新英语视听说教程unit three

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1、Unit ThreeContentsPart III Additional ListeningPart II Listening Activities Warming-upsPart I Video TimeInformation Box Graduate English What is my dream college or university like?(such as teachers, schoolmates, library, teaching buildings, canteens, dorms, campus, etcCan you name a couple of world

2、-class universities?Harvard University Cambridge University Yale University University College London 伦敦大学学院 Imperial College London 伦敦帝国学院 University of Oxford University of Chicago Princeton University Massachusetts Institute of Technology California Institute of Technology Your dream universityTs

3、ing Hua University Oxford UniversityCalifornia Institute of TechnologyOversea School BadgesListeningListening Higher Education in AmericaHigher Education in America1. How long should a student study in a junior college or a community college?2. What degree will a graduate from these colleges obtain?

4、3. How much does a college student have to pay for the nine- month academic year?4. What kind of personal responsibilities do American college students have?5. When will an American college student start to work on their major?An associate degree.2 years.Over $20,000, excluding room and board.The th

5、ird year.They have to decide what course to take, how to prepare for classes, and even have to judge whether their teacher is right or wrong .University of OxfordVibrant a.充满生气的 Rigorous a.缜密的 Intellectual a.用脑力的 Preeminent a.杰出的 Brilliant a.优秀的Legacy n.遗产 Residence n.寓所 Astrophysicist n.天体物理学家 Arch

6、aeologist n.考古学家Academic fellowship 学术奖金 Research lab 研究实验室 Student community 学生社团 At your fingertips随手可得的 In close proximity 靠近Task 1 University of OxfordExercise 1 Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks.1. Oxford is the_ university in the English-speaking world, a city that _ and _ education,

7、 a place where you can think _, where you can grow _, an institution that has been _ world-changing leaders for over 800 years, and _ the finest men across the globe. At Oxford, you have all the resources of the Oxford University at your fingertips, some of the _ libraries, academic departments, and

8、 research labs in the world.2. As a student at the Oxford University, you become a member of an Oxford college, which contains a wealth of _ and _. There are 39 different colleges in the university; each has its own academic _ and individual _. The colleges have their own _, library, cultural groups

9、 and sports teams.3. Oxford has excellent _, and it is one hour from London and Heathrow Airport.oldest livesfinesteducatingintellectuallybreathesrigorouslydraws togetherstudent communityfellowshiphistorytraditiontransportation connectionsdining hallExercise 2Watch the video again and answer questio

10、ns. 1.What are those World-changing leaders or other world VIPs seen in the video? 2. Apart from a university of history, what Oxford is preeminent in? 3. According to the man, what does he appreciate about Oxford?4. Who will you meet at Oxford?5. What do you care most for the Oxford University?Bill

11、 Clinton, Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu, Margaret Thatcher, Doris Lessing, B. Bhutto, Crown Prince Naruhito.In research.It taught me to think again.The brilliant students from all .areas of academic study, from astrophysicist to archeologist, from scientists to engineers.Its oldest history, way of teachi

12、ng, brilliant students.Doris Lessing 2007年获诺贝尔文学奖Crown Prince Naruhito (皇太子德仁)B. Bhutto 布托, 巴基斯坦政治家, 1988-1990年任总理)f The 5 Core University ValuesQuality Valuing People Customer Focus Challenge & Innovation Opportunity & OpennessTask 2Words & Expressions Hall of residence 公寓 Accommodation n. 住宿 Pool

13、table 台球桌 Barbecues and quizzes( 烧烤和智力竞赛) Bike shed 自行车棚 Lounge n. 公共休息室 Coin-operated laundry(投币洗衣房) Washers and dryers( 洗衣烘干机) Intercom system(内部通信系统) Unconditional offer(无条件接受) In safe hands(处于安全状态) Opportunity to socialize(社交机会) 1.What do you care most while studying abroad? 2.What do you like m

14、ost while choosing to have a place in halls at Derby University? Exercise 1Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are T or F. _ 1. Every student who applies for the university can be guaranteed a place in the hall of residence._ 2. The buses that link the halls are free of

15、charge._ 3. Specially-adapted rooms are provided to the students with health or medical issue._ 4. Each room in the hall of residence has Internet access to the university network._ 5. You can relax and enjoy yourself in your room which contains a lot of recreational facilities, such as wide-screen TV and DVD players. FFTTTExercise 2 Watch the video clip again and choose the best answers to the following questions.1. Which of the following items is not included in your accommodation fees?A. Hot water B. Food


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