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1、Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park材料 贾鹏军:211221122电信 魏现辉 :21109218大连老虎滩海洋公园Introduction(简介) Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park is located in the middle of the southern coastal area of Dalian, Which is one of the state-level scenic resorts. 大连老虎滩海洋公园坐落在国家级风景名胜区大 连南部海滨的中部。 Tiger Beach Ocean Park has been accred

2、ited as one of the AAAAA class scenic spots of the first group in China and become Chinas well- established tourist brand. 大连老虎滩海洋公园是国家首批AAAAA级旅游景 区,是中国著名的旅游品牌。 Blue skies and silky waters, green mountains and unique rocks, and all the natural beauty creates a picturesque coastal landscape. 园内蓝天碧海、青

3、山奇石、山水融融,构成了绮 丽的海滨风光。 The ocean-theme modern park has a perfect combination of a display of sea creatures, marine animal performance, recreation and animal knowledge. 海洋主题现代公园是集海洋生物展览,海洋动物表 演,娱乐和动物知识的完美结合。 It has the international top-level Pole-aquarium, Coral hall, Marine mammal world and the coun

4、try wide famous bird-singing woods, Carved tiger square, and so on. 这里有世界最高水准的极地馆、珊瑚馆、海洋哺 乳动物世界; 全国有名的鸟语林、虎雕广场等等。Carved Tigers Square(虎雕广场) The Carved Tigers Square has an area of over 15,700 square meters,and the six tigers in different shapes, majestic and dignified, are howling with the rising wi

5、nd at the mountain foot beyond the silky waters. 虎雕广场总面积15700余平方米。6只形态各异的 老虎,头向东方,迎风长啸,虎虎生威 These tigers were designed by Han Meilin, Chinas famous painter and sculpturist, and were completed on July 18, 1991. 这些老虎由我国著名美术家、雕塑家韩美林设计 ,于1991年七月十八日建成。Marine Mammal World (海兽馆) Welcome to Marine Mammal Wo

6、rld. This building has an area of 2,900 square meters and a construction area of 3,500 square meters. 欢迎来到海兽馆,它占地面积2900平方米,建筑 面积3500平方米。 More than 50 marine animals are living here, including the fur seal, the harbor seal, the Southern sea lion, and the California sea lion. 海兽馆现展养着50余只海洋动物,海狗、海豹、 南美

7、海狮、加州海狮、非洲海狮等,可谓海洋动 物的乐园。Coral Hall(珊瑚馆) The Coral Hall has an exhibition area of 3, 700 square meters. It exhibits coral reef fauna, with over 5,000 marine life-forms of more than 200 species. 珊瑚馆展示面积3700平方米,是以展示珊瑚礁生 物群为主的综合类大型海洋生物馆,共展出珊瑚 礁生物200余种、5,000多个。 The Hall has 6 sections, namely, Selected

8、Coral and Coral Fishes, Underwater Kaleidoscope, Sea Lab, Seeking Treasures over a Sunken Ship, Animal Knowledge Gallery, and Diving Performance. 全馆分为珊瑚及珊瑚鱼精品区、水中万花筒、海 底实验室、沉船探宝、科普走廊、潜水表演六大 区域。Cableway(索道) The cross-sea cableway is 600 meters long and 45 meters high above the water. There are 12 cab

9、le cars of 4 groups, having a capacity of transporting 450 passengers per hour unilaterally. 跨海空中索道全长600米,距海面高45米,有4组 12个车厢,单向输送能力每小时450人 It connects the scenic spots from the east to the west, and ensures all passengers get a best aerial view of the park. 它既是连接公园东西景点的交通工具,又是鸟瞰 老虎滩全景的最佳观瞻位置。4D Cinem

10、a(四维影院) 4D Cinema has introduced the worlds advanced 4D technology. 6 large cineprojectors work simultaneously, presenting a 180 degrees dimensional image, which is 31.4-mater long and 6-meter high. 大连老虎滩四维影院利用现今所有的技术全方位 的诠释了四维影视。它利用六部大型放映机同步 放映,形成31.4米宽、6米高、180度的环幕立体 影像,创造置身其中的立体视觉空间。 During the fi

11、lm, special effects, such as shake, fall down, wind, rain, bubble and fog, are produced, enable audiences to have the true experience. 放映期间,它根据影片情节配以震动、坠落、拍 打、喷风、造雨、烟 雾、气味、闪光、泡泡等特 级特效,调动了人的所有感知系统,使人真正走 进影片情节,体验身临其境的感受。Bird-Singing Woods(鸟语林) The Bird-Singing Woods is the earliest artificial bird gar

12、den with semi-natural environment in China with an area of 18,000 square meters. 鸟语林占地1.8万平方米,是我国最大的一处半自 然状态的人工鸟笼。 The garden has collected over 2,000 rare birds of more than 80 species, including blue and white peacocks, red-crowned cranes, storks, flamingos and egrets. 居住在这里的孔雀、丹顶鹤、白天鹅等80多种鸟 类、2000余只珍禽活泼可爱、悠闲自得。 Kinds of bird shows are offered here. The legendary Peacocks-Flying-to-the-Southeast is the first case of its kind in China in 1995. 各式各样的鸟秀在此呈现。1995年,鸟语林将脍 炙人口的古诗“孔雀东南飞”付诸现实,成为老虎 滩海洋公园鸟语林一道诱人的风景线。Thanks for Your Attention


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