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1、General principles of operation 一般工作原理In this part, we will remind what was briefly presented during module 01 - ”introduction to Stop & Start systems” 这个部分,我们将简短地回顾模块一的内容 “起停系统介绍”“The main principle of the Stop & Start function is to stop the thermal engine when idling at low vehicle speed, and res

2、tart it when needed by the driver” “起停功能的主要原理是:当车辆低速空载时,使热能 发动机停止运行;当驾驶员需要时,重启发动机”1General principles of operationBasically, the Stop & Start function will STOP and RESTART the engine STOP the engine = cut the injection and ignition in order to stall the engine RESTART the engine = activate the star

3、ter, synchronize, inject and igniteHowever, the Stop & Start function must take into consideration lots of constrains ! Safety Drivers comfort and requests Technical limits of components Energy management Examples A/C produces fresh air with a compressor driven by the engine. The driver sets the A/C

4、 to 22C, if the cabin temperature raises too much, the Stop & Start function will have to restart the engine The DMTR stabilizes the voltage on the electric network. After too many stabilizations, the DMTR will have to cool down : no STOP allowed for a little time.2一般工作原理从根本上来说,起停功能就是停止和重启发动机 停止发动机

5、= 停止喷注和点火,以便使发动机熄火 重启发动机 = 激活起动机,与此同时,喷注和点火然而,起停功能必须考虑多方面的限制因素 ! 安全 驾驶员的舒适性和要求 组件的技术限制 能源管理 例如 空调产生的冷空气是通过发动机驱动空调压缩机完成的。驾驶员将空调设 置为22C, 如果座舱内温度上升太多,STT功能将不得不重启发动机 DMTR会稳定电子网络上的电压。多次稳定之后,DMTR将不得不冷却下来 :短时间内不允许停止3General principles of operation How does STT work ?To enter the STOP mode4A request from th

6、e driver (interpreted by the system according to the drivers action)The authorization of all the systems of the vehicle (powertrain, chassis, energy, cabin)&STOP一般工作原理 STT系统是如何工作的?进入停止模式5驾驶员的要求 (根据驾驶员的操作,系统的识别)整车所有系统的认可 (动力总成, 底盘, 能源, 座舱)&停止General principles of operation How does STT work ?To RESTA

7、RT the engine6The authorization of all the systems of the vehicle (powertrain, chassis, energy, cabin)A request from the driver (interpreted by the system according to the drivers action)A request from one of the systems (powertrain, chassis, energy, cabin)&RESTARTDriver RESTARTAutomatic RESTARTvs!一

8、般工作原理 STT系统是如何工作的 ?重启发动机7整车所有系统的认可 (动力总成, 底盘, 能源, 座舱)驾驶员的要求 (根据驾驶员的操作,系统的识别其中一个系统的请求 (动力总成, 底盘, 能源, 座舱)&重启驾驶员重启自动重启vs!General principles of operation一般运行原理 Reminder : functional architecture 功能架构8Engine Monitoring 发动机监 控 EE Monitoring EE监控Vehicle Monitoring 整车监控Driver Monitoring 驾驶员监 控Gearbox Monito

9、ring 变速箱监 控Stop coordination 停止协调Restart coordination 重启协调Cut coordination 切断协调Functional diagnosis 功能诊断Stop & Start supervisor 起停监控器Engine management 发动机管理Driver management 驾驶员 管理EE components management EE零件管理Validated requests 验证请求Authorizations and interdictions 授权和禁止Powertrain state 动力总成状态MONIT

10、OR 监控SYNTHETIZE 综合ACT 行动STOP & STARTGeneral principles of operation一般运行原理 Reminder : functional architecture 功能架构9DAGMP+ Manages in detail the starter activation and engine cut off 详细详细 管理起动动机的激 活和发动发动 机的切断功能 This function is present even without STT 此功能在无STT的情况 下也存在SCA Helps the driver to recover f

11、rom a stall during a RESTART by launching another RESTART as soon as possible 通过过尽快进进行另一次重启, 帮助驾驶员驾驶员 从重启模式中的熄火状态态中恢 复过过来。 This function is an extra of the STT function 此功能是STT的额外功能General principles of operation一般运行原理 Reminder : electronic architecture 电气架构10CMMBSIBICD(Clutch position sensor if BVM

12、 若为BVM,离合器位 置传感器)(Neutral position sensor if BVM 若为BVM,空挡位置 传感器)Mastervac sensor 真空助力传感器DMTRESPGEP DAAT6IIICLIMFMUXCMBBECBALTStop & Start supervisor 起停监控 器Stabilize voltage稳 定电压Open the powertrain 开启动力 总成Display 显 示HMISynthetize needs 综合 需求Display 显 示HMINeeds for A/C需求Needs for A/C 需求Estimate SOC 评估SOCSynthetize needs 综合需求Synthetize needs 综合需求Produce energy 产生能量Push 按CAN I/SCAN CARLIN BSILIN CMMStarter起动 机


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