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1、Brief Introduction to the whole bookLearning strategiesvLearn to be a high school language learnervLearn to take the chancevLearn to use resourcesvLearn to listenvLearn to speakvLearn to readvLearn to writevI try to do my best each day,vIn my work and in my playvAnd if I always do my best.vI neednt

2、worry about a test.学习要求五个一一本学习笔记一本错题集一本随笔一本字典一份课外读物vDEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE.v态度决定一切。vSTUDY EVERY DAY! v英语学习是一个长期的积累的过程。vDISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME.v学习要有主次轻重;要有目标,各个击破。vATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS.v积极参与课堂活动1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time! vVISIT INSTRUCOR DURING OFFICE HOURS .v多和老师交

3、流vPRACTICE MAKES PERFECTv勤于练习v今天我背单词了吗?v今天我朗读(课文)了吗?v今天我复习了吗?v今天我完成作业了吗?v今天我预习了吗?v今天我阅读了吗?v今天我听录音了吗?vv态度决定一切态度决定一切vv成功源自好习惯成功源自好习惯 vv好的伙伴,成功一半好的伙伴,成功一半vHow to start?vHave your purpose of learning English.* stage plan: vWhat level you are at? vChoose the way to learn English according to yourself. vC

4、an you learn English by self-study, on the radio, on the internet.vStudy hard and insist on learning continuously for years.vLearn to take the chance vIf you “take the chance” in a situation, you are the first person to do something important or to make the move first.v Set specific learning goals f

5、or yourself and print them on paper, hang the paper at a place where they can easily be seen.v Find a learning partner so that you can encourage and help each other to get over the difficulties.vFind a role model who succeeded through hard work. It can be someone around you or someone you got to kno

6、w through books.vTalk with other learners and find out what they enjoy in learning English. You may share similar feeling.vRelate English learning with anything you are interested in doing. For instance, you like watching movies. Then watch English movie. vReward yourself now and then for your hard

7、work.vLearn to use resources vFind out how useful English is in your life. English is everywhere. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually surrounded by rich learning resources.vReference booksvDictionary Learn to use dictionar

8、ies.vInternetvLearn to use dictionaries.vYou must have at least one dictionary, with both Chinese and English explanations such as Oxford,or Longman.vSome electronic dictionaries may appear handier, but they may not be as reliable as those printed dictionaries by established press houses.Learn to us

9、e resources v* memory vWe seem to have covered all the possible resources we can think of. But theres the biggest resource that we havent mentioned. That is memory.vA good memory makes our learning “once and for all”, and a bad memory leads to learning in vain. People are not born with good memories

10、. They develop them with practiceLearn to speakvSpeak or read in a loud voice in class. Thats easy for all of you to do so. Don t be shy if you want to express yourself in public. If you can speak and read in a loud voice, the whole class will listen to you attentively and you will be full of confid

11、ence and be encouraged to learn it well.vLearn to readvREADvREAD, read some more,vREAD things you yourself enjoy.vREAD, and talk about it.vREAD very carefully some thingsvREAD on the run, most things,vDont think about READING, but .vREADLearn to writevIn real life situations, the importance of diffe

12、rent skills may have ranks as the following:vWriting: most important in application and at workplace Speaking: most important in interviewing Reading: important for finishing your work Understanding of grammar: useful only for taking tests Vocabulary: all you need in life are 3-4 thousand words Lear

13、n to take notes. vLearn to take notes. vfor collecting the key points in class or out of class while reading English magazines or newspapers. vfor keeping a diary in English every day. vFor collecting your mistakesvSpeak or read in a loud voice in class.vListen to others carefully.vHave a good preview and review after class.vRecitation is very important.vLearn to take notes. vLearn to use dictionaries.vLearn to think and raise your questions.vDevelop a good habit to speak English here and there.vConfidentvStrictvActive YOU CANNOT HOLD ONTO YESTERDAY!


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