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1、外研版 选修6 模块3 reading Sing a songSing a songSing the songs about friends or friendship one by oneGuess:Guess:Read the beginning and end of the passage, and guess what kind the story is. I remember the first time I met Roy. He was standing in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a jokeIt l

2、ooked as if there was about 500 there. I was so surprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hands. At that moment, the door swung open, and Roy walked in.Fast reading:Fast reading:Qs for fast-reading: 1. What was Roy like before his father died? 2. What kind of relationship did Roy an

3、d Daniel have? 3. How did Roy change? 4. What happened in the classroom that surprised Daniel? 5. What happened to the 500 ? 6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it?Outgoing, popular, and friendly1.What was Roy like before his father died?2. What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have?A close

4、 relationship, where they trusted each otherHe became silent and moody, lost interest in his schoolwork, and lost friends. Because of his fathers death.3. How did Roy change?4. What happened in the classroom surprised Daniel?He saw Roy taking money from other boys pockets. 5. What happened to the 50

5、0 ?6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it?It was stolen from a box in a classroom.Daniel felt cold while waiting for Roy In his bedroom, so he put on Roys Jacket and found the money in the pocket. Main idea of each para.Main idea of each para.Para 1: “I” had no friend when “I” came here.Para 2: Ro

6、y was kind to me and we became good friends.Para 3: Roy changed a lot, becoming silent and moody as his father died.Para 4: “I” saw Roy stealing others things.Para 5: “i” was not sure whether Roywas a thief. Para 6: The 500 was stolen by someone. Para 7: “I” decided to ask Roy about the thief only t

7、o find the 500 was inhis pocket. Para 8: A no-end storys end; I didntknow how to deal with the problem.1. Why does Roy become silent and moody? Is he really bad seriously?2. As his friend, what can you do for him at such a time?3. How did Daniel do? Do you think he did well?4. If you were “I”, what

8、would you do?Vocabulary:Vocabulary: Please do pair works to write two or three pieces of advice toSam. And then check the answers.Exercise 3:answer the questions Exercise 3:answer the questions about these words and phrases.about these words and phrases.1. financial, note, wallet, make money,raise m

9、oney2. theft,thief3. knock over4. move house5. make money6. raise money7. amountExercise 4. find words in the Exercise 4. find words in the passagepassage 1. a charity2. a cloakroom3. to burst out laughing4. a locker5. to go bright red (blush)6. moody7. a fairExercise 5. Exercise 5. 1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(a

10、) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(a)HomeworkHomework Please write your own endings to the story.温湿度传感器 温湿度传感器 vbg82wev 了。好好儿歇着吧!”说着,又爱怜地摸摸驴子的长脸,把缰绳放松一点儿,这才转身对耿正说:“走,我们也早点儿 歇了。明儿个早饭后,咱们就去街面上走走,琢磨一下应该做什么生意,在哪里盘一个合适的店面。”这汉口镇位于汉 水进入长江的入江口,周围水资源充足,土地肥沃,物产非常丰富,素有鱼米之乡的美誉。加之这里紧邻长江,具有传 统的商贸优势,自古以来就是当地的商品集散

11、地。镇上的大街小巷均由青石板铺砌,颇有别样的风情韵味儿。大街上商 铺林立,不但有大大小小经营各种商品的零售铺,而且还有好几个规模较大的商品批发店。各地的商人云集这里,将批 量采购的商品装船后,经长江水路运往其他的地方。而那些商品零售店铺,也从批发店廉价买得各自所经营的商品,然 后零售出去赚取差价。在接下来几天内,耿老爹父子四人将汉口镇仔仔细细地转了一个遍。镇上异常繁华的商贸环境和 良好的商贸秩序让耿老爹非常高兴,他对三个孩子说:“看来,这汉口镇确实是一个养人的好地方啊!”父子四人在汉 口镇的街面上一边走,一边看,并一边不断地盘算着。看着那一个个买卖兴隆的商品批发店,尤其是粮油批发店,让耿 老爹

12、好不眼红。他无限羡慕地对耿正兄妹三人说:“这些个批发店的生意是多么好啊!但是,要想做大一些的生意,就 必须有较多的本钱才行啊!可我们手里的银子是很有限的,只能是先开一个门面小一点儿的粮油零售店了。等掌握了足 够的经商经验,也赚得了一些银子之后,咱再慢慢地扩大门面。等到所有的时机完全成熟之后,咱们也雇佣一些伙计, 开一个像模像样的粮油批发店。虽说眼下咱们开的零售店只能是面对居民散客了,但等到以后开了大的批发店时,咱们 就可以面对零售店,甚至与那些商船做生意了。到那个时候,咱就可以好好地赚上一大笔,然后回家乡去实现咱们光宗 耀祖的梦想了!”耿老爹注意到,汉口镇上之前就已经有三家粮油零售店了,但这些

13、零售店全都不在当地的居民区内, 其中最近的一个距离人口集中居住区也有上百步远呢!于是,他对耿正兄妹三人说:“粮油零售面对的是当地的居民。 没有人愿意扛着粮食米面,抱着油罐子提着油桶走远路的。我们应该在人口集中居住区域的附近,盘一个大小适中,价 格也比较合适的门面店。这样一来,我们会占有一些地理方面的优势。相同的价格,人们肯定更愿意从我们的店铺里购 买!”没有费太多的周折,耿老爹就租赁到了一处非常理想的房子。这是一座新盖的临街小二楼,只有上下各两间,并 且下面的两间还是一个大通间。他决定将上层的两间作为父子四人的起居生活住房,他和两个儿子住一间,另一间是耿 英的卧房兼厨房。由于手头的本钱有限不可能做得太大,所以只


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