初二英语课件 一般过去时

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《初二英语课件 一般过去时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初二英语课件 一般过去时(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一般过去时Unit 10一、一般过去时:1用法: CB(P144-145)A)表示过去的动作或状况。句中 常有表示过去的时间状语,如: yesterday, three days ago, last month, in1999等。 Eg: I was born in 1944.Where were you yesterday morning? We both watched TV last night. Did you meet your friend this morning.B.) 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复 发生的动作。句子中常带有every day, often , always,

2、sometimes 等时间状语。 eg: Bell often visited his uncles farm. When Tom and John were at school ,they sometimes played football together.2.一般过去时的构成1)动词 be 的一般过去时。动词be的过去有两种形式: 第一 人称单数和第三人称单数用was;其余 的人称用were.eg : I was late yesterday.He was in Shanghai last month.一般过去时的肯定式,否定式和 疑问式的结构与一般现在时的结构是相 同的。2) 否定式:

3、P 83 (SHB) 主语+系动词was (were) not +. Was not wasnt were notwerent Do the exercise: SHB P83(1) 答案:was, was, were, were, was, was , was,was , was, was , was ,was, were, were, was, were, was.Do the exercise: SHB P84(2)答案:(1)There werent many cars fifty years ago.Now there are thousands.(2.) There were th

4、ousands of trees fifty years ago.Now there arent many.(3.) There were only ten good houses fifty years ago. Now there are hundreds. (4.)There was a lot of fresh air fifty years ago . Now there isnt much. (5.) There was a lot of grass fifty years ago. Now there isnt much.3.疑问式:P84Was (Were)+主+ .?回答:Y

5、es ,he was. No, he wasnt.4.特殊疑问句:SHB P85 疑问词+was (were )+主+.? Do he exercise1. SHB P85(3) 答案:(1.)Who was Napoleon? I think he was a French musician. No, he wasnt . He was a French general.(2.)What nationality was Einstein? I think he was American . No, he wasnt. He was German. (3.)What nationality w

6、as Cleopatra? I think she was Italian. No, she wasnt . She was Egyptian.(4.)What nationality was Plato and Aristotle? I think they were French. No, they werent. They were Greek. (5.)Where was Mozart from? I think he was from Germany. No. He wasnt . He was from Austria.Do the exercise 2. CB p145(4)(1

7、.)Who was with you ? My girlfriend was with me.(2.)What film was it ? It was The Last Emperor.(3.)Who was in it ? Peter OToole and Chen Chong were in it .(4.)Who was the director? The director was Bernado Bertolucci.(5.)What kind of film was it ? It was a history film .(6.)Which cinema were you in ?

8、 We were in the Capital.(7.)How much were the tickets? They were 5 yuan each.(8.)Where were your seats? Our seats were near the front.(9.)Was it a good film? Yes , it was very good.(10.)What was it about? It was about the Last Emperor in Chinese history.二、行为动词的一般过去时: 1.行为动词的过去式有规则变化和 不规则变化两种。规则动词的过

9、去式是在动词原形后加-ed 构成。 (1.)在动词后加-ed 如:worked ,helped , stayed, called , wanted, needed,t d id(2.)以e结尾的动词只加-dhoped, liked , believed, lived (3.) 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词先将y变为i,再加-ed .studied, tried(4.) 以重读闭音节结尾而末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写辅音字母后再加-ed (以x 结尾的词除外)。如:stopped, mapped , planned, referred, admitted, omitted(5.) 以元音字母+

10、y结尾的词, 直接加-ed, y无须改为i.”Obey-obeyed, enjoy-enjoyed, play- playedDo the exercise: SHB P86 (4) (5)练习4 答案:(1.)played (2.) listened (3.)watched(4.) opened (5.) smoked(6.) washed (7.) answered练习5 答案: cry-cried, help helped, die- died. love-lived, hate-hated, try-tried, like-liked, finish- finished , arriv

11、e- arrived, call called. marry married, enjoy enjoyed, stay-stayedrepair-repaired, mend-mended, need-needed expect-expected, happen-happened, stop-stopped. depart-departed, watch-watched2.不规则动词的过去式看SHB P167-168. Do the exercise: CB P146(6) P157 (1.) P157(1)答案:(1.)looked (2.) decided (3.)laughed (4.)

12、 turned (5.) tripped, smashed (6.) shouted (7) walked (8.) dropt(dropped)3.肯定式: SHB P86.主+动词的过去式+. 4、否定式 主+助动词did+动词原形. 行为动词一般过去式的否定式,要使 用助动词do 的过去式did,后面的 谓语动词用原形。 Did notdidnt. Do the exercise: SHB P87(6)练习6答案:(1.)Anna liked the film, but Peter didnt like it.(2.)Susan studied French, but Julie did

13、 not study it.(3.)Jane watched programme, but Phillip didnt watch it 5.一般疑问句: SHB(P87)助动词Did+ 主+动词原形?Yes, 主+didNo,主+didnt .6.特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主+动词原形+?eg: Where did you work?We worked in a factory.Do the exercise: SHB P87 (7)答案:(1) did she played? (2) cases did he carry(3) did they start (4)did she borr

14、ow the bike? (5)did he repeat the exercise (6) hotel did they stay inDo the exercise: SHB P88 (7) 答案:(1)They arrived at quarter to nine. (2) He died last week.(3)She waited for half an hour (4)I watched a history film.(5)I remembered everything. (6)I talked to the manager.(7)He cooked fish. (8)They

15、walked three kilometers.三、倒装句 So+be/do+主语在英语中,由于语言变化的需要,常常使用倒装结构,倒装结 构的种类较多,但在结构上却有共 同之处,即将谓语动词或谓语的一 部分,如助动词(情态动词)等移 至主语的前面。为了避免语言的重复,可以使 用so+be/do+主语这样的倒装句。eg: He has supper at seven oclock, and so do I.She is French, and so am I.They were late, and so were we. He went to India last year, and so did she.Do the exercise: SHB P89 (9)答案:(1)so did my (2) so were (3) so am (4) so did (5) so does (6) so will四、课文学习(1、)CB P144 (1) (2、)CB P146 (5) (3、)CB P149 (1) (4、)CB P151 (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7)


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