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1、 What did he say?He said he was Tony Baker, from ABC company. 间接引语“Im Tony Baker, from ABC company.”直接引语Whats his name?What did the man say to the woman ?He said he wanted her to stay.间接引语“I want you to stay.”直接引语What did the woman say?She said they would find it.间接引语“Well find it.”直接引语What did she

2、say?间接引语She said she could dance, too.直接引语 “I can dance, too.”Can the girl dance?Direct speech and reported speech直接引语: 间接引语:that 1.引导词 : if how / wh 2.语序:陈述语序 3.时态:向前(过去)推一个时态,(客观真理不变).(直引为陈述句) (直引为一般疑问句)( 直引为特殊疑问句)(动词在主语后)直接引用别人的原话,直引放在引号里 用自己的话转述别人的话,间引变为宾语从句4.人称:时间状语:now: today: this week: yeste

3、rday: last week: a week ago:Tomorrow:next week:一随主,二随宾,三不变5.动词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语的变化then that day that weekthe week beforethe day beforethe next/following day the next/following weeka week before 6.直引为祈使句时,改为:asktell sb (not) to do sthorder动词的变化: come:指示代词: this: these: 地点: here:go that thosethere直接引语间接

4、引语一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时过去时态直接引语间接引语amiswasarewereHavehashadwillwouldcancoulddodid词汇变化规律表直接引语语间间接引语语 1. am/is1. was2. are3. have/has4 .do5.will6. cant2.were3.had4.did5.would6.couldnt陈述句: 1. He said, “I like it very much.”He said that he liked it very much. 2. He said to me, “Ive left my book

5、 in your room.He told me that he had left his book in my room. 3. Jim said, “ I saw the new film yesterday.”Jim said that he had seen the film the day before. 4. He said, “ The earth goes round the sun.”He said that the earth goes round the sun. 5. She said “ Ill come this evening.”She said that she

6、 would go that evening. 6. She said to me, “I know what she is looking for.”She told me she knew what she was looking for.7.Jenny said, “Ive read the book. Its good.”Jenny said that she had read the book, and that it was good. 8. He said, “My sister was here three days ago, but she is not here now.”

7、He said that his sister had been there three days before, but she was not there then. 9. My sister said to me, “Im leaving tomorrow.”My sister told me (that) she was leaving the next (following) day. 10. My brother said, “If it rains, Ill not go.”My brother said (that) if it rained he would not go.

8、一般疑问句: 1. He said, “Are you interested in English?”He asked (me) if I was interested in English. 2. He said, “Did you see him last night?”He asked if I had seen him the night before. 3. He said to me, “Will you be free tomorrow?”He asked me if I would be free the next day. 4. “Does Wu Dong always ge

9、t up late?” he asked.He asked if Wu Dong always got up late. 5. “Are you going to your hometown this summer?”She asked.She asked me if I was going to my hometown that summer.特殊疑问句: 1.“What do you want?” he asked me.He asked me what I wanted. 1.2. The teacher said, “How do you like the story?” 2. The

10、 teacher asked us how we liked the story. 3.3. She said, “Where have you been?” 4. She asked me where I had been. 5.4. He asked me, “Why did you do it?” 6. He asked me why I had done it. 7.5. “How are you feeling today?” Li Lin asked him. 8. Li Lin asked him how he was feeling that day. 9.6. “When a

11、re you going to Shanghai?” I asked him. 10. I asked him when he was going to Shanghai.祈使句: 1. The teacher said, “Be careful with your spelling.”The teacher told us to be careful with our spelling. 2. He said, “Go away.”He ordered him to go away. 3. He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.”He asked the boys not to make so much noise. 4. She said to us, “Please sit down.”She asked us to sit down. 5. “Wait for me, please,” the girl said to her mother.The girl asked her mother to wait for her. 6. She said to her sister, “Dont take off your coat.”She asked her sister not to take off her coat.


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