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1、Chinese Catering Culture and Translation How many cuisines are there in China? What are they? Shandong Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine Guangdong Cuisine Fujian Cuisine Jiangsu Cuisine Zhejiang Cuisine Hunan Cuisine Anhui Cuisine 鲁菜川菜粤菜闽菜苏菜浙菜湘菜徽菜Can you list some characters of them respectively?Shandong Cuis

2、ine consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, characterized by its emphasis on aroma 香, freshness 新, crispness 脆 and tenderness 嫩. tasting pungent with shallot and garlic soups are given much emphasis in Shandong dishes. Jiaodong: cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 爆炒腰花 糟熘鱼片 九转大肠 糖醋

3、鲤鱼 奶汤蒲菜 the Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour sauceFried Fish with Distilled Grains Sauce Braised intestines in Brown Sauce Quickly Fried Pig Kidney Cattail in milky soupSichuan Cuisine Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, emphasizing on the use of chili, pepper and prickly ash. wild veg

4、etables and animals usually chosen as ingredients frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques.Kung Pao Chicken cubesBoiled Fish with Bean Sprouts in Hot Chili OilMapo Tofu / Beancurd Twice Cooked PorkDouble Cooked Pork Slices Guangdong Cuisine(Cantonese

5、Cuisine) tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, familiar to Westerners raptors and beasts usually chosen basic cooking techniques including roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep- frying, braising, stewing and steaming. soups and snacksSharks Fin Soup鱼翅汤 Steamed Sea Bass 清蒸石斑鱼 Roasted Piglet烤乳猪 Roast

6、ed Piglet烤乳猪 Zhejiang Cuisine Comprising local cuisines of Hanzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing winning its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three.Longjing Shelled ShrimpBeggars ChickenWest Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy B

7、raised Dongpo Pork The Art of Chinese Cooking Selection of raw material Combination of ingredients Cutting Seasoning Temperature Cooking methodsBrainstorming (pair-work) Cooking methods (主要烹调方法) Cutting methods (主要刀法) Flavors / seasoning (主要口味)Cooking methods fried quick / stir fried deep fried stea

8、med boiled braised stewed simmered 炒爆煎 炸蒸煮烧煲 炖焖 煨sauteed instant boiled spiced baked smoked roastgrilled 嫩煎涮卤 酱烘熏烤铁板烧Cutting or processing methods 切片 切丝 切丁 切柳 捣烂成泥 切碎(茸、末) 拍碎 去骨 去壳 腌制 剥皮 包馅Sliced Shreded Diced Filleted Mashed Minced Crushed Boned Shelled Pickled Skinned Stuffed with; with stuffingFl

9、avors 香酥 麻辣 酱汁 红烧 糟溜 鱼香 糖醋crispyspicy-peppered; chili; hot in soy sauce in brown sauce in distillers grains; in fermented rice pastewith spicy and sour sauce sweet and sour 椒盐的 蒜蓉的 姜汁的 五香的 醉的Salted and peppered Garlic pasted Ginger-juiced Five-spiced Wine-preserved Translation of the Names of Chines

10、e DishesTypical translation mistakes 四喜丸子 Four Happiness Meatballs 夫妻肺片 Man and Wife Lung Slice 红烧狮子头 Red Burned Lion Head 驴打滚 Rolling Donkey 老虎菜 Tiger Dish 童子鸡 Chicken without SexWhat are the characteristics of the above-mentioned English names of dishesthe Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour sauce

11、Fried Fish with Distilled Grains Sauce Braised intestines in Brown Sauce Quickly Fried Pig Kidney Boiled Fish with Bean Sprouts in Hot Chili OilLongjing Shelled ShrimpWest Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy Braised Dongpo Pork Let me think. 西菜的命名则更加强调直截了当,突出原料,极 少使用类似中菜命名的修辞手段,虽少了艺术性 ,但多了实用性(周湘萍,2003)。 Char

12、acters of the Names of Western CuisineSugar Corn Pops 糖爆玉米花 Ham & Eggs 火腿蛋 Buckwheat Cakes 荞麦饼 Chilled Vegetable Juice 冰镇蔬菜汁 Smoked Salmon Rolls 烟熏桂鱼卷 Russian Black Caviar 俄国黑鱼子酱 main ingredient minor ingredient cooking method country of origin Translation Principles Communicative function-be unders

13、tood by English-speaking peopleeg. 夫妻肺片: Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce To promoting the dish3. To conveying Chinese culture eg. 驴打滚儿:Ludagunr Glutinous Rice Rolls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste1. Literal translation (直译)中式菜肴绝大多数是写实型菜名,通常含有原料名( 主料、配料和调料)和烹饪法,英译的时候可直译, 采用“烹调法+加工法+原料(主料+配料+调料)” 的格式。b. 烹调法 + 主

14、料名 + with + 配料名 a. 烹调法 + 主料名熏鱼 爆虾煨牛肉炒腰片蒸梭子蟹smoked fish quick-fried shrimps simmered beef fried sliced pigs kidney steamed sea crabs 炖栗子鸡 奶油鱼肚 冬菇菜心 蟹肉海参stewed chicked with chestnuts fried fish maw with cream sauce fried winter mushrooms with green cabbage fried sea cucumbers with crab meatd. 烹调法 + 加工

15、法 + 主料名 + with / in + 调料名茄汁牛肉片 fried sliced beef with tomato sauce 虾仁炒蘑菇 fried shelled shrimp with mushroom肉片烧豆腐 stewed sliced pork with bean curd 红烧狮子头 stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce c. 烹调法 + 主料名 + with / in + 调料名红烧肉 braised pork with brown sauce 盐水虾 boiled shrimps in salt water 清炖甲鱼 stwed turtle in clear soup 醋溜子鸡 fried spring chicken with vinegar sauce What are they?西瓜鸡红烧狮子头蚂蚁上树炸响铃2. Free translation (意译) 有些中式菜名根据主料和配料色和形的特点,或经



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