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1、新课标译林牛津版本课件是由精确校对的word书稿制作的“逐字编辑”课件,如需要修改课件,请双击对应内容,进入可编辑状态。如果有的公式双击后无法进入可编辑状态,请单击选中此公式,点击右键、“切换域代码”,即可进入编辑状态。修改后再点击右键、“切换域代码”,即可退出编辑状态。第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising 第11讲 Unit 2 Sports events第12讲 Unit 3 Tomorrows world高中英语高中英语 模块模块4 4 第第1010讲 讲 Unit 1Unit 1 AdvertisingAdvertising佳 作 晨 读基 础 梳 理考 点 探 析跟 踪 训

2、 练返回目录第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising佳 作 晨 读目前整容现象越来越普遍,很多人为了美不惜花钱受罪,请根据你的理解谈谈你对这一现象的看法。注意:词数120左右。 参考词汇: plastic surgery 整容手术返回目录 精精 彩彩 美美 文文 As is shown in the picture, a girl is asking a surgeon to do plastic surgery to make her look like the beauty she likes.Its natural that young people hope to look mo

3、re beautiful. However, health is more important than beauty. Beauty is only skin- deep. As the saying goes, “Virtue is more important than appearance.” Appearance changes over time, but our inner beauty grows through education. 第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising佳 作 晨 读返回目录Having good manners and being welleduc

4、ated can contribute to true beauty and success. For a student, studying is the first thing to consider. Whats more, plastic surgery costs lots of money and its side effects may be harmful to your health.All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgery. We can get what we want by im

5、proving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability.第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising佳 作 晨 读返回目录 名名 师师 点点 睛睛 1行文逻辑:提出问题(描述图画内容)分析问题 解决问题(阐述观点)。2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如: natural,over time(随着时间的推移),welleducated(受 过良好教育的),contribute to (有助于),whats more(此外 ),all in all(总之)等。第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising佳 作 晨 读

6、返回目录3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:非 限制性定语从句:As is shown in the picture,As the saying goes;主语从句,it作形式主语:Its natural that young people hope to look more beautiful;非谓语 动词(短语):Having good manners and being, studying, to consider,improving ;宾语从句:what we want;谚语:Virtue is more important than appearance.第10讲 Unit 1

7、Advertising佳 作 晨 读返回目录.单词荟萃1advertisement n广告;广告宣传传_ vt. receive/gain benefit)使受益;得益于 n益处;救济金;奖金(1)benefit from 从受益(2)for the benefit of 为了的利益be of benefit to 对有益to the benefit of 对有利(3)beneficial adj. 有益的be beneficial to 对有利返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising【活学活用】(1)2013天津卷阅读B Clearly, people enjoy

8、 the benefits of lighting their evenings, but some scientists think it can be harmful for humans, too.很明显,人们喜欢夜晚照明的好处,但是有些科学家认为它也对人类有害。(2)I dont think your uncle will _ us with his money. 我想你叔叔是不会给我们钱的。(3)You need people working _ the community. 你需要一些为社区利益服务的人。benefitfor the benefit of返回目录考 点 探 析第10

9、讲 Unit 1 Advertising(4)Both sides have _ the talks.双方都从会谈中获益。(5)It would be _ to keep abreast of development in Asia.对于亚洲地区的均衡发展大有禆益。benefited frombeneficial返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising(6)Many graduates have _ the governments new preferential policies _ people to start their own businesses.Are

10、sulted from; encouragingBbenefited from; encouragedCgained benefits from; encouragesDbenefited from; encouraging解析 D 句意:许多毕业生获益于政府新的优惠政 策,这些政策鼓舞人们开创自己的事业。result from 由引起;benefit from从获益;gain benefits from从中获益。根据句意可知第一空可用benefit from或者gain benefits from。第二空是分词(短语)作 policies的后置定语,相当于定语从句which encourag

11、e。故选D项。返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising4 recommend vt.(praise sth as suitable for a purpose; praise sb as suitable for a post, etc.; speak favourably of sb/sth)推荐;建议,劝告;介绍(1)recommend sb sth recommend sth to/for sb 向某人推荐某物recommend sb for sth 推荐某人做某事recommend sb as 推荐某人为recommend (sbs/sb) doing st

12、h 建议某人做某事recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事recommend that sb (should) do sth 建议某人做某事(2)recommendation n. 建议;推荐返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising【活学活用】(1)2013安徽卷阅读A And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a dayhalf of the number doctors recommend. 而且将近30%的人一天只洗四次手是医生推荐的次数的一半。(2)I just spent a holida

13、y there and would _. 我刚在那儿度过一个假期,愿意向任何人推荐那里。recommend it to anyone返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising(3)They _ a good manager.他们把他作为一个好经理来举荐。 (4)The doctor _ that I _ a few more days in the hospital. 医生建议我在医院再多待几天。 (5)We strongly _ the incident to the police. 我们强烈建议将此事报警。recommended him asrecommended

14、(should)stayrecommend reporting返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising(6)The doctor from Shanghai recommended that the patient _Ais not operated Bshould operate on Cnot be operated on Dwas not operated 解析 C 考查虚拟语气。表示“建议,命令, 要求”的内容时,从句要用虚拟语气,其谓语动 词为“(should)动词原形”,所以排除A、D。 而operate 与patient之间为动宾关系,所以应用 “be

15、过去分词”表被动。返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising5 determine vt.(fix sth precisely; decide)决定,下决心;确定,查明;裁决(1)determine sth 决定某事determine to do sth 决心做某事determine on(doing) sth 就(做)某事做出决定(2)determined adj. 有决心的,决定的be determined to do sth 下决心/决定做某事be determined从句 决定(3)determination n. 决心;确定,坚定a written statement of determination 决心书返回目录考 点 探 析第10讲 Unit 1 Advertising【温馨提示】在需要


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