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1、第二单元 实用翻译策略与 常用技巧 Unit 2 Strategies and Techniques 2.1 实用翻译策略的选择 Selection of translation strategies real-world oriention with real-world purposetarget purpose and reader oriented with the intended function of the TT is to achieve in mind “归化”(domestication) 侧重译语文化 “异化”(foreignization)侧重源语文化 Friedri

2、ck Schleiermacher: German philosopher and theologian Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him, or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards the reader. abridgement and adaptation Huxley: Evolution a

3、nd Ethics And Other Essays Red Star Over China 论语实达 Star 方正 Founder 联想 LenovaLenovo 2.2 实用翻译常用技巧Common Techniques 2.2.1词语的处理 Handling of words直译Literal translation 富贵不能淫 Be rich but not sexy. No money and rank can confuse. 黑马dark horse 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 Learning is like rowing upstream; not to ad

4、vance is to drop back. 随行人员 (重要人物) entourage; party (体育赛事) supporting people 鲁迅纪念馆如今已成为极富旅游价值的著名人 文景观。 Lu Xun Museum has now become one of the popular sights that attract millions of tourists. 或:Lu Xun Museum has now become one of the popular tourist destinations that attract millions of people. 或:L

5、u Xun Museum has now become one of the popular tourist attractions for millions of people. 或:Lu Xun Museum has now become a celebrated cultural showcase and a tourist Mecca for millions of people.乘坐何种交通工具都能迅速抵达郑州,下榻此 处会让你备感舒适,这里的住宿条件能充分 满足各种档次和品味的要求。 Whichever way you choose to visit Zhengzhou, you

6、will reach here quickly and enjoy a comfortable stay, because Zhengzhou has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes.博览会期间,30多家有投资意向的台湾企业也 派出代表到泉州考察。 During the expo some 30 potential Taiwan investors have also come to Quanzhou on inspection tours. During the expo some 30 potenti

7、al Taiwan investors have also come to Quanzhou on fact- finding tours.如今武夷山已被联合国教科文组织列为重点保 护的世界自然与文化遗产。 Now the Wuyi Mountain has been inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites to be given special protection.直译加补充信息Literal rendering with explanation/Pragmatic a

8、mplification Madison Avenue 位于纽约的美国广告业中心麦迪逊大街 GRK考试被采用来挑选那些适合进修两年制的、竞 争性很强的管理学专业严格要求的学生。 Abbreviated to GRK in Chinese, and transliterated as “Guanli Ruxue Kaoshi”(Admission Test for Management), the examination has been introduced to pick the students best-suited to the rigors of more than two year

9、s further study in the competitive art-of-management discipline.郑成功 Zheng Chenggong, also known as Koxinga,中山大学,原名广东大学,由孙中山先生于 1924年亲手创办。1926年,为纪念孙中山先 生,改名为中山大学。 Zhongshan University, originally named Guangdong University, was founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, also known as Sun Zhongshan, the grea

10、t leader of the democratic revolution in China. To commemorate Dr. Sun, it was renamed Zhongshan University in 1926. 在福州南后街上,一盏盏形态各异、色彩绚丽 的花灯挂满了道路两边。 Festive lanterns of various shapes and colors are hung along the Nanhoujie (South Back) Street, the famous traditional Street of Lanterns in Fuzhou. 2

11、.2.1.3释义 paraphrase 吃在广州 Food in Guangzhou 或Delicacies in Guangzhou 俗话说,吃在广州 As the saying goes, in Guangzhou, there are the most delicious dishes. “福娃”出国 Olympic mascots on overseas tour 闽南金三角 Golden Triangle economic open areas in the south of Fujian Province 或 South Fujian Triangle coastal econom

12、ic development areas 在精神文明建设方面,坚持两手抓、两手都要硬的方 针。 To promote ethical and cultural progress, efforts have been made to place equal emphasis on material progress and ethical and cultural progress, with neither aspects neglected.十年来,98投洽会越来越国际化,吸引 了许多外国展商参会。 In the past decade, China International Fair f

13、or Investment and Trade(CIFIT), with growing global appeal, has attracted many foreign exhibitors to participate.蛇头 people smuggler; organizer of stowaways奥运股 Olympics-influenced stocks; Olympic plays糖葫芦,山楂串 sugar-coated haw sticks2.2.1.4 套用译语同义习惯说法Borrowing 信访局 Complaints Bureau美食城 Food Court情场老手 b

14、eauty hunter以外贸企业为龙头 with foreign trade firms as the locomotive / flagship中国迅速转向市场经济激发了人们读“工商管理硕士” 课程的热情。对于想在下一个世纪成为“实业巨头” 的追求向上的人来说,这门课程不只是工商管理硕 士,它实际上是“成败在此一举”的财富。获得这个 学位的人,有可能成为指挥别人的人,没有这个学 历的人将受人指挥 Chinas rapid shift to a market-oriented economy is fueling an MBA craze. For the upwardly mobile w

15、ho want to be business tycoons in the next century, the MBA is more than a Master of Business Administration, its a Make or Break Asset. Those with it are likely to become the ones who give the orders, those without it will take them中国石油公司最近要求开展内部安全大检查, 实为亡羊补牢之举。但这一悲剧引发的更为 根本的问题却是,企业对工作场所的安全问 题是否重视。

16、China National Petroleum Corporations recent order to carry out an in-house security inspection is a better-late-than-never effort. But a more fundamental question the tragedy raised was about enterprises commitment to workplace safety. 语用转换Pragmatic conversion 公顷数=亩数15 立足本省,面向全国,走向世界 Based in Fujian Province, oriented to the nation and gea


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