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1、 Lesson 3 Production Technology3.1 Completion Components3.2 Surface production Facilities3.3 Field Examples of Production Systems3.4 System Performance3.0 Introduction3.0 IntroductionNow lets consider the well as part of a dynamic production system. Wells are drilled and logged, maps are revised, an

2、d the reservoir begins to take shape as a volume having certain dimensions. (Big ones, hopefully!) But once production begins, the reservoir is only a part of a larger system that includes the reservoir, wellbore, tubing string, artificial lift equipment, surface control devices, gathering lines, se

3、parators, treaters, tanks, and metering devices. 计量装置All of these elements behave according to their own specific performance relationships, but each, in turn, also depends upon and influences the other elements. Production engineers are concerned with the interaction of these performance relationsh

4、ips as production occurs over time, anticipating performance changes and designing the system to maximize recovery of oil and gas economically. 3.0 IntroductionThis chapter outlines production system equipment, starting with the completed well and moving along the flow path through the surface facil

5、ities. The same path is then retraced, but this time focusing on the dynamic flowing performance relationships that govern fluid movement through the system.地面设备3.0 Introduction3.1 Completion ComponentsTogether with the cement sheath holding it in place, the casing performs several important functio

6、n: supporting the sides of the hole; preventing communication of fluids and pressures between shallow and deep formations; allowing for control of pressures; providing a base for surface and subsurface equipment.水泥环A cross section of a typical casing installation is shown in figure 3.1. The number o

7、f concentric “strings”, their relative sizes and strengths, the setting depths, and cementing techniques will vary according to the depth and drilling program for the well. The conductor prevents the surface hole from caving and it also prevents lost circulation. In offshore situations, the drive pi

8、pe is hammered into the mud to provide a conduit from below the seafloor to the production deck, and the conductor casing is set inside the drive pipe. 击入式管子循环漏失3.1 Completion ComponentsSurface casing provides protection for shallow freshwater formations, and the producing string of casing is set to

9、 or through the productive zones, to isolate them and allow for selective completions. There may be intermediate casing strings between surface and production casing if the depth of the well requires it. Each casing string is cemented in place and the production string is perforated across the produ

10、ctive zone.淡水层生产层技术套管 表层和 生层套管3.1 Completion ComponentsThe central downhole component of a completed well is the production tubing. There are four primary reasons for utilizing production tubing as a conduit for producing fluids: It is relatively easy to remove if problems develop. It isolates produ

11、cing fluids from the casing and makes control of the fluids easier.It facilitates circulation of heavy fluids into the wellbore to control the well.Its smaller diameter allows for safety devices and artificial lift equipment to be included in the completion design.It allows for more efficient produc

12、ing rates fromlower productivity wells.生产油管Tubing is suspended from a tubing hanger within the wellhead at the surface, and the producing zone(s) may be isolated by production packers in the tubing string. A well may be completed with several strings of tubing (dual completion, triple completion, et

13、c.), each carrying production from a different zone. Some extremely productive wells produce through casing without tubing, or through both tubing and the casing-tubing annulus.3.1.1 Tubing ComponentsThe design of a particular completion depends on: the number and type of productive zones; the expec

14、ted pressures and flow rates; the need to control sand production; the need for artificial lift or stimulation; and the regulations governing operations in the area.Figure 3.3 shows schematic examples of a number of typical completions. In addition, the following definitions and associated figures d

15、escribe the most common components of those completion examples.Packer: The packer seals the casing-tubing annulus with a rubber packing element, thus preventing flow and pressure communication between tubing and annulus. Packers are designed either to remain in the well permanently or to be retriev

16、ed if future downhole work is required. 封隔器3.1.1 Tubing ComponentsMultistring Packer : The multistring packer seals the casing-tubing annulus where more than one tubing string is involved. Up to five-string packers are available, but more than a triple completion is rare because of the difficulty of retrieval if problems develop.Sliding Sleeve : the sliding sleeve component is a wireline-operated sleeve, which will open or close ports in the tubing to allow fluid in or out. 滑套多管



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