【良品课件】冀教版八(下)Unit 3 Lesson 27课件

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《【良品课件】冀教版八(下)Unit 3 Lesson 27课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【良品课件】冀教版八(下)Unit 3 Lesson 27课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 27授课教师:田以霞The Dove andthe Olive BranchRead the following words:dove olive branch AdamEve Eden God floodNoah raise peaceful symbol 鸽子 橄榄 树枝 亚当 夏娃 伊甸园 上帝 洪水诺亚 饲养和平的 标志 象征 Say and spell the words:鸽子 橄榄 树枝 亚当 夏娃 伊甸园 上帝 洪水诺亚 饲养和平的 标志 象征dove olive branch AdamEve Eden God floodNoah raise peaceful sy

2、mbolListen and answer :1. Why does God want the people to die?2. Why doesnt God want Noah to die?3.What does the dove come back with a green olive to show ?4. Why does Danny want to raise doves and plant an olive tree?Because he thinks there are too many bad people in the world .Because he is a good

3、 man .Land is near and the danger is over .Because he loves peace and hates war Conclusion :The dove and the olive branch are symbols of peace.In Washington peaceniks are calling on world peace, holding the doves medal.(美国华盛顿反 战人士高举和平鸽模型呼吁世界和平)The doves are hovering over the park in Hiroshima and pe

4、ople are praying world peace.(和平鸽在日本广 岛和平纪念公园上空飞翔 人民祈愿世界和平)Chinese peaceniks are putting up some olive branches on the doves to pray world peace.(我国反 战人士把橄榄枝插到和平鸽上 祈愿世界和平)The Peace Angelets are holding the doves to pray world peace,.(和平小天使手捧和平鸽祈愿世 界和平)Conclusion:We need a peaceful school to study in

5、.Please help each other and learn each other . Please talk! Dont figft !Discussion :We need a peaceful school to study in. Then what should we do for making a peaceful school?Homework:Phrases:伊甸园伊甸园诸如此类,等等诸如此类,等等太多的太多的木船木船在大洪水中在大洪水中从那时起从那时起一片和平的土地一片和平的土地the Garden of Edenand so ontoo many/muchwooden

6、 shipin the Great Floodsince then a peaceful land和平的标志让某人做某事准备去做某事同意去做某事symbols of peacelet sb do sth/prepare to do sthagree to do sthRetell the text according to following words:Adam and Eve , drive out ,God says ,too many bad people , die in the Great Flood ,Noah , a large wooden ship ,float for 150 days, a dove ,fly out ,back with , showing since then ,the dove with the olive branch means People use a picture to show Summary 1. Some words and phrases2. We need peace Homework what should we do for making a peaceful school?Please write something about it .Thankyou !


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