【优品课件】He said I was hard-working-课件

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《【优品课件】He said I was hard-working-课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优品课件】He said I was hard-working-课件(105页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语(GO for it !)八年级 下册Unit 4He said I was hard-working一 教学内容分析二 词汇三 句型四 听力和对话五 阅读和写作六 知识网络构建 七 单元检测课堂内容结构框架 前一单元回顾一、回顾unit 3学习内容第3单元我们主要是学习了用过去进 行时谈论过去正在发生的事情,并 学会讲故事,能区分When和While 引导的时间状语从句。词组英汉翻译 在前面 _ in the bathroom _ 在厨房里 _ 从浴室出来 _ cook dinner _ 在电话上讲话 _ cut hair _ 在上着陆 _ 沿街向下走 _the streetin fro

2、nt ofin the kitchen煮晚餐在浴室里get out of the showertalk on the phone理发 land on walk down 进入一个商店 _a store 起飞 _ unusual experience _ shop assistant _ museum of Flight _ You are kidding _ 爬树 _ 叫警察 _ 一场车祸 _go into不寻常的经历 售货员航空博物馆a car accidentcall the policeclimb a treetook off 你在开玩笑过去进行时含义: 表示过过去某个时时刻正在进进行的

3、动动作。结构: be (was/were) + doing例句:What were you doing at nine last night?I was doing my homework at nine last night. 请比较现在进行时 I am doing my homework now.He _ _ _ _ when I saw him.was riding a bicycle He _ _ in the lake whileI was walking by the lake. was swimmingThey _ _ _when I left school.were playi

4、ng basketballWhile her mother _ _,she knocked at(敲门 )the door.wascookingwhen表示做某种动作的时间或瞬间,由其引导的时间状语的时态如果是一般过 去时,其主句通常要用过去进行时。while表示略长的一段时间,由其引导的时间状语从句用过去进行时,而主句时态根据实际情况而定。1.当老师进来的时候,学生在讲话 The students were talking when teachercame in. 2.妈妈正在做饭时,我到家了While mother was cooking ,I got home. Exercises一 教

5、学内容分析本单元是围绕“评价”这一话题 展开的。运用“He said I was hard-working.”“She said she was mad at Marcia.” 等核心句型 来谈论自我评价、同伴评价和教师 评价。主要有Section A ,Section B和Self check三大部分组成。Section A1.听懂别人的话语并能运用间接引 语去转述。 2.转述别人的话语时灵活使用人称 和相应时态。 3.学会用间接引语去续写短文。 1.运用直接引语和间接引语能听 懂和说出自己或他人的成绩报告 单。 2.运用直接引语和间接引语能写 出自己或他人的成绩报告单。 3.学习情态动词c

6、an的用法。Section B 1.巩固本单元的单词和短语。 2.进一步加深运用直接引语和 间接引语去读、说和写相应的 文章。Self check and Reading二 词汇本单元的名词有:message envelope semester village graduate volunteer area meter decision husband dormitory start influence hometown border danger 本单元的形容词、副词有:mad anymore nervous hard-working disappointing lucky own poor

7、 rural thin fortunately 本单元的动词有:copy ate return 本单元的动词短语有:be supposed to do well inget over open up care forpass on 本单元的其它短语有:first of all in good healthreport cardin good health be supposed to worst do well in nervous be mad at1. My English teacher me, because my English is poor. 2. I am because Im

8、 very strong. 3. I always get when I see the envelope from school in the mail.4. My report was from my science teacher.5. I improve my English.6. Im a Chinese boy so I Chinese.is mad atin good health nervousworstam supposed todo well inWords1.开一个惊喜的聚会:_ 2.首先:_3.对.非常恼怒:_4. 身体健康:_5.勤勉的妇女:_ 6.传递:_7.观看一

9、幕肥皂剧:_8.应该,被认为 _9. 在周五晚上 _10.成绩报告单:_11. 不再 _12.直接引语:_ 1.开一个惊喜的聚会:_ 2.首先:_3.对.非常恼怒:_4. 身体健康:_5.勤勉的妇女:_ 6.传递:_7.观看一幕肥皂剧:_8.应该,被认为 _9. 在周五晚上 _10.成绩报告单:_11. 不再 _12.直接引语:_ have a surprise party first of all be mad at be in good health hard-working womanwatch a soap opera be supposed toreport carddirect s

10、peechpass onnot anymoreon Friday night考点探究 1 Im mad at Marica.我生玛西娅的气。 be/get mad at 意为“生的气、对恼火 ”。 相当于 be angry with. 例如: (1)My mother me for watching TV for hours. 母亲因为我看了几个小时的电视而生气。 (2)Mr Wang is angry with us.(改为同义句) Mr Wang us. 王先生生我们的气。 is mad atis mad at2.Lana told Ben that she wasnt mad at Ma

11、rcia anymore. 拉娜告诉本他不再生玛西娅的气了。 Notany more意思是“不再”=no more 例如: (1)He isnt here any more.(改为同义句)He is here. (2)I am no more mad at Marcia.(同上) I am mad at Marcia .no morenot any more3. I said that was OK and that I was sure she would get over it. 我说没关系,而且我相信她会忘掉的。get over在这里指 。当 此意讲时,over为 ,所以无论该短语的宾语是 名词还是代词,都应放在over 。值得注意的是, get over表示“干完(不愿做的事)”时,over是副词。后面 接代词作宾语时,必须将代词


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