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1、女子监狱第一季中英对照剧本女子监狱第一季中英对照剧本第一集我一直都很喜欢清洁身体 Ive always loved getting clean.我喜欢沐浴 I love baths.我喜欢洗澡 I love showers.那是我的欢乐之地 Its my happy place.那曾是我的欢乐之地 Was my happy place.B 宿舍所有囚犯必须去检查身上有没有虱子 All inmates in B dorm must be checked for lice.重复一遍 Repeat,B 宿舍所有囚犯必须去检查身上有没有虱子 all inmates in B dorm must be

2、checked for lice.我一会儿就出来 我保证 Oh. Ill be out in a sec. I swear.我可以等着 你最好给我留点热水 Ill wait. There best be some hot water left.我来洗的时候就没多少热水了 There wasnt very much when I started.快点 快点 Come on, hurry.好的 好了 好了 All right. Okay. Okay.我洗完了 出来了 我这就出来 Im done. Im out. Im totally out.哎哟 你的可真美 Damn, you got some

3、nice titties.谢谢夸奖 Thank you.你的简直和电视上见的一样 You got them TV titties.一对玉乳 昂“头“挺“胸“ 神气活现的 They stand up on they own, all perky and everything.好吧 Okay.你知道物资部那边是有拖鞋卖的 You know they sell flipflops at the commissary.我的钱还没汇过来 所以 My moneys not in yet, so.你可真有创意 我得夸奖你这一点 挺胸妹 You creative, I give you that, high

4、tits.快给老娘滚开吧 Now get the fuck outta the way.好吧 Okay.*我知道有个地方*I know a place thats got, *无人悲伤哭泣*hey, aint nobody crying. *无人烦恼忧心*Aint nobody worried.*所以 那里面烤着一整头猪吗 So, theres an entire pig in there.是的 Yes.就我们个人吃吗 For four of us.那只是头小乳猪 Its a small pig.我真的想试一下这个烤箱 I really wanted to use the box.这是我的生日

5、礼物 It was my birthday present.她很愧疚她得离我而去了 Shes guilty shes leaving.那是个因愧疚而赠送的烤猪箱 Its a guiltpigroastingbox.至少你还得到一份礼物啊 At least you get something.我也一年时间都不能做爱 Im not getting laid for a year, too,但我得到了什么呢 but what do I get?一个孩子吗 A baby?但孩子可不能吃 But you cant eat it.我们真要吃那玩意儿吗 Are we really gonna eat tha

6、t?那可是今晚的主题 Its thematic.你又不是要去古巴服刑 Youre not serving time in Cuba.猪 警察 Pigs. Cops.你他妈的明天怎么就去看守所了呢 How the fuck are you going to jail tomorrow?是监狱 不是看守所 Prison. Not jail.你要错过我家宝宝的送礼会了 Youre missing my shower.波丽 我真的很抱歉 Polly, Im really sorry.我知道 I know.你得把注意力放在如何在监狱保养你的眉毛上 You focus on how youre gonna

7、 maintain your eyebrows behind bars.你可不能就剩一条眉毛回来 You may not come back with a unibrow.我可以哭一场吗 Am I allowed to cry?不行 说真的 不可以 No. Seriously, no.好了 我们准备好了 大家都进屋吧 Okay, we are ready. Everybody inside.你需要个升降机来吊起你 是啊 You need a hoist? Yeah.大肚子姑娘 Big girl.去吃最后的晚餐啦 Onto the last supper.我们得做一次 我知道 We gotta

8、do it. I know.天啊 我们真不该吃那么多的 是啊 God. We really should not have eaten so much. I know.来吧 我们必须大干一场 好的 Come on, we got to rally. Okay.创造一些性福的回忆 明白吗 Make some memories, you know?你需要一些打飞机的刺激性素材 You need some spankbank material.你这么说的话.Oh, well, I mean, when you say it like that.等等 我得去. 怎么了 Oh, wait. I got

