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1、 Section A Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and FadsContentsWarming UpText AReading ThroughExercisesMain Idea dungarees; jeans喇叭裤 the flared trousers; the bell-bottoms 海魂衫 a sailors striped shirt 蛤蟆镜 goggles Warming upReference:粮票 grain coupons 搪瓷杯 an enamelled cup雪花膏 face cream连环画 serial pictures 水枪

2、water pistols弹弓 a slingshot; a catapult 掌上游戏机 handheld game console Our lifestyle is changing all the time and there are different trends and fads at different times. Not only clothing and hairstyle, but also the whole way of living are changing rapidly. But why do fads change so quickly? For some p

3、eople, they just want to make money while for others, they simply want to take part in new and original activities. In spite of the difference between a fad and a trend, fads exist in every country. And no one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.Main IdeaMain IdeaMain Idea come into sig

4、ht 出现;呈现e.g. The symptoms dont appear until a few days later.症状要到几天后才显现。【2】 seem; give other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;好像;看来e.g. Love appears to be more beautiful in stories than in real life. 故事里的爱情似乎比现实生活中的要美一些。New WordsExercisesExercisesExercisesappear2. 都市人似乎永远在忙忙碌碌。City people appe

5、ar to be hurrying all the time.1. 她乌黑的头发中露出了丝丝银发。Gray began to appear in her black hair.New WordsExercisesExercisesadvertisement n. 广告e.g. This advertisement is full of exaggeration.这个广告满是夸张的言辞。我刚在报纸上看到你们的招聘广告,我想应聘。Ive just seen your advertisement for jobs in the newspaper and I would like to apply.

6、New WordsExercisesExercisescomplain v. 抱怨;发牢骚;诉苦;投诉e.g. To complain about things all the time makes one sick. 老是发牢骚让人不舒服。如果商品质量不好,你应该向生产商投诉 。If goods are not well made, you should complain to the manufacturer.New WordsExercisesExercisesfame n. 名气;名声;声誉e.g. His fame did not come until after his death

7、.他死后才成名。出名后的一个坏处就是人们在大街上对你指指点点。One of the disadvantages of fame is that people point at you in the street.New Wordscausev. lead to or be the cause of 导致;引起;使发生e.g. The childs headache may be caused by stress. 这孩子的头痛可能是紧张引起的。 n. 【1】a person, thing, or event that makes something happen 原因;起因e.g. Scien

8、tists are searching for the cause of the disease.科学家正在寻找这种疾病的起因。 【2】a principle, aim or movement that is strongly defended or supported 事业;目标e.g. The organization has successfully gotten support for its cause. 该组织成功地为其事业赢得了支持。ExercisesNew WordsExercisesExercisescause2. 贫穷不一定导致犯罪。Poverty is not neces

9、sarily a cause of crime.1. 他的话引起了不同的反应。His words have caused different reactions.New Words3. 他对自己的事业很有信心,因而不会改变主意。He has a strong belief in his cause and will not change his mind.desiren. a strong hope or wish 愿望;欲望;心愿e.g. Attractive store displays can create a desire for the goods. 商店引人注目的陈设能激发人们的购

10、买欲望。 v. (formal) wish or want very much( 正式)渴望;想要e.g. He suddenly desired a glass of beer at the sight of the advertisement. 看到这则广告,他突然很想喝杯啤酒。ExercisesNew WordsExercisesExercisesdesire2. 我们渴望两国之间保持永久的和平。We desire a durable peace between the two nations.1. 在国外旅行了这么久,她萌发了再次回到家乡的愿望。After traveling out

11、of her country for so long, she had a desire to go back to her hometown again.New Wordsarean. 【1】(the range or limits of) a subject, activity, etc. 学科范围;领域;方面e.g. He has a wealth of experience in this area.他在这个领域有宝贵的经验。【2】a part or division of a region or of a country 地区;区域e.g. The police are trying

12、 to prevent people from entering that area. 警方正设法阻止人们进入那个区域。New WordsExercisesExercisesExercisesarea2. 我们正计划在这个地区建一家工厂。We are planning to set up a factory in this area.1. 这是植物研究的新领域。This is a new area in the study of plants.New WordsExercisesExercisescreative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的e.g. The problem is turni

13、ng creative ideas into real products. 问题是要把有创造性的想法变成真实的产品。有创造力的人必须能够想象出某种事物、人物及场景。Creative people must be able to imagine objects, people and scenes.New Wordseconomyn. 【1】 the system by which a countrys wealth is produced and used 经济情况;经济体制 e.g. To understand a countrys economy, economists check the

14、 growth in a certain industry. 为了解一个国家的经济,经济学家们核查某种产业的增长情况。【2】 (an example of) the careful use of money, time, effort, etc., in order to avoid waste 节约;节省e.g. Lets begin with economy in stationery. 让我们从节约办公用品做起。New WordsExercisesExercisesExerciseseconomy2. 新总裁决定在公司里实行节俭。The new president has decided

15、 to practice economy in the company.1. 加入世贸组织给中国的经济带来了哪些好处?What did Chinas economy benefit from entering the WTO?New WordsExercisesExercisesadditional adj. 另外的;附加的;追加的e.g. We offer additional courses to help students speak English more fluently.我们另外开设其他课程以帮助学生更流利地说英语。如需任何其他信息,请来电。Please call for any additional information if you require.New WordsExercisesExercisesfrequent adj. 频繁的;屡见不鲜的;常见的e.g. He needs frequent rests during work. 他工作中时常需要休息一下。这座城市经常发生抢劫。Robberies are quite frequent in this city.New Wordssurvivevi. continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death 幸存;活下来


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