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1、Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语.词汇过关1_adj.世界性的;遍及全世界的2_n愚人;白痴_vt.愚弄;欺骗3_n许可;允许_v_n许可证4_n预言;预告_v.答案:1.worldwide 2.fool; fool 3.permission; permit; permit 4.prediction; predictUnit 1 Festivals around the wor

2、ld人 教 版 英 语.短语自查1as though_2in fact_3rather than_4dress up_答案:1.好像 2.事实上 3.而不 4.盛装;打扮;装饰Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语.语法练习1No student _go out of school after eleven oclock at night without the teachers permission.Awill BmustCmay Dshall答案:D 考查情态动词。本句是一条禁令,而shall用于肯定句,当主语是第一、三人称时,表示允许、警告等

3、语气。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语2Guess what! Tan Weiwei failed in the last round of the Super Girl Contest.How _it be? She is second to none in singing in my opinion.Ashall BmightCmust Dcan答案:D 考查查情态动词态动词 。句意:“你猜怎么着!谭维维谭维维 在超级级女生总总决赛赛中被打败败了。怎么可能?依我看,她是唱得最棒的。”在表示推测测的情态动词态动词 中,must和might用

4、于肯定句,can或could用于否定句和疑问问句,而shall不表推测测,故选选D。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语3Excuse me, everybody!_we get started?We have a lot to do.We _,sir. Some files havent been prepared up.ACan;wont BMust; needntCShall; cant DWill; wont答案:C 考查查情态动词态动词 。第一个空的句意是:我们们可以开始了吗吗?是用来表示征求意见见的语语气。shall用于第一、三人称并

5、用在疑问问句中时时,表示征求意见见或请请求指示;第一个人既然是征求意见见,那么第二个人就是用来表示许许可或给给予指示了,因此用cant来表示否定的许许可。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语4Sometimes he is very friendly; at other times he _be very moody.Acan BmustCwill Dshall答案:A 考查查情态动词态动词 。根据句意“有时时他很友好,有时时他又会喜怒无常。”可知选项选项 中的情态动词态动词 只有能表示可能性的动词动词 才能用于此处处。can可表示一种客观观上的

6、可能,理解为为“有时时会”,will只表示将来,不表示可能性,shall也只能表示将来或“应该应该 ”之意,都不能用于此处处。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语5Mum, we are free tomorrow. Can I go and hang about with my friends?You bet! You _have ten dollars as well.Aought to BcanCshall Dmust答案:C 考查查情态动词态动词 。答语语意为为:当然可以!还还可以给给你10美元。此处处shall用于第二人称,表示说话说话

7、 人的允许许。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语6Cultural fastfood_be tasty. But is it good for the brain?Amay BmustCneed Dwill答案:A 考查查情态动词态动词 。根据意思这这里是表示推测测,表示一般的可能性用may。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语7Are you going to the lecture tomorrow afternoon?Im not sure now. I_go to Prof Blacks

8、class instead.Amight BwouldCshould Dmust答案:A 考查查情态动词态动词 。根据上文Im not sure.可判断出可能性不大,故答案为为might。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语8Betty said she would definitely be here before 7. Shes never late.But its half past 7 now. She _be coming.Awould not Bdare notCneed not Dcannot答案:D 考查查情态动词态动词 。上一句

9、提到贝贝蒂说说她七点之前一定到这这。她从不迟迟到。下一句说现说现 在已是七点半,由此可知她一定不会来了。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语.单词突破1fool1)n.傻瓜;白痴;笨人What a fool you were!你真是个大傻瓜!Hes a fool because he leaves his door open when he goes out.他是个大傻瓜,因为他出去时把门开着。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人

10、教 版 英 语2)vt.& vi.愚弄;欺骗骗;干傻事;说说蠢话话You cant fool me! I dont believe you.你骗骗不了我!我不相信你。I dont have time to fool around.我没有时间闲时间闲 耍。Dont be angry. We are just fooling.别别生气,我们们只是闹闹着玩的。3)adj.傻的That was a damn fool thing to do!干那种事真傻!Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语【知识拓展】1)(派)foolish adj.愚蠢的Its fo

11、olish to idle away ones precious time.把宝贵的时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。2)make a fool of oneself出丑be fool enough to 真傻,傻到fool about/around/away闲耍,虚度光阴fool sb into doing sth哄骗某人干某事fool sb out of ones money骗去某人的钱make a fool of sb口愚弄某人Every man has a fool in his sleeve.谚人人都有糊涂的时候。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语

12、【牛刀小试】One who pretends to know what he actually doesnt, sometimes, makes a _of himself.Afun BtrickCjoke Dfool答案:D 四个选项都可构成短语:make fun of sb“取笑某人”; play a trick/a joke on sb“捉弄某人”;make a fool of oneself“出丑”,要注意它们的搭配有所不同。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语2permission U(for sth)|(for sb/sth)(to

13、do sth) 准许;许可;批准No official permission has been given for the event to take place.这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。You must ask permission if you want to leave early.如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语【词语辨析】permission,permit1)permission 指“(有批准权的人的)允许或许可”,为不可数名词。They entered the area without p

14、ermission.他们未经许可擅入此地。2)permit 指“书面许可”或“许可证;执照”,是可数名词。Do you have a drivers permit?你有驾驶执照吗? Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语【牛刀小试】(1)Before building a house, you will have to _the governments permission.Aget from BfollowCreceive Dask for答案:D 句意: 在建造房屋之前,你必须得到政府的许可。ask for permission “请求许可”;

15、May I have permission to leave early? 可以让我早点走吗? Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语(2)If you want to go into that factory, you need a_.Apermission BpermittingCpermit Dpermiting答案:C permit在此是“许许可证证;特许证许证 ”之意。Unit 1 Festivals around the world人 教 版 英 语(3)Strangers are not allowed to enter the office_.Awith permissionBwithout a permissionCwith permitDwi



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