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1、微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语四六级写作内容篇 题材现实性四六级写作的题材具有显著的现实性 ,基本可以分为两大类:1. 贴近大学生的学习工作及课余生 活的校园题材2. 论及当前社会的现象、发展变化 及进步的热点话题。微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 1. Recreational Activities (2008. 6) 2. What Electives to Choose (2007. 12) 3. Welcome to Our Club (2007. 6) 4. Volunteers Needed

2、(2006. 6) 5. Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourist? (2005. 12) 6. Teachers Day (2005. 6) 7. A Campaign Speech (2005. 1) 8. A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction (2004. 6) 9. A Letter in Reply to a Friend (2004. 1)校园题材微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 关于此类题材的近五年的真题作文列举如下: 1. Lim

3、iting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags (2008. 12) 2. Spring Festival Gala on CCTV (2006. 12) -3 How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent? (2010) 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该 -4 Online Shopping (2011.06)四级作文命题透析社会热点话题微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语健康:1身体健康-health: physical:-ke

4、ep fit; wellbeing(emotional/physical/psychological) 2008.12/2008.06/2007.12/98.06/93.01/91/90 2人的心理健康:psychologically, mentally :independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, creative, sociable, selfish, isolated, conservative-2009.12( 绿色校 园不仅指绿色环境)/2007.12/2007.06参加社 团缓解压力微信号:every

5、day46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语教育与娱乐: recreation, relax, entertainment; cultivate, foster, enlighten, give inspiration to ,motivate, expand ones horizon,促进学生身心发 展:promote the students physical, intellectual and emotional development (well-rounded/ versatile) mould ones character; team spirit 2009.06(博

6、物馆免费开放的目的)-2008.06( 娱乐使人们受益)/2007.12(学生选课不同原因 )/2007.06( 参加社团的好处)/2006.12( 看春晚)微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语方便VS效率: 2008.12一次性塑料袋广泛使用/2002.06 计算机普及程度/2002.01食堂服务 /1994.01现代化交通工具发达 ./1991.01- 自行车在中国这样普及 2006.06学生自由选择教师方便学生,提 高办学的效率微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语节省和浪费:save time/ money/

7、 space; economical, thrift; waste time/ money/ space; costly 2009.06博物馆作为教育资源/2008.12塑料袋 使用/2004.01报考专业理由(人才浪费) 2002.01-对食堂批评; 2000.01 上大学费用( taking a part-time job ease/alleviate family financial burden 1996.01双休日可能给大学生带来的问题 1998.01假冒伪劣商品对个人(浪费金钱)微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语环境:environment

8、, pollute, poisonous, dirty, contamination, detrimental to , sustainable development; 2009.12/2009.06公共设施环境维护(图 片)/2008.12preserve environment/2007.06社团主要内容环 保组织”heal the world” 2005.12校园是否对游客开放/1990.06-城 市绿化微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语安全和危险:safe, danger, risk2009.06( 公共场所存在安全隐患)/2008.06/9

9、8.01 假冒伪劣产品安全隐患/97.06大学生了解 社会的必要性(社会的险恶,陷阱 trap)/96.01双休日带来的问题travel;微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语经验:working experience, social experience, enter the society; practical experience; associate theory with practice; (interpersonal skills) 2007.12开设选修课目的/2007.06社团 的好处: expand ones horizon; enla

10、rge our knowledge;/2005.01具备胜任学生会主 席的条件/2001.01-取得面试成功的因素/ 97.06大学生了解社会的必要性微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 个人权利与自由: 2007.12学 生选课不同的原因 /2006.06允许学生选择老师( 学生权利student centered)/ 2004.01 报考专业理由 意志:Nothing Succeeds without a strong will (2011.12)微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语用词是否恰当,准确,形象,关

11、键 词是否换用,切勿老用重复词; Good advisable/sensible/informative/useful/instr uctive; Goodbeneficial, advantageous, helpful; excellent, outstanding; Badundesirable/mindless/worthless;Badharmful, baneful, detrimental微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 Lots ofa host of , a vast number of(可 数名词),a great deal of

12、 , a vast amount of ( 不可数名词)-substantial; considerable; heaps of Importantcrucial, vital, significant, key;P4;indispensable/integral;微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 desire 替换want pour attention into 替换pay attention to bear in mind that 替换remember 促进/提高/增强/改善 give a boost to/enhance/motivate/

13、better/ promote微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语角色与功能 Play an important( active, major, central, crucial, essential, integral, prominent, vital) role Play a big part- Take a leading part-微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语允许与阻止 Makepossible电脑的使用促使人们在 家上班: The use of computers and other high-

14、tech office equipment has made it possible for more people to work from home.微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语Enable, encourage, entitle 谈中国的老年人如何受到社会的尊重适 用于个人/社会类话题 In China, respect for senior citizens is shown in the fact that they are entitled to many public services free of charge.微信号:ever

15、yday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语Stop, keep, prevent, prohibit 太多的学业压力对学生的负面影响 Too much academic pressure deprives young students of the opportunity to take part in any extracurricular activities and prevent them from enjoying their school years. (hinder-obstructhedge) 微信号:everyday46 , 获取更多英语好资料! 微博:每日四六级英语 Increasing (ly), growing 替



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