Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball

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《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?上传: 罗根森 更新时间:2012-5-16 12:29:46人教版 七年级上饶市德兴市花桥中学 罗根森period 1 grammarLanguage goals:1、vocabulary(tennis racket, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, basketball, have. ).2、structures: Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 3、Ask questions and can correct positive and n

2、egative answer. 1. Do you have .? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 2. Do I/ we have.? Yes, you do. No, you dont3. Does he/she .? Yes,he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.Target ability:1、Have general interrogative usage (for a plurality of first, two person and the third person)2、Learn to use the imperative sentenc

3、e: sb. have sth.Learn to use the Emotion, attitude and values objectives:1、By reading relevant movement and dialogue, make students more love sports and cultivate their sports interest.2、Let the students know the spirit of unity and cooperationTeaching important and difficult pointsthe use of “do” a

4、nd “does”.Teaching aidssports things that are available among students such as basketball, football, badminton racket, ping-pong ball and so on;pictures of some well-known sports men like david beckham, wang liqin, michael owen, anna kournikova etc.teaching procedures and waysstep i warming-upat the

5、 end of last period, students were asked to bring some sports things they have to the class. so, at the beginning of this period, ask students to show the things they have brought. this will help them learn words about sports.t: nice to see you again, boys and girls. i asked you to bring your sports

6、 things to the class. now take them out please.after students take the things out, go to a student who is holding a basketball.t: it seems you like doing sports very much. what do we call it in english?s: basketball.t: can you write the english name on the blackboard?its ok if they dont know the eng

7、lish name and the spelling.then come to another student who is holding a football in his / her hand.t: whats this in english? can you write it on the blackboard?ask a few more students to do this. then show the english names of these sports things on the bb. read the words and ask students to repeat

8、.show the following.football, basketball, ping-pong ball, tennis racket, volleyball t: we all know football well. but do you know that we also have another way of saying it?Americans call it “soccer ball”. “football” is British English. they both mean this little round thing. are you clear?write soc

9、cer ball on the blackboard.then let students do the following match work: match the people in the picture with the ballgames. teacher can make some cards in advance.a. b. c. d. e. volleyball football basketball tennis ping-pongstep ii vocabulary study (1a, 1b: p25)in this step, students will do some

10、 activities to learn the words about sports.t: just now, we have learned some words about sports. now, lets do some activities about them. open your books and turn to page 25. look at activity 1a, match the words with the things in the picture. i think thats just a piece of cake for you. please fini

11、sh it in one minute.1 minute later.t: ok, lets speak out the answers together. which is tennis racket?check the answers. then play the tape and let students do activity 1b.step iii grammar (1c: p25; 2a, 2b, 2c, grammar focus: p26)in this step, students will learn to talk about ownership by using the

12、 structure “do you / they have ?” and “does he / she have ?” first, they will practice making conversations following the sample on page 25. then they will listen to four conversations and do some activities. finally, they should be able to ask each other if she or he has the things in a picture.t:

13、now look at the conversation in 1c. id like two of you to read it. one will be a and the other b. any volunteers?after that, come to the student who has a basketball.t: excuse me, do you have a basketball?s: yes, i do.if the student couldnt answer in the way the sample conversation does, teacher sho

14、uld ask him / her to answer the question again in that way.then come to another student who hasnt a basketball.t: do you have a basketball?s: no, i dont.t: good answer. now lets work in pairs and make more conversations like this. you can ask about things in the picture in 1a or anything you know.sa

15、mple conversation:a: do you have a mp3 player?b: yes, i do.a: do you have a walkman?b: no, i dont.then tell students how to ask about a third persons ownership. go to a student and ask him about his partner.t: does she have a tennis racket?s: yes, she does.students may not know how to answer the que

16、stion correctly. it doesnt matter. let them turn to page 26 and learn the sentences in grammar focus.t: now turn to page 26. learn the sentences in grammar focus. find out the differences.then ask students to do a game.instructions:- divide the students into four groups.- each one will be given a card with a word printed on it.- the first group will be given cards with do or does on them; the second group will be given c



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