9、what?我得去撒尿 什么 别啊 I gotta pee. What? No.非去不可 真的吗 Yeah. Really?我一会儿就 马上 Ill just Ill be.我快速解决就回来 Ill be Ill be right back.你真美 You look beautiful.谢谢 Thanks.该死 Oh, shit.怎么了 What?你也很美 You look beautiful, too.快来 上床来吧 Come on. Get in.你哭了 Youre crying.别说话 直接干我吧 帕波 Shh. Just fuck me. Piper.别说话了 求你了 求你了 Shut

10、up. Please. Please.好吧 Okay.an美国司法部联邦教改局N 联邦教改机构N 纽约 利奇菲尔德今天不准探视 No visiting today.你好 我是主动来服刑的 Hi, um, Im here to surrender.那好吧 Okay, then.你觉得他看上去很惊讶吗 Did he look surprised to you?我刚说我是来主动服刑的 When I said that I was here to surrender?他看上去是不是很惊讶 就像在想 Didnt he look surprised, like,她跑这儿来搞什么鬼呢 what the he

11、ll is she doing here?我 我没注意 I I I didnt notice.我觉得他看上去很惊讶 He looked surprised to me.我看上去糟糕透了 I look like shit.我的眼睛都肿肿的 My eyes are all puffy.你现在竟然在担心你的形象吗 Youre worried about how you look?她们会看出来我哭过了 Well, theyre gonna know that I was crying.那会显示出我的软弱 Its a sign of weakness.绝对不能表现出软弱 You cant show an

12、y weakness.那本书上重点就强调了这个 Thats what all of the books said.小甜心 Oh, sweetie.别叫我小甜心 Dont call me sweetie.好吧 莱纳德 Oh. Leonard.那好多了 Thats better.我不能把这个带在身上 I cant take it with me.好吧 也对 Okay, right.你在干什么呢 What are you doing?什么 What?你在 你不能把它放在口袋里 What are you You you cant put that in your pocket.洗衣服的时候就会掉进洗衣

13、机滚筒里的 Its gonna end up in the bottom of the washing machine.好吧 那你希望我 Okay. Where where would you like me把它放在哪里 帕波 to put it, then, Piper?塞进你的屁股里 Up your ass.那地方可没空间了 Theres no room.显然 我已经一个头两个大了 Apparently, my heads already up there.我很抱歉 Im sorry.没关系的 Its okay.不如这样吧 You know what?我把它放在我的钱包里 好吗 Im go

14、nna put it in my wallet, okay?等我回家以后 And when I get home,我就把它放进你的首饰盒里 I will put it in your jewelry box.哪天我交不起房租了 就把它拿去当掉 Until Im short on rent, then I may hock it,但我会在你出狱之前再赎回来的 but Ill try to get it back before youre out.我们该进去了 We should go.好的 Okay.好吧 Okay.主动来服刑的 Selfsurrender.是啊 也没人通知我 Yeah, wel

15、l, no one told me either.文件就在我手上呢 Got the paperwork right here.名叫查普曼 Name is Chapman.对 “渣破“Yeah. Chap.就像你的嘴唇变得很干 Like when your lips get all dry,然后就渣裂破皮了 theyre chapped.去坐一下吧 Have a seat.帕波 跟“狙击手“押韵 Piper, rhymes with sniper.你饿吗 You hungry?不太饿 Not really.还是吃点吧 是意式奶酪 Eat anyway. Its burrata.谢谢 Thank

16、you.我妈妈跟她朋友说 My mother told her friends我去非洲做义工了 Im doing volunteer work in Africa.我敢说她们一定都大惊失色 I bet theyre all appalled that你竟然去了那么脏乱又危险的地方 youve gone somewhere so filthy and dangerous.我从来没携过毒品 只转运过黑钱 So I never carried drugs, just. money.你曾是个拉拉吗 You were a lesbian?那时候是的 At the time.你现在还是个拉拉吗 You still a lesbian?不 我现在不是拉拉了 No, Im not still a lesbian.你确定吗


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