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1、 初一年级 英语学科 口语训练学案 主备者:郝丽君 班级_ 姓名_ 时间 : 年_月_日 学习内容:Unit7 How much are these socks? (1a-1c)教学设计(收获)学习目标:1、学习一些衣物的单词2.学习询问价钱,掌握句型How much is .? Its .How much are .? Theyre. 知识要点:对单数名词和复数名词的提问的区别一、Learning by yourself(自主学习):(我能行!)Task1.Review numbers from 1-9Task2.Read from 1a to 1c carefully. Task3.Wri

2、te the wordsT 恤衫 夹克 帽子 书包 短裙 毛衣 袜子 裤子 短裤 鞋子 美元 Task4.Write the phrases.多少钱 这些袜子 Task5.Finish 1a. 二、Discuss the usage in groups and class activities(小组学习):(成功源于合作!)Task1.Check self-learning.Task2.Introduce yuan and dollars.Task3.讨论哪些物品总是复数形式。教学反思(疑惑)1.询问单数物品: How much is the/this + 单数名词?回答:Its + 数额.例

3、句:How much the T-shirt? 这件 T 恤衫多少钱? ten dollars. 十美元。2.询问复数物品:How much are the / these / those + 复数名词? 回答:Theyre + 数额 . 例句:How much the shoes? 这双鞋多少钱? eight dollars. 八美元。Task4.Listen to the conversations and finish 1b.三、Language checking(展示反馈):(领先来自争锋!)Task1.Look at the pictures and ask and answer i

4、n pairs.Task2.Ask the price of the school things in your group and then tell the others.四、Extension( 拓展提升):(学为我用!)Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Task4.Look at some conversations and discuss how to ask prices. 同 步 练 习一、积累与运用 (一) 用 be 的适当形式填空1.How much this co

5、mputer?2.What the price of the dictionary?3.How much the shoes?4.What price the T-shirt?5.How much these bananas?6.How much those shorts?7.What color your sweater?8.What color your trousers?二、理解与品味(二) 词型转换:sock(复数) shoe(复数 ) skirt(复数) this(复数) they(单数) colors(单数) it(复数) that(复数) dollar(复数) sweaters(

6、单数) 3、拓展与创新(三)单项选择(1) ( ) are the socks? Theyre five dollars.A. How many B .How much C. What(2) ( ) How much are shorts? 10.A. this, Theyre B. these; Theyre C. those; Its D. that; Theyre(3) ( )The T-shirt my fathers.A. long blue, is B. blue long, are C big blue, is D .blue big, are(4) ( ) The are very nice. I want them.A. hat B. shorts C. skirt D.T-shirt(5) ( ) How much are those blue trousers?30 dollars one pair.A in B. at C. for D with


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