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1、Lesson 14 Lily Studied China!Lead inTalk about the following things. Have you learned other countries in school?What foreign holidays do you know about ?Mothers Daya grocery store(一) 读本课单词,然后背诵并默写填空。1. 南方的 _2. 文化,习俗 _3. 节日,假日_4. 旅游,观光者_5. 中心的_6. 商业,生意 _southern culturefestivaltouristcentralbusinessP

2、resentation(二)阅读课文找出下列短语。1.中国南部 _ 2.让某人看某物_3. 中国文化_ 4.儿童节 _ 5. 传统的食物_ southern Chinatraditional foodChildrens DayChinese cultureshow sb. sth.(三) 试着把以下句子译成汉语。 1. My family has lived in Canada for six years. _ 2. It is so interesting. _ 3. He showed us some pictures of places of interest. _ 4. My clas

3、s has learned about China. _我们家在加拿大住了已经六年了。它是这么有趣。他让我们看了一些名胜古迹的照片。我班已经了解了中国。(四)快速阅读课文并回答问题:1. What subject is Lily good at?_2.What festival does Lily like best?_3.Are there any Chinese restaurants in Canada?_4. Where is the Chinese restaurant called Beijing Beijing Peking House?_Math and science.Its

4、 in the central business district.Yes.Childrens Day.1. Lilys favourite subject is _.A. Chinese B. China C. social studies2. Her class has learned about _.A. Chinese B. China C. Canada3. She wants to _.A. travel B. eat C. shop4.They dont have a day for _.A. mother B. children C. father(五)读课文,选择正确答案。5

5、. Their teacher took them to a _.A. Chinese restaurant and a Chinese grocery storeB. Chinese theatre C. Chinese clothing store6.The grocery store had _ he didnt know.A. many flowers B. many foods C. many vegetables7. They have many _ in their city.A. Chinese supermarkets B. Chinese parks C. Chinese

6、restaurants1Its so interesting!它是那么有趣!句中的so是副词,意为“那么,如此”。She is so beautiful. 她是那么美丽。 Im so glad to see you.见到您非常高兴。It is so small that you cant see it它很小,以至于你看不见。so后面还可接形容词+冠词+名词.He is so lovely a boy! 他是如此可爱的一个男孩!Language Points2You learn about different countries of the worldlearn about意为“了解,得知”。

7、句中of the world是介词短语作定语,修饰countries.We have learned about the school in the town我们已经了解了镇上的这个学校的情况。(in the town作the school的定语)3. In class, he showed us some pictures of places of interest in China.show动词,常跟双宾语,show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb.She showed her classmates her new dress.= She showed her new

8、dress to her classmates. 她把新裙子让同学们看了一下。show sb. around sw. 带领某人参观某地Thank you for showing us around your new school.谢谢你带我们参观你的新学校。1.把带到 _2.中国餐馆_3.儿童节_4.different countries of the world _5.Mothers Day_6.learn about _. 英汉互译Practicetake to Chinese restaurants 世界上不同的国家 Childrens Day 母亲节 了解 . 根据句意及首字母提示完成

9、单词。1.Chinese _(文化)is so interesting.2.The Chinese _ (餐馆) is great.3.Have you learned about Chinese _(传统的) foods?4.I love to _(旅游).5.I learned about Chinese _ (节日).restauranttraditionaltravelfestivalsculture1. Today is June 1, its_ (child) Day.2. My favourite subject is social _ (study).3. His family

10、 _(live) in China for many years.4. He comes from the _ (south) part of China.5. There are many _ (tradition) festivals in China.用所给单词的适当形式填空。Childrens studies has lived traditionalsouthern 1.It was Tuesday yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ it yesterday? 2.Lily has lived here for six years.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ Lil

11、y lived here?3.My friend took us to a park yesterday. (改为一般疑问 句)_ your friend _ you to a park yesterday?4.Jim is good at math.(改为同义句)Jim _ _ _ math.5.We would like to learn more about China.(对画线部分提 问) _ _ you _ to _? . 按要求改写下列句子。What day wasHow long hasDid take does well inWhat would like doHomeworkWrite a passage about the country that you have learned about.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。


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