中考9a unit3

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《中考9a unit3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考9a unit3(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、9A Unit 3 9A Unit 3 Teenage problemsTeenage problems(Revision)(Revision)*teenage 青少年的mad 发疯的disturb打扰survey 调查communication 交流deal 对付,处置choice 选择complete完成refuse拒绝accept接受hardly 几乎不spare空闲的ping-pong兵乓球doubt怀疑whether是否worth值得offer提供suggestion建议value价值plenty大量allow允许strict严格的achieve获得task任务either也,二者之

2、一*revise复习courage勇气truth事实*quarrel吵架spare留出notice注意youth worker青少年辅导员valuable 宝贵的 bookworm 书虫reply回答,答复pleasure高兴,乐意usage用法 punctuation 标点符号spelling拼写 stress精神压力suffer受苦受难though虽然,尽管*firstly首先,第一*ahead提前*blame责备cause原因实战真题1.I dont like this CD-ROM. Me_(也). (2007年江苏省盐城市中考英语试题 ) 2.The government will_

3、( give or provide) food and clothes to those homeless children. ( 2007年江苏省宿迁市中考英语试题 )eitheroffer实战真题3. _ (尽管) it didnt snow heavily, temperatures have fallen sharply since then.(2008年江苏省连云港市中考英语试题 ) 4.Timmy really doesnt understand why his parents are so _(严格的).(2007年江苏省苏州市中考英语试题 )strictThough实战真题5.

4、 I could_ (几乎不)find my old house because great changes had taken place there. (2008年江苏省淮安市中考英语试题 ) ( )6. The electric fan can _ blow away the terrible smell in the room, can it? Its hard to say, but you may have a try. A. easilyB. hardly C. quickly D. finally (2008年江苏省南通市中考英语试题 )hardlyB实战真题7. Fangfa

5、ngs mother is busy doing her business, so she isnt able to (留出,匀出) time for her daughter. (2008年江苏省宿迁市中考英语试题 ) 8.I am pleased that he gladly _(接受)our invitation. (2007年江苏省苏州市中考英语试题 )spareaccepted【解析】这句话缺少谓语动词。可能马上就会想到accept, receive, get等 词。这时我们就要利用句中相关的词来确定词义和词形。从I am pleased和gladly可知,他愉快地接受了我们的邀请才

6、使我感到高兴。所 以“接受”这个动词应为表示结果的词,时态要用过去时。故只能用 accepted而不能用一般现在时或其他词替代。 实战真题9I dont think the watch gives you good _ (价值) for your money. (2008年江苏省无锡市中考英语试题 ) 10. Thank you for your letter and your_ (value) advice. (2007年江苏省扬州市中考英语试题 ) 11.我认为教书是世界上最有价值的事情之一。 _ _.(2007年江苏省泰州市中考英语试题 )valuevaluableI think tea

7、ching is one of the most valuable things in the world.be (great ) value of / be valuable实战真题( )12.My pet dog sometimes makes lots of noise and _me when I do my homework. A. showsB. disturbs C. remembersD. refuses (2008年江苏省宿迁市中考英语试题 ) 13 我们怀疑他是否会获得此项荣誉。 We doubted _ (2008常州年江苏省苏州市中考英语试题 )Bwhether/if

8、he could/would win the honour 1.doubt当动词时,在肯定句中后面可接if或whether。 2.在否定句及疑问句中可跟that从句。 I doubt if (或 whether) he will win. 我怀疑他能否赢。 I dont doubt that he will win. 我毫不怀疑他会成功。Do you doubt that he will win? 你怀疑他会成功吗? 1.因某事与某人争吵 2.上交作业 3.嘲笑某人 4.放弃做某事 5.对着迷 6.获得平衡 7.呆在外面很晚 8.熬夜 9.对某人在某方面严格要求 10. 怎么对付/处置 词组再

9、现quarrel with sb.with sthhand in homeworklaugh at sbgive up doing sthbe crazy about sthachieve a balance(between) stay out latestay upbe strict with sb in sthwhat to do with/how to deal with11.成功地做了某事 12.时不时 13.拒绝做某事 14.允许某人做某事 15.值得一做 16.受的苦 17.使某人发疯 18.说实话 19.除了做某事必无选择 20.回复词组再现succeed in doing st

10、hfrom time to timerefuse to do sthallow sb to do sthbe worth doingsuffer frommake sb. madtell the truthhave no choice but to do sthreply to实战真题1.为保持身体健康,我们每个人都应劳逸适度。_ _to keep healthy, every one of us ought to achieve a _ _ work and rest. (2007年江苏省无锡市中考英语试题 ) 2.Have you_(回复) to his letter? (2007年江苏省

11、盐城市中考英语试题 ) 3.到目前为止,已有很多人在网上对她的言论作出了 反应。So far, a large number of people _ on the Internet. (2008年江苏省无锡市中考英语试题 )In order balance betweenrepliedhave replied to what she said实战真题4. The tourists had no _ (选择)but to wait for the next train. (2007年江苏省无锡市中考英语试题 ) 5.他没有选挥只好求助。 He has _. (2008年江苏省常州市中考英语试题

12、)6.请不要在外面呆得很晚。 _. (2008年江苏省盐城市中考英语试题 )choiceno choice but to ask for helpPlease dont stay out too late他昨天除了写一封信给他朋友外,什么事也没干。He did nothing but_to his friend yesterday. write实战真题7. 这个男孩还没有到独立处理这样的难题的年龄。The boy isnt _ such a difficult problem by himself. (08无锡) ( )8.I dont know_to do with this maths p

13、roblem. Its too hard. You can ask your classmates or teachers for help. A. which B. how C. what D. when (08扬州)old enough to deal with C |重点句型重点句型1.吃得太多使你不健康. _ makes you unhealthy. 2.跑步和游泳对对你有好处处。 _good for you . Can you 3.Please teach me_ _?(怎样样在两者之间获间获 得平衡) 4.Thanks for _. (你的宝贵贵建议议 ) 5.We like _to play football. (待 在外面很晚)Eating too muchRunning and swimming arehow to achieve a balance betweenthe twoyour valuable advicestaying out late重点句型1._(我打算去观鸟观鸟 ) this weekend .2.The area _(为为野生生物提供食物 ).3. There are_(许许多鱼鱼)in thewetlands, and the birds can_.(容易地捕猎猎到它们们当食物) 4.Im _


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