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1、1Book1Unit Two A reality: n. all that is real; quality or state of being real 现实,实际;真实,真实性 Dont escape from reality. Face it. 不要逃避现实,要面对它。The reality is that we have barely enough food for three days. 现实是我们只有勉强够吃三天的食物。desire: n. longing; strong wish 渴望;愿望 A strong desire is an essential requirement

2、for success. 强烈的愿望是取得成功的必要条件。You can tell him of your desire to go on the trip with him. 你可以把和他一起去旅行的愿望告诉他。lead to: have (sth.) as its result 导致 The high fever led to her blindness. 高烧导致她双目失明。Confidence and hard work will lead to success. 信心和努力工作会带来成功。system : n. group of things or parts working tog

3、ether as a whole; set of ideas, theories, principles, etc. according to which sth. is done 系统;制度;体系 a computer system 电脑系统 the citys subway system 城市的地铁系统 the educational system of China 中国的教育制度honor 1. n. great (public) respect, good opinion, etc. shown to sb.; good character or reputation 崇敬;敬意;荣誉

4、;名誉Bills brave actions earned him great honor.比尔的勇敢行为为他赢得了极大的荣誉。We hold him in great honor.我们十分敬重他。 2. vt. show great respect or honor to 向表示敬意;给以荣誉The Bible says that you should honor your father and mother. 圣经说你应该尊敬父母。September 10 is Teachers Day in China. That day honors teachers. 9 月 10 日是中国的教师节

5、。这一节日是向教师们表示敬意。in honor of (used at the end of the text): out of respect for 出于对的敬意This holiday is celebrated in honor of the old. 这个节日是为敬老设立的。 The school decided to build a new library in honor of its former headmaster. 学校决定建一座新的图书馆来纪念他们的前任校长。Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in France.说某事

6、发生在特定的某一天,用介词 on 来表示。in 常用来表示某事发生的月份或年份,也用来指示事情发生的地点。 Im leaving for Beijing on Monday. 我周一去北京。This years sports meeting will take place on April 2. 今年的运动会将在 4 月 2 日举行。 It usually rains a lot in June. 通常 6 月雨水很多。 He was born in 1940. 他是 1940 年出生的。The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. 2008

7、年奥运会将在北京举办。make out of: produce using as material 用制造出What is ink made out of? 墨水是用什么制造的? Theyll make a first class doctor out of her. 他们要把她培养成第一流的医生。2Imitating his father, Louis tried to cut a piece of leather with a small knife.: Imitating his father 是分词短语,用作状语。分词短语作状语时,它逻辑上的主语一般必须与句子的主语一致。课文中类似的用

8、法还有:He made the alphabet using only six dots. (Para. 8)item: n. single article or unit in a list; single piece of news 条,项;项目;条款;(新闻等的)一条,一则Please check the items in this bill. 请核对一下这张账单上的项目。I took the items out of the box, one by one. 我把东西一样一样地从盒子里取出来。imitate: vt. copy the speech, actions, etc. of

9、(sb.); take or follow as an example 模仿,仿效,学的样 The little girl was imitating her big brother by trying to walk like him. 小姑娘正在模仿她哥哥走路的样子。He imitates the way his father does things. 他学他父亲做事的样子。slip: vi. 滑;滑落;溜;悄悄地走 She slipped on the ice. 她在冰上滑了一跤。He slipped away from the meeting. 他从会上悄悄地溜走了。take care

10、 of: look after; be responsible for 照料;负责 If we both leave, who will take care of the children? 如果我们俩都离开了,那谁来照顾孩子们呢?My wife takes care of all the bills. 我太太负责处理所有的账单。the best they could: the best 是副词 well 的最高级形式。 the best they could = as well as they could。 injure: vt. hurt; harm 伤害;损害 He injured hi

11、s knee when he ran in a long distance race. 他在长跑比赛中摔伤了膝盖。Luckily, we were not injured in the car crash. 幸运的是,我们没有在车祸中受伤。infect: vt. cause (sb./sth.) to be affected (by a disease, germs, etc.) 传染;感染 Every time you cough you may be infecting others with germs. 你每次咳嗽可能都在把病菌传染给别人。His ear got infected an

12、d he became deaf. 他的耳朵受到感染,他变聋了。infection: n. 传染;感染 An ear infection made him deaf. 耳朵感染使他变聋了。spread: v. (cause sth. to) become (more) widely known, felt or suffered (使)传开;传染;(使)蔓延 The fire spread quickly and burned down their neighbors house too. 大火迅速蔓延开来,把他们邻居的房子也烧毁了。I spread the good news to ever

13、yone.我把好消息传播给了每个人。The doctors took care of him the best they could, but the injured eye got infected. 医生们竭尽全力为他医治,但那只受伤的眼睛受到了感染。the best 是副词 well 的最高级形式。the best they could = as well as they could。public: 1. a. 公立的;公众的,公共的;公开的 This city has a fine public library and a few public parks. 这个城市有一个很好的公共图

14、书馆和几个公园。Reporters learned the news on Friday but agreed not to make it public until the following day. 记者们星期五得知了这个消息但同意第二天再公开报道它。32. n. 公众,民众 I wish to make it known to the public.我希望将它公诸于众。 Police are asking the public to help them find two dangerous bank robbers. 警方请求公众帮助他们寻找两个危险的银行抢劫犯。church: n.

15、教堂;礼拜;C教会 visit a church 参观一座教堂 go to church 去做礼拜Louiss parents decided to send him to the school when he was nine years old.: 时间状语从句 when he was nine years old 放在了主句的后面。课文中同样的结构还有:Louis Braille, at age 15, changed the lives of blind people when he created the six dot Braille system. (Para.9) 时间状语从句

16、放在句首时, 主句前应该加上逗号。如: When he was nine years old, Louiss parents decided to send him to the school.develop: v. 制订;研制;(使)形成;(使)成长;(使)发育;发展 They spent a lot of time developing the plan. 他们花了很多时间制订这个计划。Tom and Mary developed their friendship slowly. 汤姆和玛丽慢慢地发展着他们的友谊。She is studying how the human brain develops before and after birth. 她在研究人脑在出生前后是怎样发育的。code: n. 密码;电码;代码 secret code 密码 military code 军用密码deliver: vt. 传送(信息等) ;投递(信


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