高一英语教学课件Unit2《section1 Warming up,Pre-reading,Reading》(新人教版必修1)

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1、英语路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索人教版 必修1English around the worldUnit 2Section Warming up, Prereading , Reading is increasingv.课文理解v1Read The road to modern English, and then match each paragraph with its main idea.vParagraph 1 AAll languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.vPar

2、agraph 2 BHow English spread(传播) in the past.vParagraph 3 CEnglish speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.vParagraph 4 DBy the 19th century, two big changes in English spelling had happened.vParagraph 5 EEnglish is spoken in many countries in Africa and S

3、outh Asia.v答案:Paragraph 1B Paragraph 2C Paragraph 3AvParagraph 4D Paragraph 5Ev2Choose the best answer according to the passage.v(1)The passage mainly tells us _.vAwhy English is more and more widely used in the world todayvBa very brief history of the English languagevCthe differences between Briti

4、sh English and American EnglishvDthe different kinds of the English language in the worldv答案:Bv(2)From this passage we can infer that the English language was once influenced(影响) by _.vAthe Chinese languagevBSouth AfricavCSouth AsiavDGerman, Danish and Frenchv答案:D 推理判断题。 由倒数第三段第四 、五、六句可推测,英语曾经受到过德语、

5、 丹麦语和法语的影响。v(3)From this passage we can see that _.vAthe author is quite sure that Chinese English will develop its own identityvBthe author has no idea whether or not Chinese English will develop its own identityvCthe author thinks that government and education play an important role in English lea

6、rningvDthe author feels very satisfied to see more and more Chinese people are learning Englishv答案:B 推理判断题。从最后两句话“Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.”(中国英语会发展出自己的 特色吗?这只能由时间来回答了。)可得知, 作者对中国英语是否能成为英语的一个组成 部分没有把握或不知道,故选B。v.课文内容语法填空vBy the 19th century American English s

7、pelling got a separate identity _7_ Noah Webster wrote his dictionary. _8_ present, people speak English as their second or _9_ foreign language in South Asia. China may have the _10_ number of English learners.v答案:1.developed 2.with 3.enriched 4.its 5.gradually 6.was spoken 7.when8.At 9.a 10.larges

8、t课堂要点探究v1voyage n航行;航海vThe ship, Titanic, sank because of hitting an iceberg on its first voyage.v“泰坦尼克号”在它的第一次航行中,因撞 上冰山而沉入水底。vDuring the annual Red Leaf Festival, many foreign tourists will make a voyage to visit the Fragrant Hills Park every year.v在一年一度的红叶节期间,每年很多外国游 客漂洋过海来香山公园参观。v归纳拓展vmake/take

9、a voyage去航海;去航行vgo on a voyage正在航海;正在航行(强调动 作)vbe on a voyage正在航海;正在航行(强调状 态)v易混辨析voyagen.C指“海上旅行 ”或“航行”He went on a voyage round the world. 他作了一次环球航海旅行。 journeyn.C常指远距离的 陆地旅行Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途 愉快。 tripn.C指短途、短期 旅行,远足They made a trip to the seaside last weekend.上周末他们去了一次海滨 。 tourn.C,U指

10、(团队 ) 观光旅游,也可表 示“巡视”“巡回 比赛”或“演出”I prefer a walking tour.我更喜欢徒步 旅行。 The band is on tour in France.这支乐 队在法国巡回演出。 traveln.C,U常指长距 离旅行或国外旅行The novel is based on his travels in India.这部长篇小说是根据他的印度 之行写成的。v活学活用v用voyage, journey或tour填空vIt is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Moscow.vWe went on

11、a guided _ round the castle.vThey made a _ across the oceans.v答案:journey tour voyagev2native v(1)adj.本国的;本地的vThe koala is native to Australia.v考拉原产于澳大利亚。vEnglish is his native language.v英语是他的母语。v(2)n.本地人;本国人vAre you a native here, or just a visitor?v你是本地人,还是只是一名游客?v归纳拓展vbe native to 原产于vgo native 入乡

12、随俗;同化vones native country/land/language 某人的 祖国/故乡/母语v活学活用v英汉互译v香蕉是台湾的土产。v_ _vSince he went to live in America last year, he has gone native gradually.v_ _v语法单句填空vNowadays, we can find many plants native _ America, such as tobaccos, potatoes.v答案:The banana is native to Taiwan.v自去年他到美国居住以来,他已渐渐地入 乡随俗。

13、vto 句意:如今,我们发现许多植物原产 于美洲,像烟草、土豆等。(be) native to是 固定搭配,指“动植物原产于某地”。v3actually adv.v(1)(在口语中用于强调事实)真实地;实际上;事 实上vI dont actually remember it.v其实我不记得那件事了。vIve known Barbare for years. Since we were babies, actually.v我认识芭芭拉很多年了。实际上我们从小就认识 。v(2)(表示想法与事实不一致而感到惊奇)居然;竟然vHe is actually over fifty years old.v他

14、竟然五十多岁了。v (3)(礼貌地纠正他人)实际 上;事实上vNo, Im not a student. Im a doctor, actually.v不,我不是学生。实际 上我是医生。v(4)(用于引起别人注意或转换话题 )说实 在的vActually,_Im busy at the momentcan I call you back later?v说实 在的,我这会儿正忙我可以过会儿 给你回电话吗 ?v活学活用v完成句子v_(事实上) I have been teaching history for five years.vHe looks younger than his wife, b

15、ut _ _ _(事实上), hes a lot older.v语法单句填空vTheres a big difference between saying youll do something and _(actual) doing it.v答案:Actually in actual fact actuallyv4base v(1)vt. 以为根据vHe based his theory on what he had found.v他的理论基于他的发现 。vThe researchers conclusion was based on a study of the African elephants DNAv调查 者的结论 是以研究非洲大象的DNA为 基础的。v(2)n.基部;基地;基础vThe explorers set up a base at the foot of the mountain.v探险者在山脚下建立了基地。v归纳拓展v(1)base. on/upon 把建立在的基 础上vbe based on/upon



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