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1、New Horizon College EnglishReading lRead for detailed information;lTalk about marriage issues;lExpand vocabulary on the present topic;lMake a presentation on the Chinese issue.Lead in: discussionI. Watch a video clip and imagine: If you were the grandson of the wealthy old man, what would you choose

2、 to do?Lead in: discussionII. Discuss in small groups: What clauses (条 款) would you include in a premarital agreement?Background Information Pre-Marital Agreements (also called “pre-nuptial“ or “ante-nuptial agreements“) are binding legal contracts between you and the one you intend to marry. Among

3、the purposes people have in wanting such written agreements is to try to ensure that their assets remain theirs if the marriage fails, to provide that their assets, or at least a large portion of them, go to their children in the event of death, and to work out arrangements for matters that may beco

4、me problems after the marriage. For some, it is a smart and practical way to acknowledge the fact that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Background Information Years ago, marriage contracts were mainly for the rich and famous. Today, however, premarital agreements are used by couples who

5、are neither rich nor famous to clarify issues of money, property, and prior financial commitments. Premarital agreements rarely are used by young people who have few assets and are marrying for the first time. They are more commonly used in the following situations:Background Information The financi

6、ally independent widow and widower marrying late in life. The primary purpose of the agreement is to give up rights in each others assets, so that at death, property passes to children of the prior marriages. Background Information The couple marrying for the first time in their late 30s or early 40

7、s after each has accumulated assets. The purpose of the agreement is to keep property owned prior to the marriage as separate, rather than marital, property. When one or both partners has been previously divorced. The purpose of the agreement is, should this marriage end in divorce, to avoid some of

8、 the financial complications experienced in the prior divorce. Global ComprehensionI. Fast-reading practice: 1. What are preups? 2. Who needs to have prenups? 3. What are the reasons to have preups? 4. Under what circumstances will a lawyer refuse to draw up an agreement? 5. Does nationality play an

9、y role in preups?Global ComprehensionII. Fill in the blank with text information:A. How to deal with problems regarding preups? 1. _ are necessary.2. _ is required to write the document.3. Dont use _ as your future spouse does.Proper guidelinesA lawyerthe same lawyerGlobal Comprehension1. B. Advices

10、 from lawyers:2. 1. Dont sign prenups _. 2. Watch out while your spouse living abroad with _.under pressuredifferent passportCultural ReflectionHave a class debate: Should People Have Prenuptial agreement?Language Study: long sentences lRead the following sentence and translate it into NATURAL Chine

11、se. A typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth, has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems.Translation: 典型的欲签立婚前协定的人是那些寄 存了大量财富的男性,他们曾吃过苦头,因而想 减少自己日后的麻烦。lNow translate it back into English.典型的欲签立婚前协定的人是那些寄存了大量

12、财富 的 男性,他们曾吃过苦头,因而想减少自己日后的麻 烦。Language Study: long sentences The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making preups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died. (L65)lTranslation:保护自己的资产,使之能传到儿子和 孙子手中,这种努力使婚前契约在

13、已退休并丧偶 、又准备再婚的六七十岁的老人当中更为常见。Language Study: long sentences lNow translate it back into English.保护自己的资产,使之能传到儿子和孙子手中,这 种 努力使婚前契约在已退休并丧偶、又准备再婚的六 七 十岁的老人当中更为常见。Language Study: long sentences Language Study: words 伪造 争执 差不多要 与无关 正当理由citeforgejustificationUnder sbs nosedisputedelete just about have no be

14、aring onLanguage Study: ExerciseComplete the sentences with an appropriate word or phrase, preferably from what youve just learnt. 1. What you have said _ the subject. 2. The legal status of her will was _ for years after her death. 3. The thief _ my signature on a check. has no bearing ondisputedfo

15、rgedLanguage Study: Exercise4. Jennie put her hand over her eyes as if _ them from the sun,. 5. In the early days she had been _ by criticism of the way she dressed. 6. John is _ the presidency of the club next year. 7. I feel so _ in these high-heeled shoes.shielding stungin line forawkwardLanguage Study: Exercise8. A serious epidemic has _ in South America and thousands of people are dying. 9. I had _ finished my homework when my friend called me. 10. What can be said in _ of their actions? broke outjust aboutjustificationLanguage Output (1)I. Write ten sentences with the given words a


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