【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第43讲 完形填空(二)课件 外研版

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1、英 语第43讲 完形填空(二)完形填空。(2014,丽水)It began a year ago,around Christmas.Every time I drove down our street,I _1_ an old man sitting in his front yard.He was usually smoking or drinking,and looking rather unhappy.One day,while I was driving past him with my _2_,I decided to wave at him with a lot of excite

2、ment._3_,when he noticed me waving at him,he looked a bit shocked.Then,I saw his hand go up and he waved back.“_4_ did you wave at him?” my daughter asked.I told her its just an act of kindness that doesnt _5_ anything.It gives both him and me a feeling of joy.My daughter replied that she felt a bit

3、 uncomfortable to wave to a _6_,but next time she would try it as well.We lived close to the old man,_7_ we saw him rather often.Whenever we drove by,both of us would start waving at him and,pretty soon,the old man started _8_ at everyone who passed by his house.One time,my daughters friend came to

4、visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home wave at her very _9_She mentioned that she waved back,although she didnt know _10_,and it felt really good.As soon as my daughter heard this,she told her friend the _11_ of how all the waving began.Her friend answered:“Te

5、ll your mom thats really cool!”Other friends gave similar _12_This taught my daughter that an act of kindness can be natural and _13_,if you really want to do it.It showed us how giving happiness can do good to _14_ the giver and the receiver.Moved by the old mans actions,were planning to give our w

6、aving neighbor a thank you card to express our _15_ for his exciting waves.We are really thankful for him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.( A )1.A.noticed Bfelt Cheard Dkept( C )2.A.husband Bson Cdaughter Dfriend( D )3.A.Just now BOn timeCIn the end DAt the beginning( A )4.A.Wh

7、y BHow CWhen DWhere( B )5.A.buy Bcost Chide Dguess( D )6.A.friend Bdriver Cclassmate Dstranger( C )7.A.or Bbut Cso Dyet( B )8.A.shouting Bwaving Claughing Dlooking( B )9.A.angrily Bexcitedly Cloudly Dcarefully( A )10.A.him Bme Cher Dus( D )11.A.lesson Baccident Cnews Dstory( C )12.A.gifts Bnotes Cop

8、inions Dbooks( A )13.A.easy Bfunny Cusual Dspecial( D )14.A.past Bbetween Call Dboth( B )15.A.attentions BthanksCsuggestions Dinterests(5)熟练语 法、固定搭配轻松解题对语 法、固定搭配等基础知识的考查也是完形填空的命题角度之一。对于这种题,考生除了要注意平时的积累外,还要针对语 法结构、句式特点、短文设空中需填的词在句中作什么成分、哪类词 适合、应采取什么形式等进行分析,从而解决问题 。【例5】 _ A _ the age of nine,I asked f

9、or jobs in small radio stations.(2014,天津,44)AAt BIn CWith DFor点拨:固定短语“at the age of(在岁时)。”5.,her family got into _B_ because of a terrible accident.(2014,泸州,12) Abus Btrouble Cnothing Dsurprise (6)多方推断寻求线索 完形填空所提供的是一篇具有完整意义的短文,其段与 段、句与句、甚至词与词之间都有不可分割的、千丝万缕 的联系。因此考生在做题时 不要只注意设空处所在的短句 子或段落,还要善于从上下文中寻找

10、相关的提示信息。考 生可利用正向推断法、逆向推断法和正逆向联合推断法寻 找相关信息。 正向推断法要求考生利用已知信息推断下文未知信息, 当然这儿所指的信息包括设空处近处或远处 的信息。考生 应认 真阅读 并分析上下文内容,弄清事实,并思考下文的 发展方向,从而推断下文的未知信息。逆向推断法要求考生利用下文已知信息反向推断上文未知信息。当利用上文已知信息无法准确推断下文未知信息时,不能着急,应沉着冷静地阅读 下文,看下文哪些事实或细节 是上文未知信息的延伸和发展,并由此推断出空格处的未知信息。在有些情况下,空格处未知信息既不能单独由上文已知信息正向推断而出,也不能单独由下文反向推断而出,而需要考

11、生利用其上下文已知信息联合推断而出。考生应认真阅读 并分析上下文,看哪些细节 或事实与空格处有联系,并由此推断出空格处的未知信息。正向推断法【例6】 There are many problems between parents and their children many of them even argue with each other.If I am a parent,how will I _ B _ my child?(2014,成都,52)Agive lessons Bget along with Ctalk to点拨:由前文“父母孩子之间存在许多问题。甚至互相争吵”说明父母孩子

12、相处不融洽,推断:作为父母,该怎样与孩子相处呢?6One day,I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student,“You speak very good English.”But the girl answered,“No,no.My English is very poor.”The foreginer was quite _B_ at the answer.(2014,南充,36)Aexcited BsurprisedCrelaxed Dfrightened逆向推断法【例7】 Perhaps some may say that

13、these are not _ C _ things.Thats right.But such a little thing shows.(2014,河北,54)Alittle Bgood Cgreat Dbad点拨:由后面的转折说法“这么小的事情表明”可以递推“或许有人会说这些是小事,即不是伟大的壮举”。7One day,two _A_ were walking along the road to school when they saw. “We are all going to the town,”said the boys.(2014,河北,46) Aboys Bgirls Cmen

14、Dwomen 正逆向联合法 【例8】 “I have been going through a hard time recently” “Im glad that I could help,”she replied.“Why are you so _ C _ ?” “Well,my mum has lost her job,and Im not sure what to do” Adirty Bbusy Csad Dlazy 点拨:根据上文“我最近正处于困难期”和下文“我妈妈失业了” ,推知此处就是“伤心的”。8I visited my local animal hospital last w

15、eekend and got some advice to share about how we can make our homes _B_ for our pets.Follow the advice and you can keep your pets safe.Awarm Bsafe Cclean Dbeautiful(7)复读全文检验 答案把填充后的短文反复阅读 一两遍,逐一检查 、校对所选答案是否符合短文中心及上下文要求,并确保没有不符合语言规范、不符合语法规则 的选项 。很多同学做完形填空题存在一个误区,把很多的时间 放到 四个选项 的比较上,这会降低解题效率。正确做法应是: 顺藤摸瓜,首先是藤,你拿到文章之后要重点读第一句。 瞻前顾后,在文章空格的上下文处,你觉得这个地方需 要什么词,带着这个目的在四个选项 里找。 顾全大局,做一道题时应该 在段落里面理解一句话。 认清细节 ,比如考固定搭配的题。 总之要想成功突破完形填空必须做到:研读首尾,抓主题 ;上下联系,寻信息;左顾右盼,找搭配;思前想后,觅逻 辑;语境分析,辨词义 ;回读检查 ,补漏洞。(一)(2014,嘉兴)One day,the students of Class 6 were reading in the classroom.Mrs Brown came in and


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