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1、Date1copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedDate2copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedDate3copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedPeter tries all possible ways to win the affection of his girl friend.Every mother has affection toward/for her children.All soldiers affirmed their loyalty to their country. Just

2、at that moment his brother bounced imto the room. There are definite restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.明确的 限制 Its definite that hell come. 他肯定回来的。Date4copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedSilk is distinct from rayon in every respect. 造 丝 There is a distinct improveme

3、nt in your study. 明显的 We always endeavor to give our customers excellent services. Not everyone is born with such endowment as you. 天赋 The Oxford has received numerous endowments. 捐款 All the children were involved in the school play. The matter is serious because it involves your reputation. The fil

4、m was projected on the screen.Date5copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedThe company projected annual growth rate of 3%. The report relates high wages to labor shortages.联系在一起 Laura finds it difficult to relate to children. 很难 和孩子们和睦相处 Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behavior, which in turn in

5、crease the risk of heart disease. It never occurred to me that wealth could ruin a persons life. It suddenly dawned upon/on us that high savings rates may not be a good thing.Date6copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedParaphrasing 1.Who we are is determined by three things: first, our genes, or what ou

6、r parents have given our legacy; second, environment; third, luck or opportunities.Date7copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his/her practical or personal affairs, such as take care of financial matters, selecting hi

7、s/her clothes, and deciding what he/she will do every day.Date8copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel

8、 unhappy because they think their parents have been unfair to them; they think they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behave properly; all these may make them feel angry with their parents or feel resentful. These fee

9、ling reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.Date9copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved 那位白发苍苍的老农张开没呀的嘴哈哈大 笑。笑了起来。那位白发苍苍的老农笑起 来满嘴找不到一颗牙。 他显然是故意缺席的。他显然是有意缺席 的。 这个瘦骨嶙峋的家伙有点可疑。 她学识渊博,因此她的论据十分有说服力 。她学识渊博,所以她的论点非常让人信 服。 夜空中星光灿烂。夜空群星闪

10、烁。Date10copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved 现在谈大同世界尚为时过早。谈论以手足 情谊为基础建立一个国际政府为时过早。 他为实行扩张主义政策的必要性进行辩护 。而辩护。 全球化常被误解为美国化。 她是位极具影响力的环保主义者。她是一 位极具影响力的环境保护主义者。 这次无法预料的灾难过后,我们的生活秩 序完全被打乱了。 这次突如其来的灾难发 生后, 我们的生活全乱套了。Date11copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedKey words phrases in Text B The match has been put

11、off until tomorrow because of bad weather. 推迟 These TV sets are, for the most parts, of excellent quality. 大多 I couldnt make out what I had to annoy her. 不知道 不明白 The blow on the head dazed him for a moment.晕眩 I have been in a complete daze after hearing the bad news.处于茫然状态Date12copyright 2006 All R

12、ights Reserved These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community. 与 。有关 Can I have it for keeps or do you want it back? 永远的 永久的 Her answers revealed her to be innocent. 显示 The teachers revealed to the press that they are going to strike. 透漏Date13copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved I have t

13、o cram for my chemistry test tomorrow.赶功课 准备应考 He has retained a lawyer to challenge the courts decision. 聘,雇 We retained the original fireplace when decorating the house. 保留 He took a night job on the side.兼任一项 夜间工作 He listened to the music with ecstasy . 出神 入迷 Time is often personified as an old m

14、an. To whip up interest.激发起兴趣To whip up racist sentiments 煽动种族主义情绪Date14copyright 2006 All Rights ReservedThe man lashed the donkey but it would not go any faster. To lash sb. To anger by his remarks 以言辞激起 某人的愤怒 He was always kind and courteous to me, but we never really became friends. I should ad

15、d, as an aside, that the younger the child, the faster they learn. 离题的话 I mentioned it only as an aside. 我只是顺便提及此事 。 He gave an exposition of the advantage of nuclear power. (fml) a clear and detailed expanation The world exposition is being held in Shanghai. 世博会 expose 动词 但它的名词是exposureDate15copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved Each has a quota


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