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1、Material Control/Kanban Overview 物料控制/看板概述MC1Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC Objectives 目标uUpon completion of this course, you will be able to: 通过这 个课程的完成,你将会: Explain the Material Control/Kanban process poster 解释物料控制程序海报 Understand the role of Visual Management in establishing Kanb

2、an systems 理解可视化管理在建立物料控制系统中的作用 Explain the impact of material control principles on safety and ergonomics 解释物料控制原理对安全和人机工程的影响 Assess the readiness of your work area to implement One Piece / Small Lot Flow 评价工作区域实施单件/小批量流程的可行性.2Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MCWhat is Kanban? 什么是看板?uP

3、rocess steps are controlled by downstream customer pull u操作步骤被顾客需求控制uKanban provides authorization to perform work to replenish materialu看板提供认可补充物料的重要性uKanban signals (cards, electronic signal or similar mechanisms) are highly visible to all employees u所有员工都可明确地看到看板标 志Kanban = Signal3Kanban_SHW_E_Ap

4、r 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC Kanban Goals 看板目标uCommunication between processes u过程之间交相互交流 Produce based on actual conditions, not forecast 根据实际,而不是预测来进行生产 Sets the priority of replenishment 设定补充物料的优先级 Keeps people engaged in standardized procedures 人人都能参与标准化进程uInventory Control u存货控制 Prevents o

5、verproduction 防止过量生产 Makes the control of material flow visible 使物料流程可视化uVisual Management u可视化管理 Shows storage and delivery locations, standard qty. and container type, transport method or frequency, production status, etc. 标出存放和交付位置标准量集装箱型号运输方法或次数生产状况 Identifies constraints (bottlenecks) 找出瓶颈4Kanb

6、an_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC JCMS Philosophy JCMS理念Zero Tolerance for Waste 决不浪费Stable Production Environment 稳定生产环境Customer “Pull” Drives Production 客户需求拉动生产5Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC Supermarket Example 超市模型uUsually a standard amount of each item on the shelv

7、es. u架子上存放标准数量的物品uPeople buy what they need and stock is replenished by stock people. u人们各买所需,存货人员及时补充,uDistributors bring new goods according to what has been sold. u分发人员根据销售情况带来新的货物,uThere is no place to overstock goods. u不允许过剩货物uMany items are perishable. (e.g., milk). u很多物品易变质(如:牛奶)6Kanban_SHW_E

8、_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC“When the cup is empty, fill it up”In Our Plants. 在我们工厂里uThink of goods as perishable. u把产品想象成易变质品uLot sizes should be small to facilitate quick reaction to changes in demand. u货物应小批量堆放,需求变化可快速作出反应,uProcesses should get only what is needed from the preceding proce

9、ss. u操作过程只需满足先前的要求,uPreceding processes should have a given amount of stock storage. When it is full, they should become idle . 先前程序应 有确定的存储量,一旦过剩,就失去 了价值.7Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC Scheduling 计划安排uOnly one point in the production chain (the “pacemaker process”) should get the

10、 firm production schedule. u生产线上只有一个工位知道严格 的生产计划.uEvery supporting process and supplier gets long term information, but they only produce to replenish what is pulled. u各辅助程序和供应商获知长期信 息,但他们生产用以补充.PRODUCTIONCONTROLLevel ProductionBolt Hrd. /Assy.OXOXHeijunka8Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN B

11、AN MCScheduling (cont.) 时序安排(内容)uKanban can be used to schedule: 看板可用以规 划Finished goods production 成品生产Sub-assembly operations 部件集装操作Batch operations 分批生产Material moves within the facility 物料在设备区移动,Delivery authorization for suppliers 对供应商的交付批 准.Nut Mfg.BatchPaintBolt Hrd. /Assy.OXOXHeijunka2.5 days

12、(Conveyance)1.25 daysBuffer SafetyPainted NutsRaw NutsRaw BallsSupermarketPlates2 days5 days2.5 days1.75 daysBolts1.25 daysSafety9Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MC Managing Variation 管理变更uBuffer Stock 缓冲库存 准备 Material inventories maintained to protect level production from fluctuation

13、s in customer demand (Customer issues) 物料库存应保证生产平 衡,防止顾客需求波动,uSafety Stock 安全库存Material inventories maintained to protect level production against unscheduled downtime (Our own issues) 物料库存应保证平衡生 产,防止无计划停工.A large buffer or safety stock is asign of a process in “poor health.”10Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002M

14、ATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MCWho Owns The Inventory? 谁掌握库存uIf extra inventory is needed, it should be at the location that is causing the problem. u如果需要额外库存,应该在出现问题 的地方,uIf undesirable conditions exist in the supplier plant (long setups, bad quality, absenteeism, etc.) then the extra inventory belongs

15、in the suppliers plant u如果供应商工厂有不期望的情况出 现(配置时间过长,质量低劣,缺乏不足)额 外库存就在他们那里.uSuppliers may be reluctant to install kanban if it means a reduction in the original purchase commitments. u如果原有委托购买量减少,供应商或 许就不会实行物料控制.11Kanban_SHW_E_Apr 2002MATERIAL CONTROL/KAN BAN MCPrerequisites for Successful Kanban 成功的看板的

16、必备条件qSome smoothing of production schedule q生产计划的改善.qShort equipment changeover times q缩短设备更换时间qCapable equipment (to reduce downtime and eliminate defects) q良好性能的设备qGood plant organization/correct layout q良好的工厂组织/正确的规划qQuality and predictable delivery from suppliers q质量和供应商的预期交付 .(Master Schedule)(Quick Changeover)Total Producti



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