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1、Unit 5The Battle Against AIDSNHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU1. The importance to know more about AIDS:I. To look at the desease in a corrct way and to get rid of fear for it;II.To avoid the spreading of AIDS;III.To respect the AIDS patients and help them.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU2. Slogans and T

2、hemes1989,Our Lives, Our World-Lets Take Care of Each Other我们的生活,我们的世界-让我们相 互关照1991,Sharing the Challenge 共同迎接艾滋病的挑战 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU1993, Time to Act 时不我待,行动起来1995, Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 共享权利,共担责任 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU1996, One World, One Hope 同一世界,同一希望 1999,

3、 Listen, learn, live! 关注青少年 ,预防艾滋病-倾听、学习、尊重 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU2000, Man make a difference 预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷 2001, I care, do you? 预防艾滋病,你我同参与!2002, Live and let live 相互关爱,共享生命2005-2008, Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise 遏制艾滋、履行承诺NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU2009, Universal Access and Human Rights

4、普遍可及和人权(艾滋病防控在撒哈 拉以南非洲地区仍任重道远) 2010, Keep the light on HIV and human rights 正视艾滋,重视权益,点亮反 歧视之光 2011-2012, Getting to Zero 行动起来,向”零“艾滋迈进(全民参与, 全力投入,全面预防)NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUBook 1 Unit 5New Horizon College EnglishThis is the Red Ribbon. It is an international symbol(标志) of AIDS awareness. P

5、eople wear the ribbon, particularly around World AIDS Day, to show care and concern(关注) about HIV and AIDS.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENU世界艾滋病日的标志是红绸带。红稠带标志的意义:红稠带像一条纽带,将世界人民紧紧联系在一起,共同 抗击艾滋病,它象征着我们对艾滋病病人和感染者的关心与支持;象征着我们对生命的热爱和对和平的渴望;象征着我们要用“心”来参与预防艾滋病的工作。 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU1)Wha

6、t is AIDS? 2) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (后天性免疫缺陷综合征)It is a disease that limits the bodys ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system, turning normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fatal conditions.3. Do you know?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks

7、 MENUHuman Immune Deficiency Virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒)AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS.2) What is HIV?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU1) contact with infected blood2) mother-to-child3) sexual intercourse3) How many ways can HIV spread? NHCE-

8、BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUblood or saliva test ; positive; negative 4) How can a person know whether he is infected with AIDS or not?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU5) How to protect oneself from AIDS?-AIDS is transmitted in 3 ways. -Avoid unnecessary injection, transfusion.-Have a fi

9、xed partner. -Dont abuse drugs.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUBook 1 Unit 5New Horizon College EnglishOn Safe groundThere are several important ways that you cannot get HIV. You cannot get it from:being bitten by Flies, flees, mosquitoesNHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUBook 1 Unit 5New

10、 Horizon College Englishsharing most personal items with an HIV-infected person such as:share a bookshare eating utensilsshare toilets share clothesNHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUBook 1 Unit 5New Horizon College Englishtouching a person with HIV or AIDSformal kissshake handshugdance together

11、NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUBook 1 Unit 5New Horizon College Englisheating food with an HIV-infected person or eating food that has been prepared by an HIV-infected personNHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUBook 1 Unit 5New Horizon College Englishgoing to public places which have been

12、occupied by HIV-infected peopleswim in the poolsit side by sideNHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUPu Cunxin(濮存昕 ) is a household name in China. Hes known for his accomplishment on stage, in films, on television and, most recently, as one of China s foremost spokespersons on AIDS. He was appointed b


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