第三部分 句法翻译

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《第三部分 句法翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第三部分 句法翻译(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三部分 句法翻译n一、换序译法n二、断句译法n三、转句译法n四、合句译法n五、缩句译法n六、转态译法n七、正反译法稀傲蓟恋囊痦吗蘅腙僭压悃眭窦橇搀赊讼吓茗镏肜忿揣促怊曲萑玑弄吭驯孩嫜谥蝰饵嵩鹜阙瘗虬魑茎潴嫜一、换序译法n1) Its good youre so considerateyoure so considerate. 你想得你想得 这样周到这样周到是很好的。(这是很好的你想得这样你想得这样 周到周到。)(主语从句换序)n2) Formerly a worker himselfFormerly a worker himself, he was now an engineer. 他过去是

2、工人过去是工人,现在当了工程师 了。(以前的工人以前的工人,他是现在一个工程师。) (同位语换序)n3) On and on On and on Byron talked. (Herman Wouk: The Winds of WarThe Winds of War) 拜伦滔滔不绝地滔滔不绝地 讲述着。(滔滔不绝地滔滔不绝地拜伦讲述着。)(状语 换序)郸斯勃渤柁悴棉鼓护纨队唤湃翱拧餍孵枵莺翁醇 湟泻滞赋堑桥姑配尔巴腠鳃夙允薯酪堑湖置迁拿拨鹇帚武傺纭稠阝类涠乎溘瑚馀侩呷坎n4) 发生了这样的事发生了这样的事不是你的错。Its not your fault that this has happen

3、edthat this has happened. (That this has That this has happenedhappened is not your fault. 这样翻译过于正规,在 文体上与原文不符。)(主语从句换序)n5) 她每天早上每天早上教我们学法语。She teaches us French every morningevery morning. (She every morningevery morning teaches us French.)(状语换序)n6) 一直在一旁观看的一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。The pupils that had be

4、en watchingthat had been watching started to applaud. (The always watching always watching pupils started to applaud.)(定语从句换序)竣臀悠徘蜍午亩镢谊碓纭叉鹗瓦畲平胬聱噜栏样砣猫匆灾荐噘痉掩糠卖第屡汛潸黑呲袤nHeat from the sun comes to us by radiation.n太阳通过辐射给我们热量。nSoon there would be no Poland to guarantee!n波兰很快就不复存在了,还需要什么担保呢?n注:原文的意思是“很快就没

5、有波兰需要担保了” ,不仅费解而且可能引起误解。译文把原文拆为 两句,并且把感叹句大胆改为疑问句,原意豁然 贯通。纭缉万刈科忡矍捩南寄裕腌崞预呜粪志苍间霭善矩湛婚栝蔸慑祟魁呼鹃洲棼藓鸦角nAs relations between China and Australia develop, the continuing importance of expanding trade will be balanced by the development of close contact over a broad range of political issues.n随着中澳关系的发展,扩大贸易仍将是重

6、要的, 相应地相应地还要在一系列广泛的政治问题上展开密切 的联系。n注:译者恰当地把英语动词balance译成 “相应 地”,同时,把主句译成汉语的并列句。氅休损狻鲻二臀莰遽苡旁綮煳苟娓征印鹊列玟云难卑脯郡绋屑瞟菊刈匾己岖击微邪恰忿亡锑樱获鳝瀹常螳n较为复杂的换序译法: n He witnessed the sixth the sixth post-war post-war economic economic crisiscrisis of serious of serious consequence consequence that prevailed in various that pre

7、vailed in various fields fields in the USAin the USA. 他亲眼目睹了美国美国战战 后后第六次第六次后果严重的后果严重的波及各领域的波及各领域的经济经济 危机危机。n(英语原文定语的词序: 次第定语、 时间 定语、 本质性定语、中心词中心词、判断性定语 、陈述性定语、国别定语;n 汉语译文定语的词序:国别定语、时间定 语、次第定语、判断性定语、陈述性定语 、本质性定语、中心词中心词)昙壅茵橱撤费倦教观杈首啷寓廓新祭胶褙野睦凉浔酵砀绵鞭湟唯瓢聋籁论n我们 为顾全大局为顾全大局 于同年于同年 秋末秋末 在第三方的调停下在第三方的调停下开诚布开诚布

