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1、农村旅游崭露头角推动生活品质提升提高农民生活水平、改善农民生活条件是新农村建设要解决的基本问题。而解决这个问题的根本出路,就是要大力发展农村经济:一方面是保证农业生产的稳步增长,另一方面是推动农村非农产业的健康发展,以及通过城市的“反哺” ,千方百计地增加农民收入。 Improve the living standards of farmers, improve the living conditions of farmers are the basic problems to be solved in the construction of new countryside. The fund

2、amental way to solve this problem, is to vigorously develop the rural economy: on the one hand is to ensure the steady growth of agricultural production, the other is to promote the healthy development of the rural non-agricultural industry, and through the citys feedback, make every attempt to incr

3、ease the income of farmers.近年来,农村的发展实践证明了一点,那就是多种非农产业在解决农村剩余劳动力,增加农民收入,改善农村产业结构等方面都发挥了至关重要的作用。我们应该注意到,农村旅游在其中扮演的重要角色,以及对一些农村地区经济与社会面貌的改善所起到的促进作用。 In recent years, the development of the practice of rural proved one thing, it is a variety of non-agricultural industries in http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/

4、surplus labor force, increasing the income of farmers, improve the rural industrial structure has played a crucial role in. We should pay attention to the rural tourism, in which important cosplay, as well as the improvement of economic and social outlook in some rural areas played a role in promoti

5、ng.发展农村旅游,尤其是发展大中城市周边的农村旅游,可以实现城市自愿支持农村发展,吸引城市的资金及人才向农村流动,且符合市场规律,真正的体现“ 城市反哺农村” 的方针。农村经济发展,需要进行产业结构和产品结构的调整,形成高附加值的经济产业。而旅游产业,是乡村经济中最具有附加值的产业。同时,旅游业能推进农村乃至全国的经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变,提高农业的平均利润率,实现“ 生 产发 展” 的目标 。 The development of rural tourism, especially the development of large and medium-sized city surr

6、ounding rural tourism, can realize the city voluntary support rural development, the city to attract talent and capital flowing into the rural areas, and in accordance with the laws of the market, the real embodiment of city and countryside policy. The development of rural economy, needs to carry on

7、 the industrial structure and product structure adjustment, the formation of high value-added industries. While tourism industry, is the most value-added http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ in rural economy. At the same time, the tourism industry can promote the transformation of rural and national economic

8、 structural adjustment and economic growth mode, improve the average profit rate of agriculture, implementation of production development target.通过发展农村旅游,可以使农村自力更生,靠自身力量得到发展,进而减少国家对农村的扶持资金。同时,当地农民参与投资、经营旅游业,可增加其可支配收入,实现“生活宽裕” 的目 标。 Through the development of rural tourism, can make the rural rely th

9、rough ones own efforts, develop on its own, and then reduce the funds to support the rural country. At the same time, the local farmers to participate in business investment, tourism, can increase the disposable income, the realization of well-off target.农村旅游产业,最终是服务产业,是文化产业。没有以游客为上帝的服务精神,就难以获得市场的认可

10、,更不易获得经济的收益。因此,发展农村旅游,必然在市场的引导下,在现实的教育下,培养了农民市场经济意识和服务顾客的文明。市场是一所最好的学校,服务教育将农民培养成为文明卫生礼貌的公民。发展农村旅游,大量的外来文化和先进思想带入农村,可以迅速提高农民的文化水平,使农民接受先http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 的目标。 Rural tourism industry, finally is the service industry, cultural industry. No visitors to Gods service spirit, it is difficult to

11、gain market recognition, more difficult to obtain economic benefits. Therefore, the development of rural tourism, must be under the guidance of market, in real education, training the farmers market economy consciousness and customer service civilization. The market is one of the best schools, educa

12、tion services will training of farmers become civilized polite citizens health. The development of rural tourism, a lot of foreign culture and the advanced ideas into the countryside, can rapidly improve the cultural level of farmers, the farmers accept advanced ideas, realization of ideological tra

13、nsformation, to achieve the goal of civilized.农村旅游中的旅游休闲环境的打造,农家接待条件的建设,都是最基础的内容;旅游对于环境卫生及整洁景观的要求,将大大推动农村村容的改变,推动卫生条件的改善,推动环境治理,推动村庄整体建设的发展。最为重要的是,旅游休闲要求,村庄面貌不是千村一面,而是各具特色; 玻璃纤维短切丝旅游最求个性化、特色化、原生态文化基础、唯一性等等,都形成了旅游村庄的独特面貌和村容,是打破目前新农村建设中千村一面的最佳模式。可以说,发展农村旅游,http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 洁” 的目 标。 Establis

14、hing the rural tourism in the tourism and leisure environment, the construction of farmer reception conditions, are the most basic content; tourism for the environment clean and tidy landscape, will greatly promote the rural village of change, promoting health conditions improve, promote environment

15、al governance, promote the development of the whole construction of village. Most importantly, tourism and leisure requirements, not the village of a thousand village appearance, but their own characteristics; tourism for individuation, characteristic, the original ecological culture foundation, unique



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