外研版七上Module2《My family》word教案

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Module 2 My familyUnit1 Is this your mum?课型:听说课【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法: 单词: aunt brother cousin daughter family father grandfather grandmother grandparent mother parent sister son uncle photo these they mum left dad right who woman next hus

2、band those 词组:1.a photo of 2. on the left 3.on the right 4. next to 5. in front of 6. a big family 2. 能力目标:能运用下列句型。如: 1.Is this your family? Yes, it is. 2.This is a photo of Tonys family. 3.What a big family! 4. My mums parents are on the left. 5. Those are Pauls son and daughter.【教学重难点】: 1. “this ,

3、 that , these , those “的用法 2. 人称代词和物主代词的理解与运用 3. 名词所有格【教学过程】课前朗读: 根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯, 促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习: a. 采取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。 b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、情境导入教师可问学生:Do you have a happy family? How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Please show us your photo of your family?

4、这样会调动学生用 英语思维的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣,以此为情境,导入本课。 2Ask the student to do Activity1 . This is a photo of Tonys family. Look at the picture. Talk about Tonys family. 3Activity2. Listen and check () in Activity 1 the people Tony mentions. And 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ the check the answe

5、rs .四. 听 Activity 3(自主完成,合作释疑)(1) listen to activity 3, choose the correct answer. ( ) 1.Is it a big family?A. No, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. Yes, they are ( )2. Who is Tonys sister? _.A. Linda B. Liz C. Paul ( )3. Where is Tonys mums parents? They are _.A. next to Tony B. on the left C. on the right

6、( )4. Who are Mike and Helen? They are Tonys _.A. sons B. daughters C. cousins(2)Choose the correct answer.1.Linda is Tonys sister/cousin.2.Liz is Tonys mother/aunt.3.Paul is Tonys dad/uncle.4.Mike is Tonys cousin/brother.(3) Do activity 4. and fill in the blanks. This is Tonys (1)_. It is a(2)_ fam

7、ily. Linda is his (3)_. His mums parents are on the (4)_, and his dads parents are on the (5)_. His aunt Liz is (6) _ his dad. Paul is his (7)_. Mike and Helen are his (8)_.五理解意思。1.小组内合作解决 activity 3 的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方。 2.小组间合作解决不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。六突破重点与难点(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1. a photo of 的一张照片的一张照片 photo (p

8、l) _.(1) Eg: This is _my sister. 这是一张我妹妹的 照片。He takes many _(photo) every year.(2) 名词 A+ of + 名词 B 表示无生命物体的所有格 a map of China 一张中国 的地图= 名词 B 的所有格 Eg: the name of the girl = the girls nameI have four classes on the morning _ Monday. 2. family 家庭整体家庭整体 用单数用单数 家庭成员家庭成员 用复数用复数中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万免费教育资源当下

9、来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ My family _ rich. 我的家庭很富有。My family all _(like) playing basketball. His family _ big A. am B. are C. is 3. This is 这是这是 疑问句:疑问句: Is this 这是这是吗?吗? 指人:指人:she, he , 指物:指物:it Yes , _/ No, _Eg: _my English teacher. 这是我的英语老师。 Is this your family photo?_.A. Yes, she is B. Yes, it is

10、 C. Yes , this is D. No, it is 4. What a big family! 真是一个大家庭啊!真是一个大家庭啊!感叹句:感叹句: How +形容词(副词)形容词(副词)+主语主语+谓语谓语 (the)_big the tree is!_ beautiful the girls are! What + a/an + 形容词形容词+ 可数名词单数可数名词单数+主语主语+谓语谓语_ beautiful girl she is!_ interesting book it is. !What + 形容词形容词+ 可数名词复数可数名词复数/ 不可数名词不可数名词+主语主语+谓

11、语谓语 _ bad weather! _ beautiful girls they are! 1._fine weather it is today! 2._ clever boy he is ! 3._beautiful the park is! 4._delicious soup! 5._heavy snow! 5. _interesting story! 6. _kind she is! 7. _hard she works! 5. These areThis is 的复数形式的复数形式 这些是这些是 疑问句:疑问句: Are these ? Yes, _/ No, _ Eg : _ y

12、our grandparents? 这些是你的祖父母吗?Yes, _ 是的。 Are these your brothers? _.A.Yes, they are B. Yes, these are C. No, they are D. Yes, those are 6. on the left/ right 在左在左/右边右边 on ones left/ right 在某人的左在某人的左/右边右边on the left of 在在的左边的左边 on the right of 在在 的右边的右边 Eg : There is a shop _ the road. 在路的左边有一家商 店。Lucy

13、 is _. Lucy 在我的右边。中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万免费教育资源当下来,无须注 册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ There is a red car _the road 在路的左边有一 辆红色的车。 7. Whos this? 这是谁?这是谁? Thats _? 这是谁?这是谁? _my sister. 那是我的妹妹。 8. next to 在在的旁边的旁边Eg: The bookshop is _ our school. 书店在我们学校的旁 边。 I sit _Linda. She is just on my left. A.next to B. behind C. In front of 9. In front of 在在(外边)前



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