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1、熟悉并掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构1l1.We will hold the party on Saturday afternoon.lThe party will be held on Saturday afternoon.l(被动语态)l2. My brave dog saved my little sister.lIt was my brave dag that saved my little sister.l(强调句)熟悉并掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构2l3. We sang and danced, we told jokes and stories. We had a good t

2、ime.lWe had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and stories.l(伴随状语)l4. We can only do this in order to get good mark.lOnly in this way can we get good mark.l(倒装句)熟悉并掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构3l5. They have a cat. The cats name is Mary.lThey keep a cat called Mary.l(后置定语)l6. One summer holiday, my pare

3、nts went to Shanghai. They took my sister with them.lOne summer holiday, my parents went to Shanghai, taking my sister along.l(伴随状语)熟悉并掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构4l7. To improve our life, we have to work hard.lWe have to work hard to get our life improved.l(getdone结构)l8. My father sat in the sofa. He was smokin

4、g and reading a newspaper.lMy father was smoking in the sofa with a newspaper in his hand.l(介词短语做状语)熟悉并掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构5l9. We love our library. It gives us a good place to learn more knowledge.lWe love our library, which gives us a good place to learn more knowledge.l(非限制性定语从句)l10. If you dont study hard, you will not make rapid progress.lYou cant make rapid progress unless you study hard.l(unless 句型)


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