation遵守火灾和卫生等安全规章制度Follow competitors price level and new items关注竞争对手的价格水准及新品Responsible for requesting maintenance of ass

3、ets 提议购置新设备Full respect of the regulation and law of China and Carrefours store procedure完全遵守中国的法规和家乐福的制度Human 人事Respect of his colleagues and subordinate尊重你的同事和下属Organize daily brief with staff before opening每天开店前给员工开一个会Organize monthly meeting with staff安排与员工的每月会议Help the staff to have a commercia

4、l and professional attitude in any case使员工在任何情况下要表现出商 业人士的职业态度Communicate stores information 传达有关家乐福店的信息给员工Give clear responsibility to the staff明确员工的工作职责Check attendance and working time record每周检查考勤Selection of best employee评选每月最佳员工Train your staff at internal(Dept.oevel) and external (store train

5、ing dept. or suplier)培训你的员工根据不同的层次,部 门内部、店内、供应商及商品的性能Monthly evaluation and yearly evaluation每月评估和年度评估Plan and propose promotion计划并推荐提升人员Talent backup 人才储备Follow up yearly training plan跟踪年度培训计划Respect of laws and regulations of oabor management遵守劳动管理的规定Follow up feedback of employees survey跟踪员工问卷调查C

6、heck the turnover of staff for his department检查部门员工的流动率Merchandise 商品Follow national & cegional & citl structure遵循单品组织表Manage implantation of new items, special procial promotion, checking of assdortment 管理新品的排面,特殊促销,检查分类Lmplant the sales are according to season . Promotion . Items按照季节. 促销 . 单品做排面Ch

7、eck shortage report检查缺货报告Control the stock at good level控制好的仓库Plan promotional and seasonal eventss before hand(on month) what is this DM? Intemal promotion? Special actives?提早一介月准备促销和季节性活 动,DM内容,内部促销,特殊活动。Cycle count and inventory organzation 周期盘点与月未盘点Boucle complete (send all items list for promot

8、ion to OP) Boucle Complete 把所有促销单品清单给OPExchange the information with the negotiators at the regular base跟谈判员保持良好沟通Propose new items/suppier/promotion to merchandise division 向商品部建议新的单品/供应商/促销Follow and anticipate the new market trends遵循并预见市场走向Propose new item to increase the sales and always give th

9、e good price inage to the customer according to customers denamds , market trends根据顾客的要求、市场的趋势,提 议新的单品,以提高销售和给顾客良好 的价格形象Finance 财务Margin毛利Turnover营业额Loss situation & control损耗情况及控制Bulletin analysis and action plan课绩效分析和行动计划Keep reasonable human structure level and control the labor cost保持好的人员结构和人事费用

10、Packaging/cleaning products consumption包装材料/清洁用品的消耗TG fees TG费Follow up budget跟踪预算Preparation budget 准备预算Daily check list 每日营运检查排面应该是满的、干净整齐Dept. Is full, coeaning and ranged每天给员工开会Morning breif with一个商品一个标签1 product = 1 label周期盘点报告Cycle count report遵守清洁计划(仓库和卖场)Respect the cleaning plan (storage an

11、d sales area)每日信息变更报告Daily information change report每日缺货报告Daily shortage report检查生产日期和保质期Date of production and limited date of consumption损耗控制Loss control跟踪进货与退货Follow the purchase and returning自控卡Auto-control card 15部门 Dept. 1在排面前开会(一天2次) Daily briefing in front of the Dept. (Twice a day)员工卫生与制服St

12、aff hygiene & uniform遵从布局安排Respect the implantion部门订货Check the ordering of the Dept.从收银线收退货Pay attention with the returning goods from the cashier line昨天的盘点报告Check the inventory report for yesterday每日毛利Daily margin每日DMDM Result每日促销结果Daily promotion resultTG跟踪结果TG follow up report每日损耗Daily loss自控卡Aut

13、o-control card 15部门 Dept.1库存盘亏报告Minus stock anaoysisWeekly check list每周营运检查同财务一起检验进货Control the purchase with accounting每周毛利分析Weekly margin analysis市调Market survey (Dept. Head to Div. Chief)周未特价Dynamic promotion for weekend员工超时控制Employee overtime control所有行动计划的回顾Review all the action plan设备保养Equipme

14、nt maintenance周未促销汇总表Weetly promotion市调汇总表Weekly price survey分类汇总表Analysis the result of the week“棒”产品汇总表“Bang” productsTG表及TG分析TG list & analysis 周未促销Weedend promotionMonthly check list 每月营运检查Monthly inventory每月盘点Margin毛利分析Control the lnyr当月预估进价金额Check the key in date form the accounting每月销售分析Labor cost 人事费用Dept. Meeting/Dept. Chief and employuees meet



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