Chinese News reporting and writing 新闻培训英文版

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1、Chinese News reporting and writing Presented By Dr. Scarlet Hung Tso4G Journalists Grow Go Give QualifyThe purpose of CommunicationCommunication : Verbal CommunicationCommunication is a process that allows beings - in particular humans - to exchange information by several methods. Communication requ

2、ires that all parties understand a common language that is exchanged. There are auditory means, such as speaking or singing, or the use of writing. Non - Verbal Communicationincludes facial expressions, tones of voice, gestures, eye contact, spatial arrangements, patterns of touch, expressive moveme

3、nt, cultural differences, and other “nonverbal“ acts. Research suggests that nonverbal communication is more important in understanding human behavior than words alone-the nonverbal “channels“ seem to be more powerful than what people say.Four Aims of Communication : Explanation Expression Build up

4、Relationship AttemptThe Obstacle of CommunicationSender : Unclear Message Wrong Method Wrong AttitudeReceiver : Not Clear Not Accept Not UnderstandWhy Media are Important ? Media are a growing and changing industry - Developing their own rules and norms, which link the institutions to society and to

5、 other social institutions. Media are power sources in the society - a means of control, management and innovation in society, which can be a substitute for force or other resources. Media provide location(s) where the affairs of public life are play out. Media are location(s) of development in cult

6、ure. Media are dominant source of definitions and images of social reality for individuals, but also collectivity for groups and societies.The Concept of Mass Herbert Blumer was first to define the “Mass” formally as a new type of social formation in modern society, by contrasting it with other form

7、ation, especially the group, crowd and public. Small group: All members know each other, are aware or their common membership, share the small values, have a certain structure of relationship which is stable over time and interact to achieve some purpose. Crowd : Larger size, still restricted within

8、 observed boundaries, it is, however, temporary and rarely reforms with same competition. It may pose a high degree of identity and order to its moral and social composition. It can act, but its action are often seem to have an affective and emotional, often irrational character. Public: Larger, wid

9、ely dispersed and enduring, it tends to form around issue or cause in public life and its primary purpose is to advance an interest or opinion and to achieve political change leads to the rise of modern liberal democracy. Mass : Very widely dispersed, usually unknown to each other, its lacked self-a

10、wareness and self identity, and is incapable acting together in an organizes way to secure objectives. It is heterogeneous, from all social status and demographic group. It is homogeneous, in its behaviour.The significance of mass media Mass Media is to describe means of communication that operate o

11、n a large scale, reaching and involving virtually everyone in a society to a greater or lesser degree. In respect of politics, the mass media have gradually become : an essential element in the process of democratic politics by providing an arenaand channel for wide debate, for makingcandidates for

12、office widely knownand for distributing diverse information and opinion. a means of exercising power by virtue ofthe relatively privileged access thatpoliticians and agents of government cangenerally claim from the media as a legitimate right. In respect of culture, the mass media: constitute a prim

13、ary source of definitionsand images of social reality and the mostubiquitous expression of shared identity. are the largest focus of leisure time interest, providing the shared “ cultural environment ” for most people and more so than any other single institution. The power of mass media One concern

14、ed the question of the power of the new means of communication. A second the question of social integration or disintegration. The third the question of public enlightenment or its opposite. Mass communication as mass educator The media could be a potent force for public enlightenment, supplementing

15、 and continuing the new institutions of universal schooling, public libraries and popular education. Political and social reformers saw a positive potential in the media The media also saw themselves as, on balance, making a contribution to progress by spreading information and ideas, exposing polit

16、ical corruption and also providing much harmless enjoyment for ordinary people. In many countries, journalists were becoming more professional and adopting codes of ethics and good practice. Media was also possible to envisage a positive contribution from modern communications to cohesion and community. Mass media were a potential force to connect scatt



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