u1 t1 s D讲学稿

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1、1英语 科第 U1 T1单元 Section D课时讲学稿讲学时间:月 日【学习目标】1. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense:(1) I am going to play it with my brother this afternoon.(2) Where are you going to work?(3) What are you going to do to prepare for that?2. Summarize the useful expressions in Topic 1.3. Go on talking about t

2、he favorite sport.4. Review the special questions:(1) Which do you prefer, or ?(2) What time are you going to play?(3) How long are you going to play?(4) How often do you play?(5) What other sports do you like?(6) Who is your favorite sports player?【重点】 重点活动是 1、2a 和 2b。【难点】 重点活动是 1、2a 和 2b。教学准备 Tape

3、 学情分析 学生很少运用英语 教法 交际法学习过程 二次备课一、【前测(复习引入】(课前检查)一. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译a famous soccer star_ arrive in Beijing_ leave for Japan_ go skating_the day after tomorrow_ climb a mountain_row a boat_ prepare for_二、【目标展示,明确目标】教学目标: 1. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense:2. Summarize the useful expressions i

4、n Topic 1.3. Go on talking about the favorite sport.4. Review the special questions:三、【讲授新课】(一)复习 be going to 1.(给出一系列风景优美的旅游胜地图片。)T: Please interview other students with the form. You must interview at least two students to know where they are going during the holiday. When are they going there? Ho

5、w are they going there? Why are they going there? What are they going to do there? How long are they going to stay there? 4For example:S10: What are you going to do during the coming holiday?S11: I am going to visit S10: When are you going to leave for ?S11: I am going to leave for S10: How are you

6、going to get there?S11: I am going to get there (完成表格。 )(各位同学先在本组汇报调查结果,由各组组长做记录,然后由各组组长轮流在班上汇报。最后评出最受同学们欢迎旅游胜地,并强力推荐各位同学有机会去参观。 )2.读 2a。(二)复习本单元的词汇、话题1.(分组活动,复习运动项目,小组之间展开竞争,看哪个小组说出的单词又多又准确,说得最多的小组是获胜组,大家一起为他们鼓掌。 )T: Lets play a game. The group, which speaks out the most sports names, will be the w

7、inner.S:2. (老师和一名同学使用前三课中用过的图片,进行对话练习示范。 )T: I need a students help to make a model to the class. Make a dialog with the information in the paper.(教师准备一张纸或是一块小黑板,上面写上运动的名称、运动时间、时间长度、运动频率等。 )T: Which sport do you prefer, or ?S1:I prefer I will play it with my brother.T: What time will you play?S1: At

8、 about 4 p.m.T: How long will you play?S1: Two hours.T: How often do you play?S1: Oh, twice a week.(板书)Which sport do you prefer, or ? What time will you play?How long will you play? How often do you play?3.读 2b.(三)11.T: David Beckham came to China. Its exciting news, I think. Do you want to know an

9、ything about the news? Look at 1on page 7. Read the news and answer the following questions:(找学生回答问题,核对答案。 )3. (板书)arrive in/at play against leave for take part in(教师对以上词组进行简单解释,并要求学生会使用这些词组,可向学生介绍 leave 是方向性动词。 )T: Look at the two sentences.I arrived in Shanghai last week.4I arrived at our school a

10、t 800 this morning.T: Compare the sentences. S2, do you know the difference between “arrive in” and “arrive at”?S2: Yes.T: Please make up new sentences.S2: T: OK. Next, look at the two sentences.They are leaving for Japan.They will leave for Japan.T: be leaving = will leave. Make up new sentences, S

11、3, please.S3:(可用以上方法教学生新单词的用法。 )(四)练习(1) A: W hats your favorite sport?B: _a. Its music. b. Playing basketball. c. The soccer star Beckham.(2) A: Are you going to join our school skating club?B: _a. Not very often. b. Around an hour. c. Of course, I am.(3) A: Which sport do you prefe r, running or w

12、alking?B: I prefer _.a. running b. hiking c. running and hiking(4) A: How often does he go skiing?B: _a. I guess hes OK. b. Once a week. c. About two hours.(5) A: How long will you play tennis?B: _a. Seldom. b. For half an hour. c. Pretty well, I guess.(6) A: _B: Yes, he swims well.a. Are you good a

13、t swimming? b. I swim very well.c. Is he good at swimming?4四、【课内训练巩固】1. leave 是短暂动词,进行时表示将要发生的动作 Leave(某地) for +某地: 动身去某地 区别:leave 某地: 离开某地 下周他们动身去伦敦。They London next week. 下周五,他将会离开香港。He HongKong next Friday.2. 划线提问 (方法: 一特殊疑问词 ,二改一般疑问句, 三抄 ,四问号 )1.David Beckham arrived in Beijing with his teammate

14、s yesterday. _ _2.The team is going to play against Chinas national team tomorrow。_3.They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow._五、【课小结】1. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense:2. Summarize the useful expressions in Topic 1.3. Go on talking about the favorite sport.4. Review the specia

15、l questions:六、【作业布置】写一篇小短文“My Favorite Sport” 。七、【展示下一节目标】1. Learn some useful words and expressions:2. Go on learning the Simple Future Tense:3. Requests and responses:4. Get the students to bring up the consciousness of helping others and social moralities and admit mistakes courageously. Get students to


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