英语课件u7 (nxpowerlite)

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《英语课件u7 (nxpowerlite)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语课件u7 (nxpowerlite)(75页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Go for it教材分析教学重难点 教学目标的设计教学策略 教学过程学生分析教材分析教学目标的设计(一)语言知识(二)语言技能 (五)文化意识(三)情感态度(四)学习策略教学重难点1有关的原材料: milk,shake,yogurt,watermelon,boil,salt,honey,sauce,Crust,popcorn,sandwich,mayonnaise,greenonion,lettuce,tomatoes,relish,turkey,super,duck, mustarsh,pancake餐具如blender ,teaspoon,cup,popper,oven数量疑问引导词Ho

2、w many,How much和表示先后 顺序词 first,next,then,finally2 句型 How many How much How do you make?教学策略与建议1、兴趣活动策略:采用游戏、唱歌、竞 赛、合作等多种 活动方式2、开放性教学策略:开发课程资源,拓 展学用渠道 3、 采用“任务型”教学方法;4、 注重评价方式和鼓励措施,创建学生 成果展示包。学生分析1、知识基础在七年级中已经有两个单元介 绍了大量的食品单词;但本单元中单词比较 难2、思维能力有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用能力和肢体运动智 能3、认知心理有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存

3、在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑 。学生自我检查评价表:评评估项项目及内容评评估情况单词单词 和词组词组 学习习和运用情况 A B C D语语法掌握情况 A B C D学会各种食物的名称 A B C D能够够依据指示语语做事情 A B C D综综合评评估 A B C DA. 很好 B. 较好 C. 一般 D. 需努力我准备 来改善提高我的学习效率。 课时目标:a) 学习本单元的主要食品词汇 ;教学内容:SectionA 2a2b2c-SectionB1a单词b) 学习How many do you need?We need two.How much do you need? One teaspoo

4、nc) ;掌握可数名词与不可数名词 。We are going to have a party this weekend. What shall we prepare(准备 )now?watermeloncinnamoncuplettuceteaspoon bowlmustardrelishpineapplemangocherrypancakelemonWho is the best seller? 1.milk 2. tomato 3.teaspoon 4.beaf 5. apple 6. onion 7.dumpling 8. noodles 9. juice 10.meat 12. cu

5、p 11.porridge 13.mustard 14.mutton2. tomato3.teaspoon5. apple6. onion 7.dumpling12. cup1.milk4.beafnoodles 9. juice 10.meat 13.mustard 14.mutton11.porridgeWhat ingredients do we need? How many apples do we need?We need two. OK.And how much cinnamon do we need?Let me think, One teaspoon.milkhoneycinn

6、amonA: How much milk do we need?B: We need some milk /a little milk/ much milk / a glass of milk / a teaspoon of milkPairwork yogurtA: How many bananas do we need? B: We need a banana / two bananas/ some bananas/ many bananasblenderbanana, strawberry, orangewatermelonapple谁能找出其中的奥秘?How many 和How muc

7、h之间 有什么联系? 小小发现家 Fill in the blanks with how many or how much. 1. salt do you put in french fries?2. tomatoes does jan put in salad? 3. relish should go on a hot dog?4. sugar do you put by this recipe(食谱)?5. apples are there in the milk smoothie?7. is the red shirt?9. blackboards are there in your c

8、lassroom?8. are the tomatoes?6. kilos of fish do you want ?IngredientsHow much How many cinnamon bananasyogurt watermelons honey apples, orangesWrite the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.Amount one cuptwoonetwo teaspoons one teaspoonthreeIngredientyogurt apples watermelon and orange

9、honeycinnamon bananasA: Lets make fruit salad.B: Ok, good idea. How much cinnamon do we need?A: One teaspoon.B: And how many apples do we need?A: Let me think We need two apples.B: OK, how muchMake salad by yourself 1. Copy the words. 2. Tell your parents the ingridients of fruit salad. 3. Prepare f

10、or the next Period How do you make a banana smoothie? 4. Bring a kind of fruit that you like (such as a banana, an apple)课时目标:1.掌握单词的正确读法和书2.熟练运用该目标语3.学会询问和描述做一件事情 的过程。教学内容:SectionA 4-section B1a-4 What ingredients do we need?yogurt blendermilkbananaPut the bananas and yogurt into the blender.How to

11、 make a banana milk shake?Peel the bananas.Cut up the bananas.Turn on the blender.Drink the milk shake.Pour the milk into the blender.154326Listen and tell the numbers.5 2 6 4 3 1first, next, then, finally First,peel the bananas. Next,cut up the bananas. Next,put the bananas and yogurt into the blen

12、der. Next,pour the milk into the blender. Then,turn on the blender. Finally,drink the milk shake.Tell your friend how to make a banana milk shake. How do we make ? We need ,and .First , next , then ,finally .(1)First (2)Next (3)Then (4)Finallypopper1. copy the words. 2.Prepare for the next period an

13、d do the ex. 3choose one of the topics to write a short passage. 4.向你的亲人或朋友学会一道 菜的做法,并记录下来。课时目标:1).掌握单词2)掌握动词的用法3)学习询问和描述一种 食物的制作过程教学内容:SectionA 1a-1c,3a3b学校食堂的师傅不小心将今天中午的菜 谱弄破了,请同学们帮忙拼好,将菜谱 复原。Next,put cheese on the tomato sauce.Put it in the oven. First, put tomato sauce on the crust.Then cut up peppers and mushrooms and put them on the cheese. Put it in the oven. Next,put cheese on the tomato sauce.First, put tomato sauce on the crust.Then cut up peppers and


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