新目标英语七年级下学期Unit 5 I′m watching TV优质课件

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《新目标英语七年级下学期Unit 5 I′m watching TV优质课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标英语七年级下学期Unit 5 I′m watching TV优质课件(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Im watching TVPeriod 1singing playing basketballWhat are you doing?I m playing basketball.swimming-What is he/she doing ? -He/She is .eating dinner cleaning painting drawing a picture watching TVdodoinging homework homeworkreadreadingingtalking on the phonewriting a letter write writingsleepi

2、ngWhats he doing? He is What are they doing?(Whats =What is) They are dancingdancedancingcleaningcleaningeating dinnereating dinner-What are they doing?-Theyrerun runningtalkingplaying chesstalking on the phone What is it doing?Its reading a book.What are you doing? Im reading. Reading, reading, rea

3、ding. Whats she doing? Shes cleaning. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.Whats he doing? Hes eating. Eating, eating, eating. What are they doing? Theyre running. Runing,runing,runing.Do and say :-What are you doing ? -I am -What is he /she doing ? -He /She is There are many people in the Happy Apartment.

4、What are they doing?-What are they doing ?1.doing homework_2.watching TV_3.cleaning _4.eating dinner _5.reading _6.talking on the phone_d a b c feNamedoingJennyDave and MaryJohn2 watching TV4 eating dinner1 doing homeworkPlay a guessing game !Is he /she .? Are they .? Is it ?He is sleeping .She is w

5、riting a letter .She is playing with a bird.He is eating .He is drawing a picture.It is standing .She is doing her homework.She is sitting .It is listening to the music.They are talking .Talk about your family doingWhats she doing? Shes reading.What are you doing? Im watching TV. Whats he doing? Hes

6、 doing homework.What are they doing? They are dancing.Do you know how to add “ -ing” ? do_ watch_ clean_ read_ eat_ play_ dance_write _ run_ swim_ing ing ing ing ing ing ning ming dancing writing Learning Tips: add 加watching teaching listening learninggoing playing doing drawing thinking talking working speakingpainting eating helping writingswimming coming dancing singing Try to read them out correctly. (试一试,看谁读得准)HomeworkA造句:五句 He/she /it is They are I am B简单的对话:2个 C写一片小短文,观察今晚家人在干什么。Listening What is Steve doing?nDoes Steve want to go to the movie?He is watching TV.Yes, he does.


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