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1、Conversion我们的翻译并非文本,而是一个个具体的文本,翻 译的基本层次主要体现在译文文字的细节处理上, 体现在对译文词句的调整和变通上。 曹明伦Contentso1. Theoretical Discussiono2. Classification and Illustrationo3. Translation Practice in Classo4. Homework1. Theoretical Discussiono转换是指在翻译过程中,将源语中一种词性或句 子成分或视角在目的语中转换成另一种词性或句 子成分、视角进行翻译的方法。转换法在翻译中 是必不可少的,“离开必要的转换,势必

2、会导致 生硬拗口,甚至晦涩难懂的译文”(孙致礼)。 单转换的原则是:必须不违背愿意,且有助于译 文的畅达。从理论上讲,翻译中转换的类别是没 有限制的,但也有一定的规律:英语喜欢用名词 、介词,汉语则用动词较多;英语常用非人称词 做主语,喜用被动结构,汉语常用人称主语,喜 主动。2.Classificaton and illustrationo2.1 Conversion of Word Classes(转换词类 )oWe are enemies of all aggressive wars.o我们反对任何侵略战争。(noun.verb.)oSuch rocks are the most sui

3、table underground-water reservoirs.o这种岩石最适于储存地下水。(adj-verb;n-v)oI am out fifty dollarso我损失了50美元。(adj.-verb)Compare :oShe always sings his praises.o她老是夸耀他。oShe doesnt want his praise.o她不要他赞美。oThe American people demanded his release.o美国人民要求释放他。oHe won praise for his release of the prisoners of war.o他

4、因释放了战俘而获得称赞。oConclusion: 英语的Of-genitive 或possessive +noun 常有歧义。可看具体语境转换成:动宾结构(v+o);主谓结 构(s+v);或主动结构;被动结构。Prep: 286 in English 30 in ChineseoShe escorted the foreign guests round the sights of Guilin.o她陪同外宾游遍了桂林山水。(prep- verb)oHence the advisability of trying again.o因此,再次进行尝试是可行的。(n-v)oThe earth on w

5、hich we live is shaped like a ball.o我们赖以生存的地球形状象个球(v-n)oInternally the earth consists of two parts: a core and a mantle.o地球内部由两部分组成:地核和地幔。(ad-n)2.2 Conversion of sentence membersoThe engine has given a consistently good performance.o发动机的性能一直表现良好。(ob-sub)oThe warm-blooded animals have a constantly bo

6、dy temperature.o温血动物的体温是恒定不变的。(sub- attrb)oAn idea came to him.o他有了一个主意。(sub-ob)oMany factors affect equipment reliability.o影响设备可靠性的因素很多。(attrb- pred)oThe following provides a brief account of how the human body is built.o以下简要描绘人体是怎样构成的。(ob- pred)2.3 Conversion of Impersonal SubjectoAnger choked his

7、 words.o他愤怒的说不出话来。(把非人称主语转 换成人称或其他主语)oThe thought of him always fills me with strength. o一想起他,我就总是浑身是劲。(转换时 把简单句拆成复合句)oDusk found him crying in the street.o天黑时,他在街上哭。(非人称状语 )oA few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.o走过草地,只用几步,我便来到了一座辉 煌的大酒店。(非人称流水或并列句 )oYour coming relieves

8、 me of the bother of writing a long letter.o你来了,这可不用麻烦我再去写长信了。 (把非人称主语换成汉语的外位成分,用 “这”来代称它。)2.4 Conversion of PerspectivesoIt refers to the conveyance of information from perspectives different from or even opposite to those of the source language.oStudents get a discount of 20% on air fares.o学生买机票可打

9、八折。obroad jump 跳远 ;contact lenses 隐 形眼镜;2.5 Conclusiono摆脱原文束缚,遵循一定的规律,逐渐从 “有法”上升到“无法”才是翻译的最高境界 。oOnce we set free from the formal bonds of the original, we can go on and on and on汉译英举例:一、汉语动词的转换o汉语中动词用得较多,有大量的“动宾结构”、“连动 式”和“兼语式”(两个主谓结构套在一起。一般来说 ,相当于英语的谓语动词复合宾语)。汉语用动 词的地方,英语中可以分别用动词、名词、形容词 、副词、介词等各种词

10、类来翻译。 1. 译成英语的名词 例1o原文:一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。o译文:All peace-loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons. 例2o原文:林则徐认为,要成功地禁止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片焚毁了 。o译文:Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the opium trade must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself. 例3o原文:我要说,一想到你我就恶心,你对我残酷到了可耻的地步。o译

11、文:I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty.例4o原文:事实上,滥用毒品已经成为美国最严重的社会问题之一。o译文:In fact, the abuse of drugs has become one of Americas most serious social problems. 2. 转换成英语的形容词o汉语中一些表示知觉、情感等心理状态的 动词,往往可以转换成英语形容词,通常 多以“be形容词”结构表达。例5o原文:获悉贵国遭受地震,我

12、们极为关切 。o译文:We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake. o例6o原文:一个人如果依赖的是身外之物,是 金钱,是权力、名誉之类的东西,那他就 不会感到安全,永远也不会。只有做到自 制、知足的人,才会真正感到安全。o译文:No one who is dependent on anything outside himself, upon money, power, fame or whatever, is or ever can be secure. Only

13、 he who possesses himself and is content with himself is actually secure. 3. 转换成英语的介词或介词短语o重意合的汉语动词很丰富,而重形合的英语则介词丰富。一篇英 语文章,介词比比皆是。汉语动词译为英语的介词是最常见的。 汉译英时介词使用得当可以使译文准确、简洁、流畅。例8o原文:这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹 地位,闹出风头。(毛泽东选集第三 卷)o译文:What are these people after? They are after fame and position and want to be in th

14、e limelight. 例9o原文:他被逼急了,也就顾不得老婆的叮 嘱,说出了真情。o译文:Hard pressed, he told the truth in spite of his wifes warnings. 4. 转换成英语副词例10 (英语副词在系动词后作表语,表达动词的意 义)o原文:这电影正在上演吗?o译文:Is the movie on?例11o原文:我打开窗,让新鲜的空气进来。o译文:I opened the window to let fresh air in. 二、汉语名词译成英语动词例12o原文:这种习惯势力既然在社会中还存在 着,也就有可能给许多政府工作人员以影

15、 响。o译文:Since the force of habit still exists in society, it can influence many governmental functionaries. 例13o原文:中国科学研究发展的特点是理论联 系实际。o译文:The development of scientific research in China is characterized by integration of theory with practice. 例14o原文:他这次旅行所见所闻给他留下了深 刻印象。o译文:What he saw and heard on h

16、is trip impressed him deeply.三、汉语形容词或副词译成英语名词o在汉译英时有时为了语法结构和修辞上的需要,也可 以把汉语形容词或副词译成英语名词。 例15o原文:朱延年用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。( 周而复上海的早晨)o译文:Zhu Yannian covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality. 例16o原文:空气是这样的清香,使人胸脯里感到分外凉爽 、舒畅。(柳青创业史)o译文:The air was fresh and fragrant; it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. 四、汉语的副词转换成英语的形容词(一)与动词转译成名词有关 例17o原文:我们应该充分发挥学生的积极性和 创造性,以提高教学质量。o译文:We should bring the initiative and creative spirit of the stud


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