外研版英语八下Module9《Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard》word导学案

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《外研版英语八下Module9《Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard》word导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下Module9《Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard》word导学案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 外研版英语八年级下册外研版英语八年级下册 Moudle9 Unit 2 学案学案 Unit2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. 课型:读写课 一、学习目标 1.知识与技能目标: 掌握 army, Canada, Canadian, medical, treat, treatment, Dr, front, injured, war, invent, tool, local, operate, operation, give on

2、es life to, First World War, in spite of, in the end, take care of 的 含义及用法。熟练运用解释的功能句清楚地解释原因。能听懂解释原因的语言功能项目。 能够对询问的原因,用 so, so that 作出解释。能根据相关信息预测阅读文章内容并了解白 求恩的生平和事迹。能根据不同的阅读目的,运用阅读策略获取细节信息。能够写出自己 心目中的英雄人物。能流畅的表达出自己对英雄人物的个人看法和观点。能够掌握由 so, so that 和 because 引导的状语从句。 2.学习策略目标:能合理利用课本及老师提供的学习资源,从中汲取信息,

3、扩充知识。 在交际中遇到困 难时,有效地寻求帮助,如在小组中与同学交流,向老师提问。能融入到情境创设之中, 学会自主学习,独立思考。 3.情感、态度价值观:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 在交流中既要张 扬个性,又要尊重理解他人的情感。主动了解世界各地英雄人物的相关信息,并与自己的 学习生活紧密相连,激发努力学习的高昂斗志。 4.学习重点 掌握 army, Canada, Canadian, medical, treat, treatment, Dr, front, injured, war, invent, tool, local, operate, operat

4、ion, give ones life to, First World War, in spite of, in the end, take care of 的 含义及用法。能够对询问的原因,用 so, so that 作出解释。能根据相关信息预测阅读文章 内容并了解白求恩的生平和事迹。能根据不同的阅读目的,运用阅读策略获取细节信息。 5 学习难点 能够写出自己心目中的英雄人物。能流畅的表达出自己对英雄人物的个人看法和观点。 能够掌握由 so, so that 和 because 引导的状语从句。 二、学习过程 A.自主学习 1.识读本单元单词和短语。2.了解白求恩大夫的生平事迹。 B.合作探

5、究 Step1 看 “英雄”的图片谈本单元话题,学生自由讨论 Who is your hero? Why? (Activity 1) Step2 出示白求恩图片,就课文内容回答一系列简单问题, who was he? What did he do during the First World War? Why did he come to China and die in China? What did Chinas people think of him? Why is Norman Bethune one of Chinas most famous heroes?(Activity2).

6、Step3 就人物生平所发生的重大事件排序。(Activity3)a. Born in 1890 b. Started hospitals and wrote books about new treatments c. Worked with soldiers in the First World War d. Invented medical tools to use outside hospital e. Came to China f. Died 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Step4 看图片写句子。写在图片的下面。 St

7、ep5 听录音填空 Norman Bethune came from _. He _(献身于) helping the Chinese people. In 1916 he went to the _to look after _soldiers in _(一战). In 1938 he came to China to _ the Chinese soldiers in the mountains north of Yanan . There were few doctors, _ he had to work very hard. He wrote books _ doctors coul

8、d learn about new _(治疗).Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to rest. He continued working _ cutting his hand during an _._, he died _ he did not stop to _ his hand. His hard work with the Chinese soldiers made him a hero in China. Step6 小组讨论并完成活动 4 Step7 师生共同探讨知识点 1.give ones life to sth. /

9、 doing sth. 2.look after. , take care of. She has to get back home and look after/ take care of his younger brother after school. I bet she will look after the dog well. 3.see sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth. They saw the boy break the window. I saw him playing the solo. 4.invent sth. Laszlo Biro inve

10、nted the ball-point pen. Cant you invent a better excuse than that? 5.treat, treatment Last month the hospital treated over twenty cases of sunstroke(中暑). Dr Li decided to give the man medical treatment. 6.without sth. / doing sth. I did the test without any problems. I cant see clearly without my g

11、lasses. He went to school without eating any breakfast. 7.stop doing sth. , stop to do sth. continue doing / to do sth., How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on? cf. go on doing, go on to do Class is beginning. Dont go on talking. After that he went on to tell them

12、 another story. 8.in spite of +名词或动名词,引导让步从句 I went out in spite of the rain. In spite of my efforts(努力) to pacify(抚慰)it the baby continued to cry / continued crying. 尽管我已尽 力哄这婴儿, 可是他还是哭个不停. 9.in the end In the end, they invented a new treatment for the cancer 10.make sb. + n. / adj. The Starsearch

13、concert made Sally a new star. Her words made him calm. 11.die in 死于 die of 因内在原因而死 die from 因外部原因而死 Her mother died of cancer last year.The old man died from a traffic accident. He died in last battle. He has died. He has been dead for two years.12. perform “实行、表演、演出”perform operations perform a pl

14、ay 13. operate on sb 给某人做手术 The doctor operated on a patient just now. Step 8 写作练习(Activity6). Look at the pictures and facts about Yuan Longping, write a passage about him.Fact box : Yuan Longping中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Born in Beijing in 1930 Studied in Southwest Agricultura

15、l College 1973: developed new rice Now many countries of the world grow more rice than beforeStep9 当堂达标 一、Complete the sentences with so, so that or because 1. I cant help you _I am not free now. 2. I spoke slowly _people would understand. 3. The shop is closed _I didnt get any milk. 4. The manager was ill_ I took his place. 5. She worked hard _everything would be ready by 6 oclock. 6. I did the work _he told me to.


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