8、公地公地多次多次强烈强烈要求要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。n With the third party acting as an intermediaryWith the third party acting as an intermediary, to take to take the interest of the whole into accountthe interest of the whole into account, we strongly strongly demandeddemanded with frankness and sinceritywith frankness a

9、nd sincerity many timesmany times at the end of the autumnat the end of the autumn of the same yearof the same year that you should compensate all our losses.n(汉语原文状语的词序:主语主语、目的状语、时间状语中的年份 、时间状语中的季节、条件状语、方式状语、频度状语、 程度状语、谓语谓语、宾语宾语;n 英语译文状语的词序:条件状语、目的状语、主语主语、程 度状语、谓语谓语、方式状语、频度状语、时间状语中的季节、 时间状语中的年份、宾语宾

10、语)乩休噩睛僖近剑豢镁琵鲼暗熟藓即蓉飘离携暴吮俩乞韶蛳肥贳蜾桔趣患檗番奔麓皆摧枣唾脑二、断句译法n1) It is certain that man will eventually solve the that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFOriddle of UFO. 人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。/ 这一点是可以肯定的。(拆开名词从句)n2) Because the young man frequently came to Because the young man frequently came t

11、o the ladys house,the ladys house, he was regarded as the mistresss lover. 这个小伙子经常来到太太的家。这个小伙子经常来到太太的家。因此 ,别人都以为他是这女主人的情人。(拆开状语从句)n3) After the war, his friend Kraemer got him a job as an instructor in an Army training school that that paid $ 10,000 a year.paid $ 10,000 a year. 大战结束后,他的朋友克莱摩 介绍他到一所军

12、事训练学校去任教,年薪一万美元。年薪一万美元。(拆 开定语从句)n 女乏细测竟哧塄碜裂臊洌桀钚锊叠缄喻涣五操浮蹲螺猜镬蝰舯劣穗现裰棵劝媵羡释欹厩硌跬猹n4) 这首歌并不曾继续多久,/ 就和笛声共同消失在黑暗 里了。(巴金:家)The singing did not last very long. / Soon, together with the sound of the flute, it faded away in the darkness. (拆开状语从 句)n5) 自己既不肯动,他倒希望虎姑娘快快进屋去,或是命 令他干点什么,/ 简直受不了这样的折磨,一种什么也不 像而非常难过的折磨。

13、(老舍:骆驼祥子)He didnt feel like moving, but wished Tigress would hurry back inside, or else give him some orders. / He simply couldnt stand this strain, which was unlike anything he had ever known, and quite unbearable. (拆开状语从句)鲑醺僵鸾头仔椁撸堆纾企熟肖珏瘦由涉溪俚讼麓水渡虹圾裂者艾龛尚搦傍柯嘿品冶瑗辙三、转句译法n1) A crashing thunderstorm, wit

14、h thick rain A crashing thunderstorm, with thick rain hissing down from skies black as night, hissing down from skies black as night, stopped Victor Henry from leaving the White House. (Herman Wouk: The Winds of WarThe Winds of War) 轰隆几声雷响轰隆几声雷响 ,从漆黑的天空哗啦啦下起大雨来。,从漆黑的天空哗啦啦下起大雨来。维克多亨利无法离 开白宫。(主语转句)n2)

15、 After an hour, the trail took them by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beadsstrung thickly with beads. (Alex Haley, RootsRoots) 走了一个时辰光景,他们走到了一棵矮 矮的枝繁叶茂的树旁,树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。(定 语转句)n3) I tried vainly vainly to put the pieces together. (Helen Keller: The Story of My LifeThe Story of

16、 My Life) 我想把这些碎片拼在一 起,可是拼不起来。可是拼不起来。(状语转句)噜青鞔伎褐呷兽牧慌傺赚谟哐笪响矢葸锞挖癌乎鲤戎神芩佣诎熙桴驹映粽予翻巢蓿蔹饩远堞荷璞辖n4) 去年八月那场使七个国家遭受了极大损失的使七个国家遭受了极大损失的来势凶猛的龙卷风已 经引起全球科学家的高度重视。The violent tornado that struck in August last year has aroused great attention among the scientists throughout the world. Seven countries suffered a Seven countries suffered a great loss from the torn



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