新目标九年级Unit 5教案1

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1、 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 1 页 共 13 页【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla 一. 学习目标(Language Goal)How to make inferences(对目前发生的事)学会做出推测和判断二. 语言结构(Language Structures)1. To use could, may, might, must and couldnt / cant to show how certain you are about a present si

2、tuation. 学会使用 could, may, might, must 及 couldnt/cant 等词,表示对当前发生的事情做出推 测和判断。2. 区别这些词在程度上的不同。3. “whose”引导的疑问句。 (whose questions)三. 目标语言(Target language)1. Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball. 2. Whose French book is this? It could be Alis . She studies French. 3. Whose gu

3、itar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. 4. Whose T-shirt is this? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. 四. 重点词组(Key phrases)1. belong to 属于2. hair band发带3. because of 因为4. Chinese-English Dictionary 汉英词典5. Oxford University牛津大学6. use up 用光、用完7. the only kid独生子,唯一的孩子8. c

4、lassical music古典音乐9. make guesses做出猜测10. outside our window在窗子外面11. no more不再12. escape from逃离13. be careful of留神、当心中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 2 页 共 13 页五. Grammar Focus(语法重点)表示推测的情态动词 (Modals of Probability and Possibility)1. 在英语中,表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情 态动词,must, might,

5、could, may, cant, couldnt. 例如:Look at the picture, what do you think it is? (无论你认为图形表示什么,这都是一种猜测,你可以用以下的句子来回答。 )eg. It could be a donut. (它可能是个炸圈饼)It might be a hat from above. 它可能是个从上面看的帽子。It must be an eyeball. 它一定是个眼球。2. 根据确信程度的不同,你可以选择用不同的词。(1)2080 certain(Possible): could, might, mayYou can use

6、 could, might, may to express possibility to show that you believe something is possible, but you are not very certain if it is true or not. You are making a guess. May shows that you are a little more certain that something is true. 当你不确认某件事情是否是真实的,表示“可能” “或许”的意思时,可以用 could, might, may 来表示。may 表示可能

7、性要稍大一些。如:Situation: Hes got a baseball hat on. Less Certain (a)He could play baseball. (确信度由弱到强分别是: (b)He might play baseball. (couldmightmay) (c)He may play baseball More Certain 又如:Situation: She is wearing a white coat. Less certain (a)She could be a doctor. (b)She might be a doctor. (c)She may b

8、e a doctor. More certain (2)90certain (Probable): mustUse must to express probability (to show that you believe something is probably true. 如 果你非常确信某事是真的,就用 must. “一定是” “肯定是”eg. Situation: Hes wearing a baseball hat. Hes carrying a baseball glove. (推测)He must play baseball. 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所

9、有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 3 页 共 13 页注意:must 只有在肯定句中才表示判断。在否定句和疑问句中,要用 cant 和 can。must 可用来表示我们对某事确有把握(因为从逻辑上来说它是必然的)例如:Janes light is on. She must be at home. She cant be out. 简的房间里开着灯。她一定在家,不会出去的。Mary must have some problem: she keeps crying. 玛丽一定有什么问题:她一直在哭。Theres the doorbell. It must be Dick. 门铃响了。一定是迪

10、克。(3)100 certain(Certain):事实,无须推测,则不能用 could, might, must. If these are facts, you dont use could might or must. eg. Situation: Its in the middle of a baseball game. He is throwing a ball to his teammate. He plays baseball. 3. 表示肯定的推测,句式为:主语情态动词动词(subject + modal + verb)eg. 注意(1)Jack could live here

11、. (*情态动词后面必须用动词原形)而不是 Jack could lives here. ()(2)Alex might know him. 而不是 Alex mights know him. (情态动词没有人称和数的变化)(3)Shirley may be at home. 而不是 Shirley maybe at home. (maybe 不是情态动词,而是副词不能做谓语)4. 表示否定的推测,句式为:主语情态动词not动词。请注意表示否定的推测时,一般用 cant, couldnt. couldnt 表示非常的不可能,可能性 极小。eg. Thats impossible! Tom co

12、uldnt be in Hong Kong. I saw him just a few minutes ago. He cant be there. 六. Key points. (疑难解析)1. Whose questions whose 引导的特殊疑问句whose“谁的” ,象物主代词一样,亦有名词和形容词的性质eg. (1)Whose pens are these? 这些是谁的笔?They are Li Mings 这些是李明的。 (whose 具有形容词的性质,回答则用“Li Mings (pens) )(2)Whose father went abroad two years ago

13、? 两年前谁的父亲出国了?(whose 后面加名词做定语修饰后面的名词)(3)Whose is this umbrella? Its mine. (whose 在这里是名词性,作表语,回答用名词性物主代词,mine 相当于 my umbrella)belong to 作“属于”讲。例如:中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载!版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 4 页 共 13 页That car belongs to my uncle. 那辆车是我叔叔的。Who does this bag belong to? 那个提包是谁的?I belong to the swimming

14、club. 我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。3. He was the only little kid at the picnic. 他是野餐中唯一的小孩儿。only: (1)形容词,置于单数名词之前,变为“唯一的,仅有的”置于复数名词之前,意为“只有、仅” ;另外还有“最适合的最佳的”的意思eg. a. This is my only son. 这是我的独生子。Her only answer is a smile. 她仅以微笑回答。b. They were the only people who had the keys. 只有他们有钥匙。c. She is the only woman for

15、the position. 她是那个职位的最佳人选。(2)副词:“只,仅,才”eg. a. Only you understand me. 只有你了解我。(修饰主语时,only 常置于主语之前)b. She only eats vegetables. 她只吃蔬菜。Ive only seen him once. 我只见过他一次。(only 修饰主语以外的成份时,通常置于行为动词之前,be 动词,情态动词、助动词 后面)(3)要确定所修饰的事物时,则置于所修饰的词和短语之前eg. I met her only yesterday. 我昨天才遇见她。4. If you have any idea w

16、here it might be, please call me. (1)any 除了用于否定句、疑问句中,还用于 if 引导的条件从句中,意为“若干的, 有多少” 。例如:If you have any time Id like to talk. 如果你有(些许)时间,我希望与你谈谈。If you have any interesting books, please lend me some. 你如果有什么有趣的书,请借我几本。(2)If you have any idea. = If you know. 意为“如果你知道”(3)Where it might be 作“have any idea”的宾语从句。(4)idea n. 主意、想法eg. a man full of ideas 主意很多的人中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需


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