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1、Structure I. Introduction: There are three kinds of thinking and I myself could not think at all.(para.1) II. The three grades of thinking(paras.2-32) A. Grade-three thinking: the writers headmaster being an example(paras.2-24) B. Grade-two thinking (paras.25-29) C. Grade-one thinking (paras.30-32)

2、III. Conclusion: Conversion of the writer into a grade-one thinker(paras.33-35). 49. I was irreverent at the best of times. Political and religious systems, social customs, loyalties and traditions, they all came tumbling down like so many rotten apples off a tree. (para.31)在情况最好的时候,我也没 有表现出敬意。政治和宗教

3、制度、社会风俗、忠诚和传统。在我看来 都像树上诸多的烂苹果一样会纷纷滚落在地。 Irreverent: lacking reverence; critical of what is generally accepted or respected 不虔诚的、不恭敬的 at the best of times: adv. 在最有利的情况下 Even at the best of times the lift was seldom working. 即使最顺利的时候,电梯也是很少开的。 Tumble: 跌倒,摔倒;被绊倒;倒塌;翻来覆去,翻腾 Tumble to the ground. The ho

4、use tumbled down in the storm.Language points50. I came up in the end with what must always remain the justification for grade-one thinking. I devised a coherent system for living. It was a moral system, which was wholly logical. (Para. 31)最 后我悟出了如何才能保持一级思考能力的真谛。我构建了一个统一的 生存体系,那是一个道德体系,完全合乎逻辑。-Accor

5、ding to the author, grade-one thinking must be based on a coherent and logical system for living, in other words, a moral system, without which you cannot prove yourself to be a grade-one thinker. Judging by the context, this system probably refers to ones world outlook世界观and basic political beliefs

6、 and moral principles. Come up with: 追赶上;比得上;想出;准备好(钱等) He could always come up with a reason for them to stay for another week. devise:想出,设计51. Of course, as I readily admitted, conversion of the world to my way of thinking might be difficult, since my system did away with a number of trifles, such

7、 as big business, centralized government, armies, marriage. (para.31) -Of course I knew very well that it might be difficult to change the world to my way of thinking. do away with a number of trifles:to get rid of a number of unimportant things such as big business It shows that the author is again

8、st big business, centralized government, armies, etc. do away with: To do away with something means to remove it completely or put an end to it.废除, 消灭, 去掉;涤 除;搞掉 trifle: 可数名词 小事; 琐事; 无价值的东西 A trifle is something that is considered to have little importance, value, or significance. 52. It was Ruth al

9、l over again. I had some very good friends who stood by me, and still do. But my acquaintances vanished, taking the girls with them. (Para. 32) -What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. My grade-two thinking frightened away many of my acquaintances. all over again : repeated 再来一遍、重新开始 Il

10、l have to write it all over again. 我得从头再写一遍。 stand by a. to remain uninvolved; to refrain from acting旁观 b. to remain loyal to; to aid or support支持 c. to keep or maintain遵守 d. to be ready or available to act准备行动 e.g. He stood by me through all my troubles. The police are standing by to control the cr

11、owd if it is necessary. You should always stand by your promises. You cant stand by and allow such a thing. Acquaintance n. a. a person whom one knows (CN) b. knowledge or information about something or someone (UN) n. acquaintanceship v. acquaint: To come to know personally; to make familiar; to in

12、form; Examples: Mrs. Bosomley has become merely a nodding acquaintance.点 头之交; Few of my acquaintances like Sheila.认识的人 The guide has some acquaintance with Italian.懂一点意大利语He has a wide acquaintanceship among all sorts of people. 交 往甚广 53. Had the game gone too far? In those prewar days, I stood to l

13、ose a great deal, for the sake of a hobby. (para.33)-In those prewar days when many people were fully worked up to a political frenzy, it was very dangerous to voice different opinions. You might lose friends or your job. game :his grade-one thinking which he takes as a hobbygo too far: to go beyond

14、 what is reasonable and acceptable 走得太远,做的过火;出圈儿Dont go too far afield or youll get lost. 别走得太远,要不然你 会迷路的。 stood to lose : to be likely to lose 定然会 54. Now you are expecting me to describe how I saw the folly of my ways and came back to the warm nest (para.34) -Now you think I will tell you how I gr

15、adually saw my stupidity in being a grade-one thinker and therefore decided to give it up and return to the majority of grade-three thinkers. 现在你一定指望我描述我如何认识到了我自己设计的愚蠢 的思维方式,又是如何回到温暖的小巢了吧。在这个安乐 窝中,偏见被称为忠诚,无意义的行为被不断重复后变成 了习俗,我们却心满意足地说自己在思考。 folly n. 蠢笨 蠢笨;愚行;讽刺剧 55. But you would be wrong. I dropped

16、my hobby and turned professional.(para.35) 但是,你错了。我把我的嗜好变成了职业。 -But you guessed wrong. I did not drop my hobby of thinking ( here, we can say he might give up the hobby of grade-two thinking). Instead I went further and became a professional thinker.II.II.Writing DevicesWriting DevicesMetonymy (转喻)is substituting a word for another word closely associ


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