Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation

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《Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Teaching PlanTeaching Content: Unit 4 Ive tried all the means of transportation Listening and SpeakingTeaching Aims:Knowledge and ability objects:1. 知识与能力目标1.学生能掌握与交通方式有关的重点词汇和常用表达。如:1.To master the new words of means of transportation:subway, train, bus, taxi, plane, car, light rail, ferry2.学生能掌握并运

2、用有关交通方式的句型进行讨论。如:2. To master the sentence structures of means of transportation(1) The light rail in is comfortable.(2)What is the transportation like in ?(3) Did you take ?3.学生能听懂有关描述交通方式的对话。3. Student understand the dialogue about transportation4.学生能用简单的英语句式描述交通方式和谈论交通状况。4. Student describe and t

3、alk about transportationProcesses and methods:过程与方法1.By task-based method, to cultivate students English listening and speaking ability. 任务型教学方法,培养学生英语听说能力及获取知识的能力2.By group work, to cultivate students the spirit of teamwork.团队合作,培养学生集体意识The emotional attitude and values:情感态度与价值观1.学生通过与他人合作学习来共同解决问题

4、, 培养学生积极参与、勇于实践的良好学习习惯。1. students cooperate with others to solve the tasks , cultivate them to participate actively and have good study habits.2.引导学生养成遵守交通规则、注意交通安全的习惯。2. let students have concept for obeying the traffic and traffic safety.Teaching Important & Difficult Points:Teaching important po

5、ints:1.学生能听懂有关交通和出行的简单对话,并在仿真的情景中运用相关的词汇和句式对交通工具和出行方式进行简单描述和评论。1.To understand the dialogue about transportation 2.To discuss and describe different means of transportation3.学习英语描述交通方式和状况,发表自己的见解,培养听说能力。To train the abilities of listening and speakingTeaching difficult points:如何描述自己去过的旅程并对该旅程乘坐的交通方式

6、发表意见。How to describe you journey you have been to and comment on the transportation.Teaching Aids:Multimedia Teaching Procedures:Procedures Teachers activities Students activities WhysGreeting & Warming up1.Greeting 1.Greeting 1. Attract the students attention 2. Prepare for new lesson.为新课做准备Lead-in

7、Step 1 New Words 单词学习1.Give the guess game 猜,猜,猜游戏1.Student guess the means of transportation according to the sounds and riddles学生根据交通工具的声音和谜语猜出交通工具以这种方式学习单1. Arouse the students interest.Some sounds & pictures catch the students ears and eyes and active class atmosphere活跃课堂气氛,校园内学生兴趣2.Prepare for

8、New lessonListening & speaking2.Teach the pronunciations of transportation带领学生读交通工具3.Let students do Activity 1指导学生完成任务 14.Let students do Activity 2 and teacher give examples 指导学生完成任务 2E.g. The light rail in Shanghai is comfortable轻轨在上海很舒服Step 2.Listening 听力部分1.Let students do Activity 3指导学生完成任务 32

9、.Let students do Activity 4指导学生完成任务 4词2.Learn the English expressions and read them after the teacher学习之后跟读3.Do Activity 1 in pairs according to sentences pattern:E.g. Have you ever taken the subway?你乘坐过地铁吗?完成任务 1.仿照例句对话4.Do Activity 2Students choose words from each column and make sentences 完成任务 2.

10、仿照老师给出的例句对话1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.听并回答问题2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 听并回答问题3.Listen again and match the Saras listening and speaking为听说做准备3.Put the new words into sentences and consolidate the words of transportation把单词放入句型中练习,巩固单词4.teacher reduces the degr

11、ee of difficulty , students can describe different means of transportation降低难度,老师给出三列单词要求学生从每一列中选出一个单词连词成句,1. Train the students catch the main information according the table1. 通过听对话,该步骤有助于训练学生能根据表格提供的信息有针对性地获取听力主要信息。2. from individual to group to make every student work in class2.从个人活动过渡到集体活动,训练获取

12、信息的能3.Let students do Activity 5指导学生完成任务 5Step 3. Speaking 口语部分1.Let students do Activity 5指导学生完成任务 42.Ask students to tell their opinions要求学生回答重点句子有哪些?3. let students read the dialogue and key sentences让学生读对话及重点句子opinion听录音搭配 sara的观点1.Students read the dialogue individually and underline important

13、sentences about means of transportation 学生自己读对话划出重点句子2.Describe/express their opinions陈述句子3.Students read the dialogue twice together. The first time is between two groups, and the second is between boys and girls. 学生先分两大组读,然后男女生读对话力。3.To examine that student if can catch the detail information 3.检测

14、学生对细节材料的理解和把握,有目的地获取主要信息的能力。降低难度由填改为搭配1.&2.To cultivate the ability of summarizing the key sentences and prepare for the role play1 培养学生归纳、总结学习重点的能力,进一步加深对重点句型,为下面活动做语言准备3. To memorize the key sentences3 记忆关键句型ConsolidationStep 4 Practice & activities Ask Ss to play roles in groups about transportat

15、ion.角色表演Try to do it学生可根据老师提供的句型句型两人一组对话Put what we have learnt into practice付诸于实践Summary To sum up what we have learnt Homework 1.Write a short passage about the means of transportation and situation in Lanzhou.2.Make a survey about the transportation in a city that your classmate has been to.Feedback1. 本课的教学法是任务教学和情景教学法这两个对吗?教案中“过程与方法”部分如何写?2. 本课板书设计如何写?写些什么?在黑板上3. 本节课开始部分原来设计的是先复习单词,再学习交通工具单词。这两部分单词有重复。改为以猜交通工具来学单词。4. 在答辩时,你上次说“跨文化交际”具体该怎么说?我忘记了5. 这次教案是重新写的,请根据汉语帮我再看看



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